
Request 1109359 revoked

- Update to 1.31.0


Adam Majer's avatar

What happened to the patch? You should mention that in changes.

Also, why are you removing flags like -funwind-tables?

Mikhail Terekhov's avatar

Fixed in new revision.

Adam Majer's avatar

So, my questions remain ;)

  1. What happened to the patch?
  2. why are you removing flags like -funwind-tables?

It's best to explain the first in the .changes file and the second in the spec file where you are removing flags.

Request History
Mikhail Terekhov's avatar

termim created request

- Update to 1.31.0

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix declined request

please follow https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Creating_a_changes_file_(RPM)

Marcus Rueckert's avatar

darix revoked request


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