
Request 497874 accepted

Followup for python-requests-toolbelt.

- convert to singlespec packaging

- update to 0.8.0:
- Add ``betamax_parametrized_recorder`` and ``betamax_parametrized_session``
to our list of pytest fixtures so that users will have parametrized cassette
names when writing parametrized tests with our fixtures. (I wonder if I can
mention parametrization a bunch more times so I can say parametrize a lot in
this bullet note.)
- Add ``ValidationError`` and a set of subclasses for each possible validation
- Raise ``InvalidOption`` on unknown cassette options rather than silently
ignoring extra options.
- Raise a subclass of ``ValidationError`` when a particular cassette option is
invalid, rather than silently ignoring the validation failure.
- Fix bug with query string matcher where query-strings without values (e.g.,
``?foo&bar`` as opposed to ``?foo=1&bar=2``) were treated as if there were
no query string.
- Fix issue #108 by effectively copying the items in the match_requests_on
list into the match_options set on a Cassette instance

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

openSUSE:Factory/python-betamax@4 -> openSUSE:Leap:42.3/python-betamax

expected origin is 'openSUSE:Leap:42.2' (changed)

Package was from openSUSE:Factory in 42.2

the submitted sources are in or accepted for Factory

Request History
Jimmy Berry's avatar

jberry created request

Followup for python-requests-toolbelt.

- convert to singlespec packaging

- update to 0.8.0:
- Add ``betamax_parametrized_recorder`` and ``betamax_parametrized_session``
to our list of pytest fixtures so that users will have parametrized cassette
names when writing parametrized tests with our fixtures. (I wonder if I can
mention parametrization a bunch more times so I can say parametrize a lot in
this bullet note.)
- Add ``ValidationError`` and a set of subclasses for each possible validation
- Raise ``InvalidOption`` on unknown cassette options rather than silently
ignoring extra options.
- Raise a subclass of ``ValidationError`` when a particular cassette option is
invalid, rather than silently ignoring the validation failure.
- Fix bug with query string matcher where query-strings without values (e.g.,
``?foo&bar`` as opposed to ``?foo=1&bar=2``) were treated as if there were
no query string.
- Fix issue #108 by effectively copying the items in the match_requests_on
list into the match_options set on a Cassette instance

Jimmy Berry's avatar

jberry_factory added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Leap:42.3:Staging:adi:11"

Jimmy Berry's avatar

jberry_factory accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Leap:42.3:Staging:adi:11

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added devel:languages:python as a reviewer

Submission for None by someone who is not maintainer in the devel project (devel:languages:python). Please review

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added leap-reviewers as a reviewer

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper accepted review


Jimmy Berry's avatar

jberry accepted review


Thomas Bechtold's avatar

tbechtold accepted review

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

ready to accept

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot approved review

ready to accept

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel_factory accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Leap:42.3

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