
Request 1039344 accepted

- Update to version 5.11.0:
- Drop paraview-include-sstream.patch: incorporated upstream.
- New BuildRequires: sqlite3, pkgconfig(liblzma), pkgconfig(nlohmann_json), pkgconfig(proj), pkgconfig(sqlite3).
- Build without system nlohmann_json for Leap 15.3 and older.
- Update rpmlintrc file to suppress false positives.


Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez's avatar

Thanks for updating ParaView.

  • Unresolvable nlohmann_json dependency in 15.3, yes I know that 15.3 is out of support but it is still listed in the science project plus why do we need this dependency, ParaView ships it with its source code.

  • Future note: I can see that this package has many RPMlint warnings in multiple repositories; I do not expect those to be resolved in this request since those warnings pre-dates this Request.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

We strive to build with as many system libs as possible (to make it easy to track down bugs etc). Indeed paraview ships most of its deps in the tarball itself, but we set -DPARAVIEW_BUILD_WITH_EXTERNAL:BOOL=ON to avoid using any of these except for something like verdict which we do not have pkgs for on any openSUSE.

I will try to fix some of the rpmlint warnings and re-submit today.

Atri Bhattacharya's avatar
author source maintainer target maintainer

Thanks for the review.

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

- Update to version 5.11.0:
- Drop paraview-include-sstream.patch: incorporated upstream.
- New BuildRequires: sqlite3, pkgconfig(liblzma), pkgconfig(nlohmann_json), pkgconfig(proj), pkgconfig(sqlite3).
- Build without system nlohmann_json for Leap 15.3 and older.
- Update rpmlintrc file to suppress false positives.

Vicente Adolfo Bolea Sanchez's avatar

vicentebolea accepted request

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