Open source Web Browser engine based on Qt4

Edit Package libQtWebKit4-KDE_Qt

WebKit is an open source web browser engine. WebKit's HTML and JavaScript code
began as a branch of the KHTML and KJS libraries from KDE. As part of KDE
framework KHTML was based on Qt but during their porting efforts Apple's
engineers made WebKit toolkit independent. QtWebKit is a project aiming at
porting this fabulous engine back to Qt.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
02_add_nostrip_for_debug_packages.diff 0000001846 1.8 KB
03_hide_std_symbols.diff 0000000966 966 Bytes
04_enable_debug_information.diff 0000002745 2.68 KB
MediaPlayerPrivateGStreamer-should-take-ownership-of-the-playbin.patch 0000022659 22.1 KB
baselibs.conf 0000000013 13 Bytes
buffer-ranges.patch 0000003097 3.02 KB
defines_qt_webkit.diff 0000000541 541 Bytes
do-not-force-optimization-level.diff 0000004602 4.49 KB
fix-g++5-build.patch 0000001556 1.52 KB
libQtWebKit4-gcc47.patch 0000001264 1.23 KB
libQtWebKit4.changes 0000015079 14.7 KB
libQtWebKit4.spec 0000007244 7.07 KB
lowlevelinterpreter-bigendian.patch 0000006782 6.62 KB
qtwebkit-2.3.4.tar.gz 0051648808 49.3 MB
qwebview-4.8.7.tar.gz 0000004294 4.19 KB
qwebview-buildfixes.diff 0000000676 676 Bytes
webkit-qtwebkit-2.2-tp1-pluginpath.patch 0000001084 1.06 KB
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