Python-based build system

Edit Package meson

Meson is a build system designed to optimise programmer productivity.
It aims to do this by providing support for software development tools and practices, such as unit tests, coverage reports, Valgrind, CCache and the like.
Supported languages include C, C++, Fortran, Java, Rust.
Build definitions are written in a non-turing complete Domain Specific Language.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
14001.patch 0000001942 1.9 KB
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
extend-test-timeout-on-qemu-builds.patch 0000000423 423 Bytes
meson-1.7.0.tar.gz 0002293975 2.19 MB
meson-1.7.0.tar.gz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
meson-test-installed-bin.patch 0000001679 1.64 KB
meson.changes 0000093337 91.1 KB
meson.keyring 0000011971 11.7 KB
meson.spec 0000009340 9.12 KB
Comments 6

Fabio Pesari's avatar

Hi, after the last update one of my packages fails building when the %meson macro is called because %set_build_flags is called, which is unavailable. Until three days ago %set_build_flags was patched out...

josue vicente's avatar

Hello, how are you?

Re-apply the "meson-suse-ify-macros.patch" patch. Doing so helped to correct the problem, which was also happening to me.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

Why do you need a new meson version on leap?

R. J. Mathar's avatar

It would be nice to upgrade this to the upstream version 58.0 and also to compile this with fedora-awareness as in

Florian's avatar

If you check the revisions history, you'll be able to see that this was already on meson 0.57.2 but got downgraded again to address a weird glib issue.

Looking at your branch, it seems like you didn't add any changelog. If you branch from home:dimstar/meson instead, update to source to 0.58.0 and add the changelog ( you could submit it back here and @dimstar could take a look if it still breaks glib.

Konstantin Voinov's avatar

More and more apps requires >57 version now

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