A Free, Cross-Platform Digital Audio Editor

Edit Package audacity

Audacity is a program that manipulates digital audio wave forms. In
addition to recording sounds directly from within the program, it
imports many sound file formats, including WAV, AIFF, AU, IRCAM, MP,
and Ogg Vorbis. With Audacity, you can edit wave data larger than the
physical memory size of your computer.

Source Files (show unmerged sources)
Filename Size Changed
Audacity-3.6.1.tar.gz 0061369168 58.5 MB
_constraints 0000000482 482 Bytes
_service 0000000506 506 Bytes
_servicedata 0000000240 240 Bytes
audacity-license-nyquist 0000001344 1.31 KB
audacity-no_buildstamp.patch 0000001057 1.03 KB
audacity-no_return_in_nonvoid.patch 0000001590 1.55 KB
audacity-rpmlintrc 0000000124 124 Bytes
audacity.changes 0000105798 103 KB
audacity.spec 0000007464 7.29 KB
lib64-plugins-default-path.patch 0000002605 2.54 KB
vst3sdk-3.7.11_build_10.tar.xz 0014795276 14.1 MB
Latest Revision
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 1189206 from Takashi Iwai's avatar Takashi Iwai (tiwai) (revision 225)
baserev update by copy to link target
Comments 10

Alexander Ahjolinna's avatar

Audacity Is Now A Possible Spyware, Remove It ASAP https://fosspost.org/audacity-is-now-a-spyware/

Dave Plater's avatar

Taken from https://fosspost.org/audacity-developers-apologize-revise-controversial-privacy-policy/

What About The Future of Audacity?

For the time being, you can use Audacity versions up to 3.0.2 guaranteeing that they have no network capabilities.

Further I disabled any update checking a long time ago

Yavor Uzunov's avatar

Version 3.0.3 is out! Maybe the package isn't updated because of privacy concerns? They updated their problematic policy to be better and by default, if you compile it, it compiles without telemetry.

Dave Plater's avatar

It's requirement for Conan which appears to be a package manager will hold it up while I ask why it's there. Also any network connection will have to be disabled.

Dave Plater's avatar

Looks like audacity isn't going to be updated until the conan requirement is fixed. The fork tenacity is only on 3.0.3RC2 so far but if nothing is done by audacity-3.0.4 I'll create tenacity and send to Factory. https://github.com/audacity/audacity/issues/1522

Dave Plater's avatar

3.0.4, heavily patched has an option to disable network access

Daniele Tombolini's avatar

3.1.3 is broken: error while loading shared libraries: lib-screen-geometry.so

Dave Plater's avatar

A work around is "sudo ldconfig -v /usr/lib64/audacity"

Anony Mous's avatar

How to request a build/release of 3.3.2? It fixes critical bugs to allow Audacity to function correctly. It's basically inoperable currently.

Konstantin Voinov's avatar

Write me next time please. As I mainly maintain this package.

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