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Request 715518 accepted

Supersedes 714721 - nicer formatting, better metadata, add deps

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Sorry for not mentioning it earlier:
As you are using KDE technology already anyway, you may want to make use of extra-cmake-macros (ECM) too for installing the files.

And then use our own kf5 macros, e.g. %{_kf5_applicationsdir} instead of %{_datadir}/applications, %{_kf5_appstreamdir} instead of %{_datadir}/metainfo, and so on.
See the macros.kf5 file in the package kf5-filesystem.
And then, you'd probably also should use %cmake_kf5 and friends...

Anyway, that's just a suggestion (maybe for further versions), and not a blocker from my side.

Apart from that, I'd say it looks good now from the packaging side.
But I'll leave it for somebody else to accept. (there still may be other comments, I suppose)

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

PS: I mean in particular... ;-)

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

And of course it should have been extra-cmake-modules, not extra-cmake-macros, sorry.

But again, I at least don't insist on this, it's just a suggestion.

Markus S's avatar

Btw, you neither have to assign your copyright to SUSE nor do you have to use the placeholder license header. If your application is under GPL, you can use a proper GPL header as well. As the placeholder says: "The license for this file, and modifications and additions to the file, is the same license as for the pristine package itself"

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

Please stop spreading this crap whenever you can.

Luca Beltrame's avatar

+%dir %{_datadir}/templates/.source

What's the purpose of this?

Fabian Vogt's avatar

It should go, hidden directories need to be avoided.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

That's used by KIO's "Create New" context menu templates.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

Indeed, and it mandates using a hidden directory (for whatever reason). That's ugly, but in this case necessary.

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

you didn't run 'spec-cleaner' yet.

Fabian Vogt's avatar

I wonder whether KDE:Extra is the right place, do you intend to submit this to kdereview?

Jan Blackquill's avatar

Most likely not in the near future. Where do you think I should submit this instead?

Fabian Vogt's avatar

%{_datadir}/templates/ is too generic, please move these files into /usr/share/ikona or something else more specific.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

%{_datadir}/templates/ is already used for other (KDE) templates (kio's "Create New..." context menu e.g. as mentioned above). I'm not sure whether it makes sense here though.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

As it BuildRequires cmake(KF5Kirigami2), it probably needs kirigami2 at runtime too. In that case, it should Require it.

Request History
Jan Blackquill's avatar

Appadeia created request

Supersedes 714721 - nicer formatting, better metadata, add deps

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux accepted request

ok, I see you asked for incubation upstream. Let's get this in

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