Framework for writing simple makefiles for complex tasks

Edit Package kbuild

The goals of the kBuild framework: - Similar behavior across all
supported platforms
- Flexibility, don't create unnecessary restrictions preventing
ad-hoc solutions
- Makefiles can be simple to write and maintain
- One configuration file for a subtree automatically included
- Target configuration templates as the primary mechanism for
makefile simplification
- Tools and SDKs for helping out the templates with flexibility
- Non-recursive makefile method by using sub-makefiles

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000482 482 Bytes
aarch64.patch 0000002460 2.4 KB
glob-lstat.patch 0000002091 2.04 KB
kbuild-0.1.9998+svn3613.tar.xz 0017614096 16.8 MB
kbuild-dummy_noreturn.diff 0000001055 1.03 KB
kbuild-man.diff 0000000785 785 Bytes
kbuild-pthread.diff 0000000534 534 Bytes
kbuild-timestamps.diff 0000001681 1.64 KB
kbuild-wrong-memset.patch 0000000553 553 Bytes
kbuild.changes 0000011615 11.3 KB
kbuild.spec 0000002869 2.8 KB
ppc64le.patch 0000004330 4.23 KB
Comments 1

Larry Finger's avatar

I am trying to build VirtualBox 5.2.0, but Oracle reports that it needs a "newer" version. According to, the latest is Revision 3109. Any plans to make this update?

I have no real interest is pushing VB 5.2.0, but I would like to be able to build and test 5.2.2, which is likely to be out fairly soon.


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