A multilingual input method library

Edit Package uim

Uim is a multilingual input method library. Uim's project goal is to
provide secure and useful input method for all languages. Currently, it
can input to applications which support gtk+'s immodule or XIM.

Source Files
Filename Size Changed
baselibs.conf 0000001274 1.24 KB
etc-x11-xim.d-uim 0000001184 1.16 KB
fix-for-sles-qhash-incomplete-type.patch 0000000452 452 Bytes
libgcroots-aarch64.patch 0000002071 2.02 KB
suse-start-uim.el 0000000565 565 Bytes
uim-1.8.6.tar.bz2 0006500739 6.2 MB
uim-fix-crash-in-firefox.diff 0000001374 1.34 KB
uim.changes 0000015586 15.2 KB
uim.spec 0000009167 8.95 KB
xemacs-auto-autoloads.el 0000002552 2.49 KB
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