
Request 588728 accepted

- Update to
* Updated a 'key-layout' icon image (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
* SCSS Code cosmetics (Gtk+, Gnome-Shell, Cinnamon).
- Disable gtk4 theme for Leap 15.0 (for real this time).
- Changes in
* Dropped deprecated .panel-launcher-add-dialog styling (Cinnamon).
* Polished vala-panel-runner dialog styling a bit (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Tweaked Gnome-Flashback notification styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Reverted "Enforced checking pkg-config path via autoconf in early stage", then returned to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG (Configure.ac).
* Fixed typo in a comment (Adapta-gnome.m4).
- Disable gtk4 theme for Leap 15.0 since it will not have gtk4.
- Changes in
* Enforced drawing drop-shadows behind the all gf-* OSDs in gnome-flashback (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Kept borders even in an insensitive state of GtkEntry (Gtk+ 2.0).
- Changes in
* Updated package installation section (README.md).
* Added 3rd-party project section (README.md).
* Added some workarounds for GnoMenuExtenstion (Gonme-Shell 3.24/3.26).
- Update to
* Added a styling for upcoming window-list-preview style-class >= 3.6.7 (Cinnamon).
* Renamed delimiter option of GNU Parallel -0 with --null (Makefile.am).
* Enforced checking pkg-config path via autoconf in early stage (Configure.ac).
- Start using the new %license macro
- Changes in
* Prepared for Gnome-Contacts >= 3.27.90 styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added some wrokarounds for upcoming Gnome-Usage (2) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added top/bottom margins for the separators contained in GtkPopover's .menu class (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Changes in
* Prepared for Dconf-Editor 3.27.91 styling (2) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Changes in
* Prepared for Dconf-Editor 3.27.91 styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Fix Gnome-Control-Center's styling in the previous release rev.149 (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Simplified selectors for num key button stylling in Gnome-Calculator (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Cleaned up Gedit's search-bar styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Dropped unneeded styling in Gnome-Control-Center (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Change to SPDX-3.0 License format
- Remove duplicate --prefix flag during configure. It is already declared in %configure macro
- Changes in
* Unset top-left/right roundness in yet another inline-mode GtkHeaderBar as well (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Defined 'panel_separator_color' and moved it to common colour section (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Added some wrokarounds for upcoming Gnome-Usage (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Changes in
* Added Vala-panel basic styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Moved actual styling to child box node in GtkSearchBar {Gtk+ 4.0).

- Update to
* Implemented upcoming OSK design for 3.28 cycle (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Truly shut the fxxk up MenuFavoritesBox issue in rev.128 (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Prepared for upcoming OSK changes of upstream (2) (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
* Fixed weird 1px stretching ClutterTexture in MenuFavoritesBox (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Tweaked menu styling more (Openbox-3).
* Fixed incorrect label/button foregrounds in GtkInfoBar (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Rewrote themerc files (Openbox-3).
* Updated wnck-pager node styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Enforced inverted foregrounds in menubar node of FirefoxQuantum (Gtk+ 3.20).
- Update to
* Optimized transitions and StLabel shadow properties in ShowApps (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Enlarged titlebutton icon sizes from 8x8 to 10x10 (XFwm4).
- Update to
* Removed ugly, unwanted 'double' borders around the popup-ed context-menus on FirefoxQuantum (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Stopped rounding top-left/right edges in CSD-mode FirefoxQauntum (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Backported recent FirefoxQuantum styles from 3.22/4.0 (Gtk+ 3.20).
- Update to
* Dropped LibreOffice workaround for the parent grid node of GtkMenuBar (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Prepared for upcoming OSK changes of upstream (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Introduce new 'maximize/unmaximize' titlebutton design (switched design source from FreeForm to Chrome(ium)OS).
- Update to
* Re-enabled CSD-mode titlebuttons for >= FirefoxQuantum Nightly 60.0a1 (2018-02-02) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* But no backdrop state, no maximize state classes were supported.
* Cleaned up GtkShortcutWindow styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Followed Chrome(ium) 65.0.33xx changes for 'unmaximize(resotre)' titlebutton in CSD-mode (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Update to
* Tweaked WindowCaption styling (Cinnamon).
* Backported GtkCheck/Radio styling from 3.22/4.0 (Gtk+ 3.20).
* Tweaked some Budgie Raven MPRIS stack styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Introduced new Budgie Raven applet stack view design (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added slight padding into BriskMenu container via child margins (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Cleaned up GtkInfoBar codes (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Rewrote GtkToolBar child sizing and styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Added ugly workarounds for PSPP's weiird notebook node (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Increased letter-spacing in Cinnamon-screensaver's password entry (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Update to
* Since, NotoSans font-family is used in very specific StEntry styling of
Gnome-Shell >= 3.26, so I recommend packagers to check and add the package dependency
"NotoSans-hinted" font package.
- Update to
* Rewrote some PopupMenu related styling (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Fixed incorrect CC-BY-SA versioned SVG ( Gtk+ 2.0).
* Set more finer base-line position for StIcons (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Retried optimizing spinner asset (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Set min-width property for PopupMenuSliderItem (Cinnamon).
* Rerwote SoundPlayer(?) styling (Cinnamon).
* Reverted hover state animations in PopupMenuItem's slider (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Dropped outdated workarounds for textview node in Chrome(ium) (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Dropped Corebird 1.6.x specific selectors (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Dropped a workaround for gf-bubble close button in Gnome-Flashback (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Switched to specific style-class in Lollypop's 'rating and loved' popover menus (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Rewrote 'incognito-mode' GtkHeaderBar node styling in Epiphany (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Cleaned up Gnome-Weather styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Update to
* Added some more :highlight pseudo-class styling in StBoxLayout (Cinnamon)
* Added workarounds for IcingTaskManagerApplet (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Simplified asset's stroke paths to reduce SVG size of new spinner (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
* Defined inverted-mode spinner foregrounds and toned down insensitive state foregrounds in GtkSpinner (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Re-define variant sensitive StEntry styling again (Cinnamon)
* Added a style-class for WindowListItemBox's progress (?) indicators (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Rewrote MenuSelectedAppBox styling (Cinnamon)
* Stopped overriding child's lateral padding inside the PopupSubMenu (Cinnamon)
* Dropped all our spinner animations and switch to icon-theme's spinner (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Switched to 'spinning' spinner asset for AppMenu (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
- Update to
* Fixed incorrect panel height of Gnome-Panel (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Stopped drawing outlines on all of Gnome-Panel childs (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Cleaned up Cinnamon-Screensaver styling codes (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Update to
* Refined GtkTooltip padding values (Gtk+ 2.x/3.2x/4.0)
* Synced to Gtk+ theming changes in OSD tooltips (Gnome-Shell, Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Rewrote 'osd-shadow' assets for GtkToolBar (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Reduced extend macro sizes inside the GtkSpinButton styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect hover/active pseudo-class foregrounds in OSD-mode GtkSpinButton (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Removed unneeded asset entries from Nokto-Eta gresource files (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Update to
- Important Change(s)
* As I mentioned in TODOs, we dropped Unity7 support from all supported Gtk+-3 versions completely. So we do not handle --enable/disable-unity autoconf option anymore
* Remamed --enable/disable-chrome autoconf option to --enable/disable-chrome-legacy since we no longer needed any extra theme files in current 6x.0.3xxxx series
- Regular Change(s)
Tweaked marks node in GtkScale for the recent changes in upstream (Gtk+ 4.0)
- Update to
* Rewrote some SVGs to split shadow regions and put them as a new bottom layer (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Tweaked GtkComboBoxEntry border-width property (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Tweaked FirefoxQuantum window top-edge in CSD-mode (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Update to
* Fixed damned typo in previous rev.6 (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Update to
* Enforced full-width entry assets in most generic GtkComboBox entries (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Updated copyright year
- Update to
* Truly the final version of 2017
- Disable build of chrome theme since this is not needed 6x.0.3xxxx series
- Enable build for gtk4 themes
- Update to
* Toned up sub-menuitem backgrounds (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
* Rewrote GtkHeaderBar corner rounding in GtkPaned container cases (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Dropped outdated overrides for Corebird (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Unified light/dark osd-shadow asset images of GtkToolBar (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Reverted to flat stacking-rows inline list node styling in Gnome-Tweaks (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Reverted to label coloured small 'check' image colouring in Gnome-Builder (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Run spec-cleaner
- Add requires of google-roboto-fonts in common package
- Version bump to
* Cleaned up some GtkHeaderBar codes (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Cleaned up Emacs24/25 codes (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Tweaked disabled spinner colour in Chrome(ium) (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Removed unneeded hover/active effects in Dconf-Editor GtkListBoxRows (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Enforced transparent "insensitive" flat-button backgrounds in various cases (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Added a hack for 'inline-progress' widget inside the GtkTreeView (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Added 'unchecked' check/radio icon images in GtkMenuItem (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Stopped drawing unneeded insensitive state label-shadows of GtkMenuBar's GtkMenuItem (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Version bump to
* Updated Geary styling for current 1d0aac1 (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Updated Nautilus 'disk-space-display' styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect expander class name in GtkTreeView (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect 'pan-end' arrow icon-name in Budgie (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Added some missing styling in Gnome-Builder's 'Preferences' stack (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Unset GtkButton inner-border from Xfce4-panel's buttons (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Reduced GtkButton's inner-border values in GtkToolBar's flat-buttons (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Version bump to
* Updated styling and selectors to follow the upstream changes (Gtk+ 4.0).
- Grammar fixes in the description.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Run spec-cleaner
* Added 2017 year to the copyright header of spec
* convert some BuildRequires to pkgconfig
- Add some more dependencies according to update readme
- Enable build of telegram theme
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Add gedit theme.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Update license from CC-BY-SA-3.0 to CC-BY-SA-4.0.
- Add Telegram theme.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Change License to GPL2.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Fix package name that provides Noto Sans fonts.
- Initial version.

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

openSUSE:Factory/adapta-gtk-theme@18 -> openSUSE:Leap:15.0/adapta-gtk-theme

the submitted sources are in or accepted for Factory

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

openSUSE:Factory/adapta-gtk-theme@17 -> openSUSE:Leap:15.0/adapta-gtk-theme

the submitted sources are in or accepted for Factory

Request History
Matthias Eliasson's avatar

elimat created request

- Update to
* Updated a 'key-layout' icon image (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
* SCSS Code cosmetics (Gtk+, Gnome-Shell, Cinnamon).
- Disable gtk4 theme for Leap 15.0 (for real this time).
- Changes in
* Dropped deprecated .panel-launcher-add-dialog styling (Cinnamon).
* Polished vala-panel-runner dialog styling a bit (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Tweaked Gnome-Flashback notification styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Reverted "Enforced checking pkg-config path via autoconf in early stage", then returned to PKG_PROG_PKG_CONFIG (Configure.ac).
* Fixed typo in a comment (Adapta-gnome.m4).
- Disable gtk4 theme for Leap 15.0 since it will not have gtk4.
- Changes in
* Enforced drawing drop-shadows behind the all gf-* OSDs in gnome-flashback (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Kept borders even in an insensitive state of GtkEntry (Gtk+ 2.0).
- Changes in
* Updated package installation section (README.md).
* Added 3rd-party project section (README.md).
* Added some workarounds for GnoMenuExtenstion (Gonme-Shell 3.24/3.26).
- Update to
* Added a styling for upcoming window-list-preview style-class >= 3.6.7 (Cinnamon).
* Renamed delimiter option of GNU Parallel -0 with --null (Makefile.am).
* Enforced checking pkg-config path via autoconf in early stage (Configure.ac).
- Start using the new %license macro
- Changes in
* Prepared for Gnome-Contacts >= 3.27.90 styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added some wrokarounds for upcoming Gnome-Usage (2) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added top/bottom margins for the separators contained in GtkPopover's .menu class (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Changes in
* Prepared for Dconf-Editor 3.27.91 styling (2) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Changes in
* Prepared for Dconf-Editor 3.27.91 styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Fix Gnome-Control-Center's styling in the previous release rev.149 (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Simplified selectors for num key button stylling in Gnome-Calculator (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Cleaned up Gedit's search-bar styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Dropped unneeded styling in Gnome-Control-Center (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Change to SPDX-3.0 License format
- Remove duplicate --prefix flag during configure. It is already declared in %configure macro
- Changes in
* Unset top-left/right roundness in yet another inline-mode GtkHeaderBar as well (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Defined 'panel_separator_color' and moved it to common colour section (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Added some wrokarounds for upcoming Gnome-Usage (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Changes in
* Added Vala-panel basic styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Moved actual styling to child box node in GtkSearchBar {Gtk+ 4.0).

- Update to
* Implemented upcoming OSK design for 3.28 cycle (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Truly shut the fxxk up MenuFavoritesBox issue in rev.128 (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Prepared for upcoming OSK changes of upstream (2) (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
* Fixed weird 1px stretching ClutterTexture in MenuFavoritesBox (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Tweaked menu styling more (Openbox-3).
* Fixed incorrect label/button foregrounds in GtkInfoBar (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Rewrote themerc files (Openbox-3).
* Updated wnck-pager node styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Enforced inverted foregrounds in menubar node of FirefoxQuantum (Gtk+ 3.20).
- Update to
* Optimized transitions and StLabel shadow properties in ShowApps (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Enlarged titlebutton icon sizes from 8x8 to 10x10 (XFwm4).
- Update to
* Removed ugly, unwanted 'double' borders around the popup-ed context-menus on FirefoxQuantum (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Stopped rounding top-left/right edges in CSD-mode FirefoxQauntum (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Backported recent FirefoxQuantum styles from 3.22/4.0 (Gtk+ 3.20).
- Update to
* Dropped LibreOffice workaround for the parent grid node of GtkMenuBar (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Prepared for upcoming OSK changes of upstream (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Introduce new 'maximize/unmaximize' titlebutton design (switched design source from FreeForm to Chrome(ium)OS).
- Update to
* Re-enabled CSD-mode titlebuttons for >= FirefoxQuantum Nightly 60.0a1 (2018-02-02) (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* But no backdrop state, no maximize state classes were supported.
* Cleaned up GtkShortcutWindow styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Followed Chrome(ium) 65.0.33xx changes for 'unmaximize(resotre)' titlebutton in CSD-mode (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Update to
* Tweaked WindowCaption styling (Cinnamon).
* Backported GtkCheck/Radio styling from 3.22/4.0 (Gtk+ 3.20).
* Tweaked some Budgie Raven MPRIS stack styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Introduced new Budgie Raven applet stack view design (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Added slight padding into BriskMenu container via child margins (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Cleaned up GtkInfoBar codes (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
* Rewrote GtkToolBar child sizing and styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0).
- Update to
* Added ugly workarounds for PSPP's weiird notebook node (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
* Increased letter-spacing in Cinnamon-screensaver's password entry (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0).
- Update to
* Since, NotoSans font-family is used in very specific StEntry styling of
Gnome-Shell >= 3.26, so I recommend packagers to check and add the package dependency
"NotoSans-hinted" font package.
- Update to
* Rewrote some PopupMenu related styling (Cinnamon).
- Update to
* Fixed incorrect CC-BY-SA versioned SVG ( Gtk+ 2.0).
* Set more finer base-line position for StIcons (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Retried optimizing spinner asset (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26).
* Set min-width property for PopupMenuSliderItem (Cinnamon).
* Rerwote SoundPlayer(?) styling (Cinnamon).
* Reverted hover state animations in PopupMenuItem's slider (Gnome-Shell 3.26).
- Update to
* Dropped outdated workarounds for textview node in Chrome(ium) (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Dropped Corebird 1.6.x specific selectors (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Dropped a workaround for gf-bubble close button in Gnome-Flashback (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Switched to specific style-class in Lollypop's 'rating and loved' popover menus (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Rewrote 'incognito-mode' GtkHeaderBar node styling in Epiphany (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Cleaned up Gnome-Weather styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Update to
* Added some more :highlight pseudo-class styling in StBoxLayout (Cinnamon)
* Added workarounds for IcingTaskManagerApplet (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Simplified asset's stroke paths to reduce SVG size of new spinner (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
* Defined inverted-mode spinner foregrounds and toned down insensitive state foregrounds in GtkSpinner (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Re-define variant sensitive StEntry styling again (Cinnamon)
* Added a style-class for WindowListItemBox's progress (?) indicators (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Rewrote MenuSelectedAppBox styling (Cinnamon)
* Stopped overriding child's lateral padding inside the PopupSubMenu (Cinnamon)
* Dropped all our spinner animations and switch to icon-theme's spinner (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Switched to 'spinning' spinner asset for AppMenu (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
- Update to
* Fixed incorrect panel height of Gnome-Panel (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Stopped drawing outlines on all of Gnome-Panel childs (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Cleaned up Cinnamon-Screensaver styling codes (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Update to
* Refined GtkTooltip padding values (Gtk+ 2.x/3.2x/4.0)
* Synced to Gtk+ theming changes in OSD tooltips (Gnome-Shell, Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Rewrote 'osd-shadow' assets for GtkToolBar (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Reduced extend macro sizes inside the GtkSpinButton styling (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect hover/active pseudo-class foregrounds in OSD-mode GtkSpinButton (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Removed unneeded asset entries from Nokto-Eta gresource files (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Update to
- Important Change(s)
* As I mentioned in TODOs, we dropped Unity7 support from all supported Gtk+-3 versions completely. So we do not handle --enable/disable-unity autoconf option anymore
* Remamed --enable/disable-chrome autoconf option to --enable/disable-chrome-legacy since we no longer needed any extra theme files in current 6x.0.3xxxx series
- Regular Change(s)
Tweaked marks node in GtkScale for the recent changes in upstream (Gtk+ 4.0)
- Update to
* Rewrote some SVGs to split shadow regions and put them as a new bottom layer (Cinnamon)
- Update to
* Tweaked GtkComboBoxEntry border-width property (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Tweaked FirefoxQuantum window top-edge in CSD-mode (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Update to
* Fixed damned typo in previous rev.6 (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Update to
* Enforced full-width entry assets in most generic GtkComboBox entries (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Updated copyright year
- Update to
* Truly the final version of 2017
- Disable build of chrome theme since this is not needed 6x.0.3xxxx series
- Enable build for gtk4 themes
- Update to
* Toned up sub-menuitem backgrounds (Gnome-Shell 3.24/3.26)
* Rewrote GtkHeaderBar corner rounding in GtkPaned container cases (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Dropped outdated overrides for Corebird (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Unified light/dark osd-shadow asset images of GtkToolBar (Gtk+ 3.x/4.0)
* Reverted to flat stacking-rows inline list node styling in Gnome-Tweaks (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Reverted to label coloured small 'check' image colouring in Gnome-Builder (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Run spec-cleaner
- Add requires of google-roboto-fonts in common package
- Version bump to
* Cleaned up some GtkHeaderBar codes (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Cleaned up Emacs24/25 codes (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Tweaked disabled spinner colour in Chrome(ium) (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Removed unneeded hover/active effects in Dconf-Editor GtkListBoxRows (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Enforced transparent "insensitive" flat-button backgrounds in various cases (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Added a hack for 'inline-progress' widget inside the GtkTreeView (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Added 'unchecked' check/radio icon images in GtkMenuItem (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Stopped drawing unneeded insensitive state label-shadows of GtkMenuBar's GtkMenuItem (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Version bump to
* Updated Geary styling for current 1d0aac1 (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Updated Nautilus 'disk-space-display' styling (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect expander class name in GtkTreeView (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
* Fixed incorrect 'pan-end' arrow icon-name in Budgie (Gtk+ 3.2x/4.0)
- Version bump to
* Added some missing styling in Gnome-Builder's 'Preferences' stack (Gtk+ 3.22/4.0)
* Unset GtkButton inner-border from Xfce4-panel's buttons (Gtk+ 2.0)
* Reduced GtkButton's inner-border values in GtkToolBar's flat-buttons (Gtk+ 2.0)
- Version bump to
* Updated styling and selectors to follow the upstream changes (Gtk+ 4.0).
- Grammar fixes in the description.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Run spec-cleaner
* Added 2017 year to the copyright header of spec
* convert some BuildRequires to pkgconfig
- Add some more dependencies according to update readme
- Enable build of telegram theme
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Add gedit theme.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Update license from CC-BY-SA-3.0 to CC-BY-SA-4.0.
- Add Telegram theme.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Change License to GPL2.
- Version bump to
* No changelog available.
- Fix package name that provides Noto Sans fonts.
- Initial version.

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added repo-checker as a reviewer

Please review build success

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper added leap-reviewers as a reviewer

Leap Reviewbot's avatar

leaper accepted review


Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot added as a reviewer

Being evaluated by staging project "openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Staging:adi:26"

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

Picked openSUSE:Leap:15.0:Staging:adi:26

Repo Checker's avatar

repo-checker accepted review

cycle and install check passed

Max Lin's avatar

mlin7442 accepted review


Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot accepted review

ready to accept

Staging Bot's avatar

staging-bot approved review

ready to accept

Yuchen Lin's avatar

maxlin_factory accepted request

Accept to openSUSE:Leap:15.0

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