
Request 578332 accepted

- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems
* Compiler complains about uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Missing -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 may cause problems if a library is compiled
with it.
* Cannot act on edits in the command line.
* Acessing freed memory after window command in auto command. (gy741)
* Still too many old style tests.
* Segmentation fault when Ruby throws an exception inside :rubyfile command.
* Slow redrawing with DirectX.
* Endless loop when gui_mch_stop_blink() is called while blink_state is
BLINK_OFF. (zdohnal)
* It is difficult to set the python home directory properly for Python
2.7 and 3.5 since both use $PYTHONHOME.
* Terminal test fails on some systems. (jonathonf)
* Terminal test fails on some slow terminals.
* When in silent mode too much output is buffered.
* If $SHELL contains a space then the default value of 'shell' is
incorrect. (Matthew Horan)
* Timer test on travis Mac is still flaky.
* Clojure now supports a shebang line.
* Filetype detection test does not check all scripts.
* Cannot handle change of directory.
* Missing file in patch.
* Missing another file in patch.
* Missing yet another file in patch.
* Test fails without 'autochdir' option.
* Completing directory after :find does not add slash.
* Python2 and python3 detection not tested. (Matej Cepl)
* Older GTK versions don't have gtk_entry_get_text_length().
* Libvterm doesn't handle illegal byte sequence correctly.

Request History
Ismail Dönmez's avatar

namtrac created request

- Updated to revision 1525, fixes the following problems
* Compiler complains about uninitialized variable. (Tony Mechelynck)
* Missing -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 may cause problems if a library is compiled
with it.
* Cannot act on edits in the command line.
* Acessing freed memory after window command in auto command. (gy741)
* Still too many old style tests.
* Segmentation fault when Ruby throws an exception inside :rubyfile command.
* Slow redrawing with DirectX.
* Endless loop when gui_mch_stop_blink() is called while blink_state is
BLINK_OFF. (zdohnal)
* It is difficult to set the python home directory properly for Python
2.7 and 3.5 since both use $PYTHONHOME.
* Terminal test fails on some systems. (jonathonf)
* Terminal test fails on some slow terminals.
* When in silent mode too much output is buffered.
* If $SHELL contains a space then the default value of 'shell' is
incorrect. (Matthew Horan)
* Timer test on travis Mac is still flaky.
* Clojure now supports a shebang line.
* Filetype detection test does not check all scripts.
* Cannot handle change of directory.
* Missing file in patch.
* Missing another file in patch.
* Missing yet another file in patch.
* Test fails without 'autochdir' option.
* Completing directory after :find does not add slash.
* Python2 and python3 detection not tested. (Matej Cepl)
* Older GTK versions don't have gtk_entry_get_text_length().
* Libvterm doesn't handle illegal byte sequence correctly.

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