
Request 1088820 revoked

Updated version of "Add a document viewer by default"

Richard Brown's avatar

I'm not sure about this. I really want the default experience to be rather minimal and have the users choose what they want from GNOME Software

We don't install libreoffice or anything like that either..and I'm quite fine with that

But I dont want to say 'no' outright..so leaving this here for now

Robert Frohl's avatar

There is one more reason I forgot: If searching for a pdf reader the choices that pop up are all with software that I did not know and evince shows up down the list as the somewhat undescriptive 'Document Viewer'. For my audience they would not have picked it, but I have to admit that the are not technical at all.

From a quick look Evince seem to rebuild for new poppler versions which seems to be the saner choice from a security POV.

The main negative that I see is that it would add ~31 MB to the default install per user.

Richard Brown's avatar

31MB and 30-60 seconds extra on the first login

And I'm still not convinced.. why should we force users to have this PDF reader over lets say Adobe Reader, or Okular?

the security argument seems a bit like a weird one given the applications are sandboxed anyway

Robert Frohl's avatar

I only wanted to add some more data points, that might allow you to make a decision.


why should we force users to have this PDF As it is for the gnome desktop, I thought it would be a likely choice. If one of the other readers are a better choice I do not know.

My assumption was simply that it would be unlikely that gnome will discontinue their document viewer or stop shipping updates or even remove the flatpak (like MS did for the teams recently). Meaning it might be a stable choice that will not got away and therefor will not cause additional work later on. In addition the user would not have a need to search for a 'document reader', even though this is more a convenience consideration.

The viewer that is chosen in the end does not matter to much for me, it is more about a decision if the default install would benefit from having the capability to view pdfs or if other considerations might lead to a decision against adding it by default.


the security argument seems a bit like a weird one given the applications are sandboxed anyway

There have been a lot of fuzzing bugs in poppler, if an application is using that I would like it if they update their dependency regularly.

Even if the application is sandboxed, this is just an additional security layer. Which might hold or might not hold depending on the attack. So even if the app is sandboxed it should not ship with known issues.

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

10+ --text="Installing Extension Manager Failed"

That error message presented by zenity is wrong when installation ef evince failed

Robert Frohl's avatar

thanks, should have seen that. Will fix this depending on Richards decision.

Request History
Robert Frohl's avatar

rfrohl created request

Updated version of "Add a document viewer by default"

Richard Brown's avatar

RBrownSUSE declined request

Aeon-firstboot now presents the user with the ability to customise the default applications, so closing

Robert Frohl's avatar

rfrohl revoked request

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