
Request 687544 accepted

- Replace invalid runtime dependency python3-markdown with
- Add missing runtime dependencies
- Move many optional runtime dependencies previous mandatory
to be Recommends
- Remove unnecessary explicit build dependencies on python3-base,
python3-qscintilla and python3-qt5-devel
- Activate test suite, adding tests-remove-headless.patch to
work around seg faults while running headless tests
- Add more build dependencies to activate parts of the test suite


John Vandenberg's avatar

Notge build-only dependency yamldoc is at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:jayvdb:branches:devel:languages:python:numeric/python-yamldoc , and isnt submitted to a devel project yet. It isnt registered on PyPI, and doesnt have a setup.py . Im guessing i'll be asked to include it in this package source.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

Here you really can save a lot of space by using xvfb-run too.

John Vandenberg's avatar

your opinion re yamldoc ?

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

Well adding setup.py is okay and the package as is should be acceptable. But other question is if we want some software that was last touched upstream in 2015 and is not really on pypi nor has the setup.py, could this package live without it? Maybe raise it upstream?

John Vandenberg's avatar

ya, that is why I ask. I can include a yamldoc.tgz in this package so it can be used, but not install it.

Matej Cepl's avatar

Also, could you file upstream tests-remove-headless.patch and mention URL of that issue ticket (perhaps using https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Packaging_Patches_guidelines#Current_set_of_abbreviations), please?

John Vandenberg's avatar

I have no idea what to raise upstream. It is failing, that is all we know so far. My guess is it is a bug in the openSUSE packaging of the dependencies, and is not a bug in upstream. Before worrying about the headless tests of opensesame, we need to get the pyglet integration and interactive tests working as they are primarily headless and is where I bet the bug is.

You can be sure that I can, will and do raise bugs upstream responsibly.

John Vandenberg's avatar

Can anyone tell me where Shapely disappeared, and how we should get it back?

https://build.opensuse.org/project/requests/devel:languages:python:numeric/python-Shapely is 404

I see requests in https://build.opensuse.org/project/requests/devel:languages:python:numeric so it was maintained there three months ago at least, but I cant see a delete request

https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/openSUSE:Factory/python-Shapely says it is developed at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/Application:Geo/python-Shapely , but that is just a _link now broken, pointing to devel:languages:python:numeric/python-Shapely

I've taken a copy of the factory and run it at https://build.opensuse.org/package/show/home:jayvdb:branches:Application:Geo/python-Shapely , but I guess we need a maintainer to rectify this somehow.

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

@TheBlackCat This looks like some leftover after your move of stuff to App:Geo project.

Todd R's avatar

I fixed the link.

Todd R's avatar

The issue with python-Shapely has been fixed. It now lives at Application:Geo, as all geo-related packages should. The broken link has been fixed.

Request History
John Vandenberg's avatar

jayvdb created request

- Replace invalid runtime dependency python3-markdown with
- Add missing runtime dependencies
- Move many optional runtime dependencies previous mandatory
to be Recommends
- Remove unnecessary explicit build dependencies on python3-base,
python3-qscintilla and python3-qt5-devel
- Activate test suite, adding tests-remove-headless.patch to
work around seg faults while running headless tests
- Add more build dependencies to activate parts of the test suite

Tomáš Chvátal's avatar

scarabeus_iv accepted request

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