
Request 877786 accepted

- MantiBS 2.25.0:
This feature and maintenance release contains over 100 fixes and
enhancements; among many other things, it improves PHP 8 compatibility, LDAP
authentication and invalid plugins management. It also includes a schema
change, so do not forget to upgrade the database as documented in the Admin
Please note that this will be the last release supporting PHP 5;
* administration
- "Add Version" without entering a version number outputs "Operation
successful" though no version has actually been added #0027994
- Attachment settings not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page
- Issue revision settings not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page
- Manage user page table footer is displayed even when empty #0027387
- Misleading e-mail notification following password reset by admin
- PHP warning in config_get_global #0026798
- Some config options can be set in database, but should be
configurable just in config_inc.php #0027884
- SQL syntax error on manage_user_page #0027117
- Sticky setting not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page #0027463
- When deleting a project, there should be information of how many (if
any) issues are affected #0027768
* api rest
- /config REST API endpoint reports users as not found when they exist
- Errors in API documentation #0026481
- Incorrect documentation for tags #0027969
- REST API update issue triggers errors if payload is empty #0027973
- Upgrade guzzlehttp/guzzle from 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 #0026919
* api soap
- mc_issue_update() throws system warning when Project not specified in
IssueData #0027981
* attachments
- Improve pop-up description for file icons #0027827
* authentication
- Username regex is too strict by default #0026811
* authorization
- reporter allowed to close #0026920
* bugtracker
- Admin check always has "WARN" for magic_quotes checks (PHP 7.4)
- Allow printing of standard confirmation alerts without buttons
- bugnote_clear_cache() does not work properly #0027217
- clickable summaries in view issues page #0008066
- It is not possible to clear the Default Profile #0027257
- Profile-related operations lack confirmations #0027259
- Refactor Profiles management pages to display a list of records
- Standardize on IEEE 1541 units (KiB, MiB) for file sizes #0027700
- Update securimage to 3.6.8 #0027155
* change log
- No hyperlinks in Changelog and Roadmap release notes #0027839
* code cleanup
- Code cleanup around User/Global Profiles #0027258
- Convert Project and User Pref APIs to use DbQuery class #0027145
- Data integrity: ensure users' default_project preference is a valid
project #0027144
- Error handlers use deprecated context parameter #0027703
- Implement ConfigsGetCommand and use from REST API #0026889
- Implement LocalizedStringsGetCommand and use from REST API #0026890
- Move release scripts to main repository #0026903
- New API function to get User Id by cookie string #0028002
- PHP notice in manage_user_edit_page.php when given invalid user id
- Refactor printing of project selection menus #0026888
- Remove obsolete 'posted' form param when reporting new issue #0027575
- Remove Project Info page #0027802
- Remove unused and regroup duplicated language strings #0027298
- Remove unused bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php file #0026962
- Standardize access of option database_version #0026821
- System notice in lang_error_handler #0027701
- Unneeded code for option display_project_padding #0027833
- Use user_is_login_request_allowed() instead of duplicating the logic
* custom fields
- Custom date field with default value left blank even when field is
required #0027914
- Custom fields with comma can't be used in Manage Config Columns page
- Incorrect error message when reporting issue with a custom field
failing validation #0027576
- Remove need to use {} for dynamic dates in custom fields default
value #0027956
- Validate date custom fields default value format #0027950
* db mssql
- Update ADOdb to 5.20.20 #0026837
* db postgresql
- PHP 8.0 PostgreSQL builds fail due to deprecated pg_fieldsize()
function #0027830
* db schema
- Email field in mantis_email_table is shorter than user email in
mantis_user_table #0027982
* documentation
- Admin Guide has various broken links, obsolete info, etc. #0026617
- Fix discrepancies in documentation for $g_display_errors #0027300
- Host the Example Plugin from the Developers Guide in a repository in
mantisbt-plugins organization #0027993
- Improve Custom Fields documentation #0027983
- Out of the box Mantis does not display either a Dependancy or
Relationship Graph #0027584
- Remove helper_alternate_class() calls from Developers Guide and
document alternative #0027992
- REST API documentation #0025998
* email
- Enable S/MIME signed e-mail notifications #0025764
* filters
- Preserving filters does not work correctly on sub-sub-projects
- search field at project-selection is not working anymore #0027375
* html
- Standardize the way fontawesome icons are printed #0027828
* installation
- Required PHP json extension not documented and checked #0026974
* installation] Sourceforge [admin/test_langs.php
- File missing from installation packages ( mantisbt-2.24.3.zip &
mantisbt-2.24.3.tar.gz) #0027362
* installation
- Using an empty timezone causes PHP notice on PHP 8 #0027796
* javascript
- MantisGraph: stop using chart.js bundled build #0027123
* ldap
- Add STARTTLS Support to LDAP #0015361
- Changed default $g_ldap_protocol_version from 0 to 3. #0027848
- LDAP configuration options can be set in database #0026822
- LDAP server must be specified as an URI #0027849
* localization
- Confusing message when selecting a project to enter an issue #0011463
- Improve handling of missing language strings #0027241
* other
- Upgrade release build scripts to Python3 #0027384
* performance
- Non visible image previews are transferred from server to client
* plug-ins
- 3rd-party plugins cannot use chart.js library bundled with
MantisGraph #0027122
- Admin checks should detect invalid / incorrectly installed plugins
- Create cronjob script and plugin event #0027882
- Force-installed plugins are not registered in order of priority
- Improve handling of invalid / incorrectly installed plugins #0026142
- MantisGraph: update Chart.js library to v2.9.3 #0027124
- Plugin_force_uninstall is not declared #0012961
- Tag attach group action doesn't trigger EVENT_TAG_ATTACHED #0027881
- Validate plugin folder name and name match during setup #0017487
* preferences
- issue report TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS #0026988
- Non existing field name os_version used where os_build should be used
* printing
- Viewer does not get Selection column in View Issues or Print Reports
lists #0026839
* security
- Printing unsanitized user input in account_prof_edit_page.php #0027853
- Update PHPMailer to 6.3.0 #0027118
* sql
- Error in bug_api.php when UPDATEing a bug #0027113
* sub-projects
- Project Menu Bar does not indent subprojects properly #0026887
* time tracking
- User list in time tracking summary is not sorted #0027005
* tools
- TravisCI: add PHP 8.0 to tests, and switch to bionic build
environment #0027829
* ui
- Confusing redirection when editing profiles #0027260
- Horizontal rules (

tag) are nearly invisible #0027978
- Inconsistent form input labels' font size when HTML label element is
used #0027958
- Left-align the Send Reminder textarea #0027972
- Manage users edit page: inconsistent spacing between sections #0027574
- "Move" functionality offered for users that have just access to a
single project #0026861
- Questionable UI / button on "Edit Project Category" page #0027808
- Upgrade to fontawesome version 4.7.0 #0026823
- Username field in Monitor box triggers password managers #0026963
- Wrong page position after bugnote add/edit #0027160
Request History
Johannes Weberhofer's avatar

weberho created request

- MantiBS 2.25.0:
This feature and maintenance release contains over 100 fixes and
enhancements; among many other things, it improves PHP 8 compatibility, LDAP
authentication and invalid plugins management. It also includes a schema
change, so do not forget to upgrade the database as documented in the Admin
Please note that this will be the last release supporting PHP 5;
* administration
- "Add Version" without entering a version number outputs "Operation
successful" though no version has actually been added #0027994
- Attachment settings not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page
- Issue revision settings not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page
- Manage user page table footer is displayed even when empty #0027387
- Misleading e-mail notification following password reset by admin
- PHP warning in config_get_global #0026798
- Some config options can be set in database, but should be
configurable just in config_inc.php #0027884
- SQL syntax error on manage_user_page #0027117
- Sticky setting not available on "Workflow Thresholds" page #0027463
- When deleting a project, there should be information of how many (if
any) issues are affected #0027768
* api rest
- /config REST API endpoint reports users as not found when they exist
- Errors in API documentation #0026481
- Incorrect documentation for tags #0027969
- REST API update issue triggers errors if payload is empty #0027973
- Upgrade guzzlehttp/guzzle from 6.5.2 to 6.5.5 #0026919
* api soap
- mc_issue_update() throws system warning when Project not specified in
IssueData #0027981
* attachments
- Improve pop-up description for file icons #0027827
* authentication
- Username regex is too strict by default #0026811
* authorization
- reporter allowed to close #0026920
* bugtracker
- Admin check always has "WARN" for magic_quotes checks (PHP 7.4)
- Allow printing of standard confirmation alerts without buttons
- bugnote_clear_cache() does not work properly #0027217
- clickable summaries in view issues page #0008066
- It is not possible to clear the Default Profile #0027257
- Profile-related operations lack confirmations #0027259
- Refactor Profiles management pages to display a list of records
- Standardize on IEEE 1541 units (KiB, MiB) for file sizes #0027700
- Update securimage to 3.6.8 #0027155
* change log
- No hyperlinks in Changelog and Roadmap release notes #0027839
* code cleanup
- Code cleanup around User/Global Profiles #0027258
- Convert Project and User Pref APIs to use DbQuery class #0027145
- Data integrity: ensure users' default_project preference is a valid
project #0027144
- Error handlers use deprecated context parameter #0027703
- Implement ConfigsGetCommand and use from REST API #0026889
- Implement LocalizedStringsGetCommand and use from REST API #0026890
- Move release scripts to main repository #0026903
- New API function to get User Id by cookie string #0028002
- PHP notice in manage_user_edit_page.php when given invalid user id
- Refactor printing of project selection menus #0026888
- Remove obsolete 'posted' form param when reporting new issue #0027575
- Remove Project Info page #0027802
- Remove unused and regroup duplicated language strings #0027298
- Remove unused bug_monitor_list_view_inc.php file #0026962
- Standardize access of option database_version #0026821
- System notice in lang_error_handler #0027701
- Unneeded code for option display_project_padding #0027833
- Use user_is_login_request_allowed() instead of duplicating the logic
* custom fields
- Custom date field with default value left blank even when field is
required #0027914
- Custom fields with comma can't be used in Manage Config Columns page
- Incorrect error message when reporting issue with a custom field
failing validation #0027576
- Remove need to use {} for dynamic dates in custom fields default
value #0027956
- Validate date custom fields default value format #0027950
* db mssql
- Update ADOdb to 5.20.20 #0026837
* db postgresql
- PHP 8.0 PostgreSQL builds fail due to deprecated pg_fieldsize()
function #0027830
* db schema
- Email field in mantis_email_table is shorter than user email in
mantis_user_table #0027982
* documentation
- Admin Guide has various broken links, obsolete info, etc. #0026617
- Fix discrepancies in documentation for $g_display_errors #0027300
- Host the Example Plugin from the Developers Guide in a repository in
mantisbt-plugins organization #0027993
- Improve Custom Fields documentation #0027983
- Out of the box Mantis does not display either a Dependancy or
Relationship Graph #0027584
- Remove helper_alternate_class() calls from Developers Guide and
document alternative #0027992
- REST API documentation #0025998
* email
- Enable S/MIME signed e-mail notifications #0025764
* filters
- Preserving filters does not work correctly on sub-sub-projects
- search field at project-selection is not working anymore #0027375
* html
- Standardize the way fontawesome icons are printed #0027828
* installation
- Required PHP json extension not documented and checked #0026974
* installation] Sourceforge [admin/test_langs.php
- File missing from installation packages ( mantisbt-2.24.3.zip &
mantisbt-2.24.3.tar.gz) #0027362
* installation
- Using an empty timezone causes PHP notice on PHP 8 #0027796
* javascript
- MantisGraph: stop using chart.js bundled build #0027123
* ldap
- Add STARTTLS Support to LDAP #0015361
- Changed default $g_ldap_protocol_version from 0 to 3. #0027848
- LDAP configuration options can be set in database #0026822
- LDAP server must be specified as an URI #0027849
* localization
- Confusing message when selecting a project to enter an issue #0011463
- Improve handling of missing language strings #0027241
* other
- Upgrade release build scripts to Python3 #0027384
* performance
- Non visible image previews are transferred from server to client
* plug-ins
- 3rd-party plugins cannot use chart.js library bundled with
MantisGraph #0027122
- Admin checks should detect invalid / incorrectly installed plugins
- Create cronjob script and plugin event #0027882
- Force-installed plugins are not registered in order of priority
- Improve handling of invalid / incorrectly installed plugins #0026142
- MantisGraph: update Chart.js library to v2.9.3 #0027124
- Plugin_force_uninstall is not declared #0012961
- Tag attach group action doesn't trigger EVENT_TAG_ATTACHED #0027881
- Validate plugin folder name and name match during setup #0017487
* preferences
- issue report TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS #0026988
- Non existing field name os_version used where os_build should be used
* printing
- Viewer does not get Selection column in View Issues or Print Reports
lists #0026839
* security
- Printing unsanitized user input in account_prof_edit_page.php #0027853
- Update PHPMailer to 6.3.0 #0027118
* sql
- Error in bug_api.php when UPDATEing a bug #0027113
* sub-projects
- Project Menu Bar does not indent subprojects properly #0026887
* time tracking
- User list in time tracking summary is not sorted #0027005
* tools
- TravisCI: add PHP 8.0 to tests, and switch to bionic build
environment #0027829
* ui
- Confusing redirection when editing profiles #0027260
- Horizontal rules (

tag) are nearly invisible #0027978
- Inconsistent form input labels' font size when HTML label element is
used #0027958
- Left-align the Send Reminder textarea #0027972
- Manage users edit page: inconsistent spacing between sections #0027574
- "Move" functionality offered for users that have just access to a
single project #0026861
- Questionable UI / button on "Edit Project Category" page #0027808
- Upgrade to fontawesome version 4.7.0 #0026823
- Username field in Monitor box triggers password managers #0026963
- Wrong page position after bugnote add/edit #0027160

Johannes Weberhofer's avatar

weberho accepted request

Tested and OK

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