
Request 1063633 superseded

Update to latest version, see superseded SR https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1063438 for details.


Witek Bedyk's avatar

I have squeezed in another revision with the CVE bugfix. Please rebase.

Marius Kittler's avatar
author target maintainer

done: https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1066211

(Would it be possible to reuse the existing SR?)

Witek Bedyk's avatar

Thanks for your work. We have updated to 8.5.20 first as we want to use this version in SLE codestream. Could you please update your SR?

We still have to work on trimming down the changes file. In particular, we should reformat the breaking changes to fit required structure: https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Creating_a_changes_file_(RPM) We should also drop GitHub references.

Other than that looks good to me.

Marius Kittler's avatar
author target maintainer

I rebased. However, I'm not sure about the formatting. Do you use a specific tool for that? Otherwise I'd resort to the automatic wrapping of my editor but then I'd likely had to fix the indentation on every break manually. (Dropping GitHub references would likely be possible via a regex.)

Marius Kittler's avatar
author target maintainer

I suppose I'll do the formatting manually for now.

Request History
Marius Kittler's avatar

mkittler created request

Update to latest version, see superseded SR https://build.opensuse.org/request/show/1063438 for details.

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