Free and open-source cross-platform source explorer

Edit Package sourcetrail

Sourcetrail is a free and open-source cross-platform source explorer that helps you get productive on unfamiliar source code.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
2020.2.tar.gz 0034760482 33.2 MB
sourcetrail-dont-install-libs.patch 0000001828 1.79 KB
sourcetrail-rpmlintrc 0000000046 46 Bytes
sourcetrail.changes 0000004127 4.03 KB
sourcetrail.spec 0000002662 2.6 KB
Comments 2

Simon Barth's avatar

I got aware of these patches via

Is it possible to use sourcetrail-dont-instlal-libs.patch in other distributions?

What's the files' license?

Michael Vetter's avatar

Yeah you can use it. Just mention in your changelog that openSUSE is the greatest distro out there and that you stole the patch from us ;D

Just curious: which distro? :)

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