Boost C++ Libraries

Edit Package boost

Boost provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries. The emphasis is on libraries that work well with the C++ Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard Library Technical Report.

Although Boost was begun by members of the C++ Standards Committee Library Working Group, membership has expanded to include thousands of members of the C++ community at large.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
README.boost-devel 0000000183 183 Bytes 0000000014 14 Bytes
_constraints 0000000282 282 Bytes
_multibuild 0000000220 220 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000680 680 Bytes
boost-1.55.0-python-test-PyImport_AppendInittab.patch 0000002218 2.17 KB
boost-1.57.0-python-abi_letters.patch 0000003014 2.94 KB
boost-aarch64-flags.patch 0000000573 573 Bytes
boost-no_type_punning.patch 0000005431 5.3 KB
boost-pool_check_overflow.patch 0000001158 1.13 KB
boost-remove-cmakedir.patch 0000001183 1.16 KB
boost-rpmlintrc 0000000578 578 Bytes
boost-rpmoptflags-only.patch 0000001567 1.53 KB
boost-smart-ptr.patch 0000001278 1.25 KB
boost-strict_aliasing.patch 0000000411 411 Bytes
boost-thread.patch 0000000515 515 Bytes
boost-use_std_xml_catalog.patch 0000002319 2.26 KB
boost.changes 0000100410 98.1 KB
boost.spec 0000078858 77 KB
boost_1_56_pdf.tar.bz2 0046518400 44.4 MB
boost_1_87_0.tar.bz2 0131473200 125 MB
dynamic_linking.patch 0000003874 3.78 KB
exception.objdump 0000000108 108 Bytes
existing_extra_docs 0000018839 18.4 KB
python_library_name.patch 0000002092 2.04 KB
python_mpi.patch 0000000758 758 Bytes 0000000450 450 Bytes
Comments 7

Eric Schirra's avatar

Missing boost_thread, boost_system, boost_program_options, boost_regex and other.. Where ca i find it?

Adam Majer's avatar

You mean -devel packages for building?

BuildRequire: libboost_thread-devel, libboost_system-devel, libboost_program_options-devel, etc..

Eric Schirra's avatar

yes. But i cannot find any package of them. Or i'am blind?

Adam Majer's avatar

These packages are Provides by the versioned boost packages. This allows multiple version of boost to theoretically coexist in a repository.

libboost_thread1_66_0-devel = 1.66.0 Provides: libboost_thread-devel = 1.66.0

zypper se --provides boost_thread

would find it, for example. Just never depend on versioned package names, only on the provided virtual package.

Marius Kittler's avatar

Before updating to 1.72, take notice of the following regression:

Yann BOYER's avatar

When the 1.83 update will come in the Factory ?(and after in Tumbleweed)

Oleksandr Ostrenko's avatar

Currently, a definition for libboost_asio1_87_0-devel subpackage is missing in the spec which breaks libboost_process1_87_0-devel

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