Package sources for project devel:languages:javascript are received through scmsync. This is not supported by the OBS frontend

JavaScript is a programming language based on the ECMA-262 specification

Packages, runtimes, interpreters, utilities and compilers for using the JavaScript programming language. This project also includes packages for using WebAssembly.

Comments 8

Andreas Schneider's avatar

Could you please aggregate nodejs16 that nodejs-electron builds for 15.3?

Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

i'm not sure how to aggregate packages. is there a doc ?

Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

bun isn't here yet because we can't use the latest zig, which bun requires.


Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

The situation is less dire, but build is still failing for other reasons now.

 zig build
info: zig compiler v0.13.0
thread 73200 panic: ZigGeneratedClasses.zig does not exist in generated code directory!
/home/build/bun/build.zig:450:24: 0x119c3e4 in validateGeneratedPath (build)
        std.debug.panic("{s} does not exist in generated code directory!", .{std.fs.path.basename(path)});
/home/build/bun/build.zig:430:26: 0x1162afd in addInternalPackages (build)
/home/build/bun/build.zig:385:24: 0x1115de7 in addBunObject (build)
    addInternalPackages(b, obj, opts);
/home/build/bun/build.zig:225:35: 0x110f97d in build (build)
        var bun_obj = addBunObject(b, &build_options);

Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

Deleted rome today. Replaced by biome.

See announce for info:

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