
Edit Package libwebm

A high-quality, open video format for the web that's freely available to everyone.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
0001-Use-system-googletest.patch 0000001524 1.49 KB
0002-Build-install-libwebm-tools.patch 0000003037 2.97 KB
0003-Provide-SOVERSION.patch 0000000593 593 Bytes
libwebm- 0000485205 474 KB
libwebm.changes 0000001588 1.55 KB
libwebm.spec 0000004574 4.47 KB
test_util.h-use-cstdint-instead-of-stdint-h.patch 0000001296 1.27 KB
use-c++14.patch 0000000429 429 Bytes
Comments 1

Bruno Pitrus's avatar

Yeah so i tried to compile it and it turns out libaom does not use the libwebm public API, but the private headers of mkvparser, so we cannot really unbundle it.

So we don't need libwebm that urgently in factory, you can leave it here in case someone one days needs it.

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