
Edit Package racket

Scheme implementation with teaching tools

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_constraints 0000001019 1019 Bytes
racket-8.15-src.tgz 0034160328 32.6 MB
racket-completion.bash 0000005181 5.06 KB
racket-doc.patch 0000000680 680 Bytes
racket-fortify.patch 0000001359 1.33 KB
racket-rpmlintrc 0000000367 367 Bytes
racket.changes 0000040815 39.9 KB
racket.spec 0000010025 9.79 KB
Comments 3

Lizard Lover's avatar

Hello, I noticed that Racket 7.9 came out last November and then 8.0 was released in February of this year, but the openSUSE package is still on version 7.8. Is there any chance of getting the openSUSE package to match the upstream 8.0 version? Thank you

Martin Jungblut's avatar

I maintain a separate package here, if you're interested: https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:martinjungblut/racket

I will get it to be more closely aligned to this one, so I may more easily contribute changes, while keeping it fairly up-to-date.

Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

Is this package dead? I've a SR #1182506 to make i't build on all architectures.

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