Done, but most likely I will also need to play with the exportfilters and product definitions a little, so it will take a while until you can get it from the repositories.
I am afraid this change is not as trivial as enabling the building for the images, as they are noarch, so we can't have at the same time images for x86_64 and aarch64. Looks to me we'll need to change them to allow having them in parallel. For now I will disable aarch64 again for images_pxe
Projects linking to systemsmanagement:Uyuni:Master
Comments 3
Could you enable build on aarch64 for images_pxe, please? It builds properly for aarch64.
Done, but most likely I will also need to play with the exportfilters and product definitions a little, so it will take a while until you can get it from the repositories.
I am afraid this change is not as trivial as enabling the building for the images, as they are noarch, so we can't have at the same time images for x86_64 and aarch64. Looks to me we'll need to change them to allow having them in parallel. For now I will disable aarch64 again for images_pxe