File rstudio.changes of Package rstudio
Fri Jan 31 12:04:41 UTC 2025 - Ana Guerrero <>
- Do not link to bundled mathjax since rstudio is using the system
Tue Apr 30 21:25:36 UTC 2024 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release 2024.04.0+735. (boo#1223378)
* RStudio now requires R 3.6.0 or newer.
* RStudio's auto-completion system now supports ggplot2 aesthetic
names and data columns.
* RStudio's auto-completion system now supports the display of
the "label" attribute.
* RStudio Desktop on Windows and Linux supports auto-hiding the
menu bar.
* RStudio Desktop on Windows and Linux supports full-screen mode
via F11.
* RStudio Desktop now supports pasting of file paths for files
copied to the clipboard.
* RStudio now reports a diagnostics warning when `=` (rather than
`==`) is used in `if`, `for`, and `while` conditionals.
* R projects can be given a custom display name in Project Options.
* The automatic display of Copilot code completions can now be
controlled via a user preference.
* Copilot code suggestions can now be requested via the keyboard
shortcut `Ctrl + \`.
* The next word in a Copilot code suggestion can now be accepted
via `Ctrl + Right` (`Cmd + Right` on macOS).
* RStudio now highlights and lints Quarto chunk options in Python
code chunks.
* RStudio no longer highlights `\[ \]` and `\( \)` Mathjax
equations; prefer `$$ $$` and `$ $` instead.
* Added cmake option to build RStudio without the check for
updates feature.
* Allow choosing R from non-standard location at startup.
* Add `EnvironmentFile` support to systemd service definitions.
* RStudio's GWT sources can now be built with JDKs > 11.
* Show grey background instead of solid-white during Desktop
* The 'restartSession()' API method gains the 'clean' argument.
* 'dot' chunks in R Markdown documents are now executable.
* (rstudioapi) Fixed an issue where selectFile() did not parse
filter strings in a cross-platform way.
* RStudio now reports repository validation errors (if any) when
adding secondary repositories in the Global Options -> Packages
* The working directory of a background job now defaults to the
.Rproj location when a project is open.
* Add search results copy button and search results breadcrumbs
to RStudio User Guide.
* RStudio now supports generation of a Copilot diagnostic report
from the Copilot preferences pane.
* The RStudio debugger is now better at matching debugged code to
source documents.
* RStudio no longer includes spurious chunk markers from Copilot
completion results.
* Added new commands which toggle the maximized state of Console,
Source, and Tab Group quadrants [Accessibility].
* RStudio now prints a warning if an overly-long line of console
input is truncated when sending to R.
* RStudio now supports highlighting of inline YAML chunk options
in R Markdown / Quarto documents.
* RStudio now supports auto-completion following `@` via
* RStudio now supports the execution and display of GraphViz
(`dot`) graphs in R Markdown / Quarto chunks.
* RStudio now supports the execution of chunks with the 'file'
option set.
* RStudio now supports `LuaLaTeX` to compile Sweave/Rnw
* RStudio now supports pasting of file paths for files copied to
the clipboard.
* Improved support for development documentation when a package
has been loaded via `devtools::load_all()`.
* Better error message when user preferences fail to save due to
folder permissions.
* With screen reader support enabled, hitting ESC key allows
Tabbing away from editor.
- Rebase patches:
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* old-boost.patch
* remove-panmirror.patch
- Relax Java version requirement, Java > 11 is now supported.
- Add fix-boost-1.85-build.patch to fix build with Boost 1.85.
- Add fix-boost-1.66-build.patch from Michael Pujos to fix build
with Leap's older Boost 1.66. We can't use Boost 1.75 because it
conflicts with Boost 1.66 required by soci-devel.
- Add respect-system-yaml-cpp.patch to make sure our choice of
- Add skip-osrelease.patch to skip parsing of /etc/os-release.
Fri Feb 23 11:41:36 UTC 2024 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Use %autosetup: all supported openSUSE versions support this by
Sat Dec 2 16:23:00 UTC 2023 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release 2023.09.1+494.
- Rebase patches:
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* remove-panmirror.patch
Tue Jun 20 09:22:08 UTC 2023 - Haochuan Chen <>
- New upstream release 2023.06.0+421.
Sun Apr 2 12:19:26 UTC 2023 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release 2023.03.0+386.
- Replace 0007-use-system-node.patch by remove-panmirror.patch.
Building panmirror seems to have gotten more complicated, and I
can't figure out how to make it work. So let's remove it for now.
- Remove obsolete patches:
* 0009-Fix-false-quarto-warning.patch
* missing-include.patch
- Make 0006-Fix-libclang-usage.patch work with Clang 16.
Sat Mar 4 20:15:56 UTC 2023 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release 2022.12.0+353.
- Add missing-include.patch to fix build by adding include.
- Add unbundle-fmt.patch to use the system version of fmt.
- Drop boost_patches.diff that landed upstream.
- Use the correct soname for libclang.
Tue Oct 18 12:17:40 UTC 2022 - Adam Majer <>
- boost_patches.diff old-boost.patch: fix building with Boost 1.66
Sun Oct 16 09:04:54 UTC 2022 - Libor Pechacek <>
- New upstream release v2022.07.2+576.
- Added patch 0009-Fix-false-quarto-warning.patch.
- Refreshed patches:
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0006-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* 0007-use-system-node.patch
- Removed patch 0009-Fix-catch-build.patch.
Sat May 21 19:48:08 UTC 2022 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release v2022.02.2+485. (boo#1198936)
- Rebase and simplify patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0007-use-system-node.patch
- Drop obsolete 0010-Fix-R-build.patch.
Thu May 19 21:19:48 UTC 2022 - Aaron Puchert <>
- New upstream release v1.4.1743.
- Add 0010-Fix-R-build.patch from upstream to fix build with newer
R-core-devel: it just declares the Rf_countContexts locally.
Wed Apr 13 10:24:11 UTC 2022 - Andreas Schwab <>
- Build with jdk 11 to fix build failure
Sat Oct 23 15:45:10 UTC 2021 - Aaron Puchert <>
- Add 0009-Fix-catch-build.patch to fix build with glibc 2.34.
Fri Sep 10 12:52:54 UTC 2021 - Dominique Leuenberger <>
- Exclude build for %ix86: not all dependencies are available.
Fri Aug 27 12:43:56 UTC 2021 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add missing symlink to pandoc
Thu Aug 19 13:45:49 UTC 2021 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release v1.4.1717
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
* 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch
Tue Apr 6 10:09:27 UTC 2021 - Dan Čermák <>
New upstream release v1.4.1106
Add nodejs dependency bundle for the new visual markdown editor:
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
* 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch
RStudio 1.4 "Tiger Daylily"
Fixed issue where R code input could be executed in the wrong order in some cases (#8837)
Fixed issue where default initial working directory was incorrectly set to a project directory (#8683)
Fixed issue causing the second inline equation in a paragraph to fail to render in visual editing mode (#8810)
Fixed issue where session source database sentinel file was not being written correctly when the session is suspended (#8903)
Update Pandoc to 2.11.4 (#8848)
Update jQuery to 3.5.1 (Pro #2314)
Mon Jan 18 12:48:44 UTC 2021 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 1.4.1103
Renamed / rebased patches:
* 0005-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0004-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
* 0006-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* 0007-use-system-node.patch
Wed Oct 21 15:43:10 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
New upstream release 1.3.1093
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
* 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch
Thu Sep 10 13:09:02 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Allow to build on Leap 15.2
Upstream allows to override the required boost version, which we utilize on
Leap 15.2.
Added patch:
* 0008-Add-support-for-RapidJSON-1.1.0-in-Leap-15.2.patch
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
* 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
Mon Sep 7 09:33:10 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Remove bundled provides and integrate patches into git
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
Remove patches: (integrated into git)
* use-system-hunspell.patch
* fix-libclang-usage.patch
Add patches:
* 0006-Use-system-hunspell.patch
* 0007-Fix-libclang-usage.patch
* Remove the no longer applicable Provides: bundled(hunspell)
* Fix lib -> libexec in rstudio-rpmlintrc
Thu Sep 3 22:41:58 UTC 2020 - Aaron Puchert <>
- Add use-system-hunspell.patch to make compatible with newer
versions of hunspell, replace bundled version by system library.
- Add fix-libclang-usage.patch to make compatible with newer
versions, unbundle clang-c headers and use system headers
instead. Also make sure we find the library and the required
builtin headers.
- Most users won't need pandoc and mathjax, and since they have
quite some dependencies of their own, we only recommend them.
- Remove bundled zlib files that we don't need.
- Put executables specific to -desktop and -server into the
subpackages to reduce the number of dependencies if only one of
them is needed. (Most notably users installing the server variant
won't need Qt libraries.)
Wed Sep 2 10:36:02 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add patches to support boost >= 1.73
Add patches:
* 0004-add-support-for-boost-1.73.patch
* 0005-Add-additional-includes-for-aarch64.patch
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Thu Aug 20 09:05:25 UTC 2020 - Martin Liška <>
- Use memoryperjob constraint instead of %limit_build macro.
Wed Aug 19 08:56:16 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 1.3.1073
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Fri Jul 31 17:27:38 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 1.3.1056
Drop patch (merged upstream):
* 0004-R_Slave-R_NoEcho-for-non-Windows.patch
Rebase patches:
* 0001-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0002-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Fri Jul 31 16:32:03 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Recommend gcc & g++ so that R modules can be installed
Mon Jun 15 20:06:34 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Correct license of bundled font
Tue Jun 9 17:22:53 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 1.3.959
* Fix wrong unbundling of pandoc (boo#1172426)
* No longer bundle gwt and gin, these are now included in rstudio's source
code. Also, rename gwt to gwt-rstudio, as they now maintain their own fork.
* change NOTICE to %license as it is a legal document as well
* unbundle rapidjson and websocketpp
* find a lot more bundled dependencies and declare them in the spec file
including their licenses
Drop patches (merged upstream):
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0010-fix-STL-access-undefined-behaviour.patch
Drop patches (compatibility with Leap 15.1 dropped as boost is too old):
* 0005-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0006-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0007-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
Rebase patches:
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch as
* 0008-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch as
* 0009-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch as 0003-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0011-R_Slave-R_NoEcho-for-non-Windows.patch as
Wed Apr 29 12:27:11 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- New upstream release 1.2.5042
Rebase patches:
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0005-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0006-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0007-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
* 0008-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0009-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
* 0010-fix-STL-access-undefined-behaviour.patch
Add patch:
* 0011-R_Slave-R_NoEcho-for-non-Windows.patch
(fixes FTBFS with newest version of R)
Tue Mar 10 11:51:03 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add 0010-fix-STL-access-undefined-behaviour.patch & fix double rebuild
Rebase patches:
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0005-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0006-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0007-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
* 0008-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0009-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Add patch: 0010-fix-STL-access-undefined-behaviour.patch
Add fix into spec from Fedora to not rebuild gwt twice by removing it from the
ALL target.
Thu Feb 13 15:51:35 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Drop 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
Rebase patches:
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
Drop patches:
* 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
* 0006-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
(rebased as 0005-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch)
* 0007-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
(rebased as 0006-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch)
* 0008-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
(rebased as 0007-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch)
* 0009-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
(rebased as 0008-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch)
* 0010-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
(rebased as 0009-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch)
Added patches:
* 0005-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0006-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0007-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
* 0008-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0009-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Fri Jan 31 10:52:34 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Fix suse-missing-rclink warning
Wed Jan 29 14:09:24 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add systemd & pam & user for rstudio-server
Tue Jan 28 08:44:50 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Fix Requires to actually require the rstudio base package
Mon Jan 27 13:27:43 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add rstudio-server and rstudio-desktop subpackages
- Rebase patches:
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
* 0006-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0007-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0008-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
* 0009-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
* 0010-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch
Tue Jan 21 08:48:05 UTC 2020 - Marco Varlese <>
- Added 0010-Fix-rstudio-exec-path.patch:
Fix an issue with R-Studio when being executed in an AppImage
scope due to the use of absolute path.
Tue Jan 14 15:57:38 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Set RStudio versions properly via ENV variables
Tue Jan 14 13:48:39 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Fix shebangs on Leap 15 properly
- Add patch to skip the installation of the bundled mathjax and pandoc as we'd
rm -rf them again:
* 0009-Don-t-install-pandoc-and-mathjax.patch
- Rebase:
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
* 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
* 0006-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0007-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0008-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
Tue Jan 14 12:14:49 UTC 2020 - Guillaume GARDET <>
- Lower ram and disk in _constraints to match requirements
and get more workers
Mon Jan 13 15:10:57 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Add patches to build on Leap 15.1:
* 0006-Use-std-thread-instead-of-QThread-for-Qt-5.10-suppor.patch
* 0007-Add-explicit-include-mutex-for-gcc-7-to-DesktopWebpa.patch
* 0008-Remove-PauseChanged-related-handler-from-DownloadHel.patch
- Rebase:
* 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
* 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
* 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
Mon Jan 13 14:33:17 UTC 2020 - Marco Varlese <>
- Removed unrequired boost-devel and build requires
- Bumped the Java requires to a higher revision
- Cleaned up the spec via format_spec_cleaner ahead of Factory SR
Mon Jan 13 10:44:48 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Unbundle mathjax and pandoc:
Add 0004-Unbundle-mathjax-and-pandoc.patch
and symlink to our installed packages of mathjax & pandoc instead of keeping
the duplicates in /usr/lib/rstudio/*
- Rebase patches:
* disable_boost_signals.patch -> 0003-Remove-boost-signals-from-the-required-Boost-librari.patch
* fix_qmake_path.patch -> 0005-Use-find_program-to-find-qmake-if-it-is-not-in-the-p.patch
* fix_java.patch -> 0002-Bump-bundled-gwt-version.patch
* rstudio-fix_build_with_boost_1.71.patch -> 0001-First-pass-at-Boost-1.70-support.patch
- Add workaround to prevent building gwtc twice and potentially OOM-ing the
Fri Jan 10 22:39:49 UTC 2020 - Dan Čermák <>
- Fix build failures
* cleanup BuildRequires
* cleanup %prep, %build & %install
* cleanup duplicates and fix shebangs
* add rpmlintrc filter for a cpp template file
* add %files section
* Bump bundled pandoc version from 2.3.1 to 2.7.3
* add _constraints to allow for enough disk space
Thu Jan 9 13:31:31 UTC 2020 - Vítězslav Čížek <>
- Fix build with boost 1.71
* add rstudio-fix_build_with_boost_1.71.patch
Fri Jan 3 15:30:56 UTC 2020 - Marco Varlese <>
- Initial packaging (version 1.2.5033)
- Patches:
* disable_boost_signals.patch to fix some BoostSignals related
issues with latest Boost 1.70
* fix_java.patch to address issues connected to Java9
* fix_qmake_path.patch to address qmake path used by discovery
mechanism in R-Studio