
Edit Package grandorgue

GrandOrgue is a sample based pipe organ simulator. When connected to MIDI keyboards and an audio system, it can accurately simulate the sound of a real pipe organ.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
_service 0000000663 663 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000242 242 Bytes
fix-wx32.patch 0000000655 655 Bytes
fix-xdg.diff 0000002173 2.12 KB
grandorgue-3.15.4.tar.xz 0029551744 28.2 MB
grandorgue.changes 0000075385 73.6 KB
grandorgue.spec 0000003238 3.16 KB
Comments 2

Fabio Pesari's avatar


I am one of the maintainers for the multimedia:proaudio repository on OBS. We branch this package over at multimedia:proaudio but we'd like not to depend on home repositories anymore. Would you like to maintain this package directly over at multimedia:proaudio? We can give you proper permissions over it. Please reply within 2 weeks, if possible, if not we will remove the branching and maintain the package ourselves but our offer stays valid, just contact us and we will make you a maintainer for it. Thank you!

dl iw's avatar

Hello. That is fine with me. If it is of any use, I'm happy to stay on as a maintainer, albeit with very limited resources. Should I submit my package to multimedia:proaudio?

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