Grid LSC User Environment

Edit Package lscsoft-glue

Glue is a collection of utilities for running data analysis pipelines
for online and offline analysis as well as accessing various grid
utilities. It also provides the infrastructure for the segment

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
_multibuild 0000000053 53 Bytes
lscsoft-glue-2.1.0.tar.gz 0001618846 1.54 MB
lscsoft-glue-disable-doctest.patch 0000000437 437 Bytes
lscsoft-glue-python-3.10-fixes.patch 0000013640 13.3 KB
lscsoft-glue.changes 0000002142 2.09 KB
lscsoft-glue.spec 0000004471 4.37 KB
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