Jakarta Commons Discovery

Edit Package jakarta-commons-discovery.29081

The Discovery component is about discovering, or finding,
implementations for pluggable interfaces. Pluggable interfaces are
specified with the intent that multiple implementations are, or will
be, available to provide the service described by the interface.
Discovery provides facilities for finding and instantiating classes and
for lifecycle management of singleton (factory) classes.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
commons-discovery-0.5-src.tar.gz 0000084589 82.6 KB
commons-discovery-0.5.pom 0000008141 7.95 KB
commons-discovery-build.xml 0000011444 11.2 KB
jakarta-commons-discovery.changes 0000004045 3.95 KB
jakarta-commons-discovery.spec 0000003111 3.04 KB
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