fish, the friendly interactive shell

Edit Package fish

fish is a user friendly command line shell for UNIX-like operating systems such as Linux.

It's geared towards interactive use and its features are focused on user friendlieness and discoverability. The language syntax is simple but incompatible with other shell languages.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
fish-3.7.1.tar.xz 0002965756 2.83 MB
fish-3.7.1.tar.xz.asc 0000000833 833 Bytes
fish.changes 0000044000 43 KB
fish.keyring 0000005625 5.49 KB
fish.spec 0000003616 3.53 KB
Comments 4

Georg Pfuetzenreuter's avatar


could someone check what happened to fish3 on Leap 15.3? The 15.3 repository only contains fish (which is Fish 2.7.1 as of now), and as a result an OS upgrade 15.2 -> 15.3 makes zypper remove fish3, only allowing you to (manually) re-install the old fish afterwards.

I could add this repository to continue using fish3 but I figured the package removal/downgrade in the base repositories can only be a mistake.


Simon Lees's avatar

yeah it appears so, i'll get it looked at, you can probably use as a work around.

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