Command-line programs for the NetCDF scientific data format

Edit Package netcdf

NetCDF is a set of software libraries and self-describing, machine-independent data formats that support the creation, access, and sharing of array-oriented scientific data.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
Fix-spurious-uninitialized-variable-warning.patch 0000005188 5.07 KB
NCD4_dumpbytes-Add-missing-initialization-of-float-types.patch 0000000875 875 Bytes
NCZ_def_var_chunking-make-sure-cs-is-set-before-used.patch 0000000912 912 Bytes
_multibuild 0000000225 225 Bytes
nc-config.1.gz 0000000610 610 Bytes
netcdf-c-4.9.2.tar.gz 0007142536 6.81 MB
netcdf.changes 0000067656 66.1 KB
netcdf.spec 0000020816 20.3 KB
parseServers-Fix-uninitialized-variable-simplify-error-path.patch 0000001362 1.33 KB
pr_att-Fix-uninitialized-variable.patch 0000000830 830 Bytes
val_NC_check_voff-Fix-uninitialized-variable-warning.patch 0000001199 1.17 KB
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