
Request 1032731 revoked

* Split out the dbus service related files that provides libcloudproviders integration for nextcloud desktop client into a separate package; when this is installed, launching any app supporting libowncloudproviders (e.g. nautilus on GNOME) will automatically launch the desktop client -- which is rather annoying to happen by default, esp. in cases where a user does not even have a nextcloud account (gh#nextcloud/desktop#1982, gh#nextcloud/desktop#2622).
* Use rsvg-convert instead of inkscape for svg generation (auto detected by cmake): reduces a significant amount of build dependencies indirectly pulled in by inkscape.

Eric Schirra's avatar

Why would you want to split that up? I am not a friend of these separations. It makes everything more complicated, more opaque and more error-prone. Something is always missing. And I use the client now since 2016 under KDE. And that without any problem.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

I would urge you to please care to read the bug reports I linked to:

These dbus files when installed by default (as it is now) start nextcloud client automatically when anyone launches a libcloudproviders supporting file-browser like nautilus (and probably others), even when a user does not have anything to do with nextcloud accounts (but nextcloud client is installed because, for example, another user on the same system uses it). This is obviously rather annoying and people who want this behaviour from their sync client may choose to install the split out package, but surely we should not burden users with this annoying "feature" by default. That is why a separate package, which is not installed by default.

Does not matter whether you have been using since 2016 or whenever; this is a rather recent "feature", something you would have understood if you read the github bug reports I mentioned in my changelog.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Many thanks. I would appreciate credits for the change in the .changes file, if you don't mind (helps with my professional occupation).

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

* Split out the dbus service related files that provides libcloudproviders integration for nextcloud desktop client into a separate package; when this is installed, launching any app supporting libowncloudproviders (e.g. nautilus on GNOME) will automatically launch the desktop client -- which is rather annoying to happen by default, esp. in cases where a user does not even have a nextcloud account (gh#nextcloud/desktop#1982, gh#nextcloud/desktop#2622).
* Use rsvg-convert instead of inkscape for svg generation (auto detected by cmake): reduces a significant amount of build dependencies indirectly pulled in by inkscape.

Eric Schirra's avatar

ecsos declined request

Other request is done.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 revoked request

The source package 'nextcloud-desktop' has been removed

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