Visualisation Toolkit for 3D Computer Graphics

Edit Package vtk

The Visualization ToolKit (VTK) is an open source, freely available software
system for 3D computer graphics, image processing, and visualization used by
thousands of researchers and developers around the world. VTK consists of a C++
class library, and several interpreted interface layers including Tcl/Tk, Java,
and Python.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
vtk-5.6.1.tar.bz2 0016947526 16.2 MB
vtk-Balloon-Representation.patch 0000000670 670 Bytes
vtk-gcc43.patch 0000001031 1.01 KB
vtk-gcc46.patch 0000000854 854 Bytes
vtk-libpng14.patch 0000000697 697 Bytes
vtk-python27-compat.patch 0000000544 544 Bytes
vtk-pythondestdir.patch 0000000757 757 Bytes
vtk-soversion.patch 0000001451 1.42 KB
vtk-sqldatabaseschema.patch 0000000486 486 Bytes
vtk-string-length.patch 0000000404 404 Bytes
vtk-system.patch 0000001955 1.91 KB
vtk-testcxxjavaremove.patch 0000000728 728 Bytes
vtk.changes 0000001342 1.31 KB
vtk.spec 0000013390 13.1 KB
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