
Request 558848 superseded

A feature-rich and usable onscreen keyboard (see sr#558833 for why I think it belongs in GNOME:*)


Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

+BuildRequires: gettext

Likely not needed (if, then it would need gettext-runtime, for msgfmt - which in turn is a hard dep of the build tools)

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

+BuildRequires: intltool

it needs intltool AND gettext? Get this fixed by upstream if true

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

+Requires: gsettings-backend-dconf

Really? It refuses to run with any other gsettings backend?!

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

Considering this is a GUI app, I'm pretty sure you miss a dep on python-gobject-Gdk

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar

obsoleted since suse_version > 1320

Dominique Leuenberger's avatar
+%{?!python_module:%define python_module() python-%{**} python3-%{**}}
+%define skip_python2 1

what for? This seems to be no python module - it's an app written in python.

We will hopefully not plan on providing this for more than one python version - EVER

Request History
Atri Bhattacharya's avatar

badshah400 created request

A feature-rich and usable onscreen keyboard (see sr#558833 for why I think it belongs in GNOME:*)

GNOME Review Bot's avatar

gnome-review-bot accepted review

Check script succeeded

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