
Edit Package bind

NOTE: Based on the network project and compiled with option --with-gssapi=/usr/include/gssapi in order to use with Samba4.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed 0000000638 638 Bytes
baselibs.conf 0000000302 302 Bytes
bind-9.8.1-P1.tar.gz 0008451969 8.06 MB
bind.changes 0000047497 46.4 KB
bind.spec 0000025165 24.6 KB 0000000278 278 Bytes 0000000293 293 Bytes
dlz-schema.txt 0000006292 6.14 KB
dlz_compile.diff 0000000228 228 Bytes
dnszone-schema.txt 0000004322 4.22 KB
ldapdump-allow-uri.diff 0000000549 549 Bytes
named-bootconf.diff 0000000573 573 Bytes
named-direct-proc-mount.diff 0000000734 734 Bytes
named.root 0000002878 2.81 KB
perl-path.diff 0000000970 970 Bytes
pid-path.diff 0000000815 815 Bytes
pie_compile.diff 0000002557 2.5 KB
tmpfs.patch 0000001110 1.08 KB
vendor-files.tar.bz2 0000020881 20.4 KB
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