
Request 1074042 accepted

- update to 1.32.1:
* fix(core): disable resizable ArrayBuffer and growable
SharedArrayBuffer (#18395)
* fix(cli): restore deno run - to handle stdin as typescript (#18391)
* fix(inspect): ensure non-compact output when object literal
has newline in entry text (#18366)
* fix(lsp): ensure enablePaths works when clients do not
provide a trailing slash for workspace dir (#18373)
- update to 1.32.0:
* BREAKING(unstable): remove WebGPU (#18094)
* feat(ext/fs): FileInfo.dev is supported on Windows (#18237)
* feat(cli): --ext parameter for run, compile, and bundle (#17172)
* feat(compile): Add support for web workers in standalone mode (#17657)
* feat(compile): Enable multiple roots for a standalone module
graph (#17663)
* feat(core): deno_core::extension! macro to simplify extension
registration (#18210)
* feat(ext/kv): key-value store (#18232)
* feat(ext/net): Add multicasting APIs to DatagramConn (#10706)
* feat(ext/url): URLSearchParams.size (#17884)
* feat(repl): add DENO_REPL_HISTORY to change history file path (#18047)
* feat(serde_v8): support BigInt serialization (#18225)
* feat: TypeScript 5.0.2 (except decorators) (#18294)
* fix(cli): preserve blob store when resetting file watcher (#18253)
* fix(cli/integration): clippy lints (#18248)
* fix(ext/kv): don't request permissions for ":memory:" (#18346)
* fix(ext/kv): reverse mapping between AnyValue::Bool and
KeyPart::Bool (#18365)
* fix(ext/node): add createDecipheriv (#18245)
* fix(ext/node): resource leak in createHmac (#18229)
* fix(ext/node): use Deno.Command from ext:runtime (#18289)
* fix(repl): Hide indexable properties in tab completion (#18141)
* fix(runtime): Extract error code for all OS error variants (#17958)
* fix: include error in message about not being able to create
the TypeScript cache (#18356)
* perf(check): type check local files only when not using --all (#18329)
* perf(core) Reduce copying and cloning in extension
initialization (#18252)
* perf(core) Reduce script name and script code copies (#18298)
* perf(core): preserve ops between snapshots (#18080)
* perf(core): use static specifier in ExtensionFileSource (#18271)
* perf: disable WAL for transpiled source cache (#18084)
* perf: disable runtime snapshot compression (#18239)
- build: remove python3 hack

Request History
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar

avindra created request

- update to 1.32.1:
* fix(core): disable resizable ArrayBuffer and growable
SharedArrayBuffer (#18395)
* fix(cli): restore deno run - to handle stdin as typescript (#18391)
* fix(inspect): ensure non-compact output when object literal
has newline in entry text (#18366)
* fix(lsp): ensure enablePaths works when clients do not
provide a trailing slash for workspace dir (#18373)
- update to 1.32.0:
* BREAKING(unstable): remove WebGPU (#18094)
* feat(ext/fs): FileInfo.dev is supported on Windows (#18237)
* feat(cli): --ext parameter for run, compile, and bundle (#17172)
* feat(compile): Add support for web workers in standalone mode (#17657)
* feat(compile): Enable multiple roots for a standalone module
graph (#17663)
* feat(core): deno_core::extension! macro to simplify extension
registration (#18210)
* feat(ext/kv): key-value store (#18232)
* feat(ext/net): Add multicasting APIs to DatagramConn (#10706)
* feat(ext/url): URLSearchParams.size (#17884)
* feat(repl): add DENO_REPL_HISTORY to change history file path (#18047)
* feat(serde_v8): support BigInt serialization (#18225)
* feat: TypeScript 5.0.2 (except decorators) (#18294)
* fix(cli): preserve blob store when resetting file watcher (#18253)
* fix(cli/integration): clippy lints (#18248)
* fix(ext/kv): don't request permissions for ":memory:" (#18346)
* fix(ext/kv): reverse mapping between AnyValue::Bool and
KeyPart::Bool (#18365)
* fix(ext/node): add createDecipheriv (#18245)
* fix(ext/node): resource leak in createHmac (#18229)
* fix(ext/node): use Deno.Command from ext:runtime (#18289)
* fix(repl): Hide indexable properties in tab completion (#18141)
* fix(runtime): Extract error code for all OS error variants (#17958)
* fix: include error in message about not being able to create
the TypeScript cache (#18356)
* perf(check): type check local files only when not using --all (#18329)
* perf(core) Reduce copying and cloning in extension
initialization (#18252)
* perf(core) Reduce script name and script code copies (#18298)
* perf(core): preserve ops between snapshots (#18080)
* perf(core): use static specifier in ExtensionFileSource (#18271)
* perf: disable WAL for transpiled source cache (#18084)
* perf: disable runtime snapshot compression (#18239)
- build: remove python3 hack

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factory-auto added opensuse-review-team as a reviewer

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

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staging-bot added openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1 as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked "openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1"

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

The legal review is accepted preliminary. The package may require actions later on.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar accepted review

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse approved review

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1 got accepted.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

dimstar_suse accepted request

Staging Project openSUSE:Factory:Staging:adi:1 got accepted.

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