Data pack for Business::ISBN

Edit Package perl-Business-ISBN-Data

This data is current as of the date in the module version. At that time,
the publisher codes 9990000-9999999 or 999000-999999 had not been fixed,
although they had been proposed. I do not include them in the data. Some
regions, including India (93), Gabon (99902), and Congo (99951) have
country codes but no publisher codes. They still have entries even though
you won't be able to validate any ISBNs assigned in those regions.

Business::ISBN uses this "data pack" to do its work. You can update
Business::ISBN::Data independently of the main module as the various
ISBN organizations assign new publisher codes. The ISBN agency lists
these data at .

All the results have state excluded/disabled
Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
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