DOSBox Staging

Edit Package dosbox

dosbox-staging is DOS/x86 emulator focusing on ease of use.
Based on DOSBox, it is a fork which use modern library (e.g.: sdl2) and
practice in an attempt to revitalize the development process.
DOSBox Staging is an attempt to revitalize DOSBox's development process.
It's not a rewrite, but a continuation and improvement on the existing
DOSBox codebase while leveraging modern development tools and practices.
Added support: Opus, FLAC, MT32, GM, GUS, Raw mouse input and more.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
dosbox-staging-0.82.0.tar.gz 0007196080 6.86 MB
project.diff 0000012717 12.4 KB
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