Jump'n run game

Edit Package supertux2

SuperTux is a classic 2D jump'n run sidescroller game in a similar
style like the original SuperMario games.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
SuperTux-v0.6.3-Source.tar.gz 0182065428 174 MB
_constraints 0000000110 110 Bytes
supertux2-gcc12.patch 0000000405 405 Bytes
supertux2.changes 0000013328 13 KB
supertux2.spec 0000003340 3.26 KB
Comments 1

Adam Mizerski's avatar

Can you please check the /usr/share/supertux2/images/background/misc/fog.png file? According to build log it should be deduplicated and converted to a link to /usr/share/supertux2/images/engine/console2.png, but instead it's an empty file on my system. I tried with force reinstall and it didn't help.

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