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Max Lin


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Involved Projects and Packages

tolua++ is an extended version of tolua, a tool to integrate C/C++ code with
Lua. tolua++ includes new features oriented to c++ such as:
* support for std::string as a basic type (this can be turned off by a command
line option)
* support for class templates
as well as other features and bugfixes.

This module collects ip validation routines to make input validation, and
untainting easier and more readable.
All functions return an untainted value if the test passes, and undef if
it fails. This means that you should always check for a defined status
explicitly. Don't assume the return will be true. (e.g. is_username('0'))
The value to test is always the first (and often only) argument.

Mojolicious::Plugin::CHI is a simple plugin to work with CHI caches within Mojolicious.


okurz: I am not yet sure which repo(s) would be good for this project. openSUSE_Factory corresponds to where we want to submit to, openSUSE_Tumbleweed is what we test against in

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This project was created for package exim via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package deepin-manual via attribute OBS:Maintained

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