
Request 716667 revoked

- Update version to 1.3.0
* Fixed incorrect comment
* Allow assert.Equal on string type alias without panicking on failure
* Add Go1.11 to CI
* update comment to match function name
* Bump Go versions and use '.x' to always get latest minor versions
* Update the LICENSE to match the 'standard' MIT license file
* Support arbitrary objects as the sole element in msgAndArgs
* Recover panic in suite
* Add support for subtests (go 1.7)
* Add go.mod and go.modverify
* Fix typo ("PASS" -> "FAIL")
* Preserve stack frame for mock parent method call
* fix for comparing kinds
* Update readme to deprecate http and include available packages
* Restore type information to matched output message
* Use %v to print matched argument values
* http_assertions: regenerate
* http_assertions: fix docs (missing methods)
* More concrete error in Panics and PanicsWithValue
* Refactor ObjectsAreEqual()
* support diff display for string variables
* Run generator
* Compact template
* Optimise template
* add function aliases for common assert and requires function signatures to
make table driven tests easier
* Add placeholder example to docs
* Add T object and Test method to Mock
* mock_test: remove unecessary code

Request History
Hillwood Yang's avatar

hillwood created request

- Update version to 1.3.0
* Fixed incorrect comment
* Allow assert.Equal on string type alias without panicking on failure
* Add Go1.11 to CI
* update comment to match function name
* Bump Go versions and use '.x' to always get latest minor versions
* Update the LICENSE to match the 'standard' MIT license file
* Support arbitrary objects as the sole element in msgAndArgs
* Recover panic in suite
* Add support for subtests (go 1.7)
* Add go.mod and go.modverify
* Fix typo ("PASS" -> "FAIL")
* Preserve stack frame for mock parent method call
* fix for comparing kinds
* Update readme to deprecate http and include available packages
* Restore type information to matched output message
* Use %v to print matched argument values
* http_assertions: regenerate
* http_assertions: fix docs (missing methods)
* More concrete error in Panics and PanicsWithValue
* Refactor ObjectsAreEqual()
* support diff display for string variables
* Run generator
* Compact template
* Optimise template
* add function aliases for common assert and requires function signatures to
make table driven tests easier
* Add placeholder example to docs
* Add T object and Test method to Mock
* mock_test: remove unecessary code

Hillwood Yang's avatar

hillwood revoked request

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