
Request 891858 revoked

kdenlive will need this after mlt will be updated to 7.0.0


Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

Why isn't this in the same devel project as mlt 7?

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

The devel packages must have Conflicts lines since they're not coinstallable with mlt7

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

Why? I tested them. There is no name nor file collision.

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

right, sorry. mlt7 uses different names. One more reason to have both packages in multimedia:libs. (IMO, the opposite shall be done, libmlt shall remain mlt 6 and a libmlt7 package be created instead)

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

One more reason to have both packages in multimedia:libs.

dplater doesn't want it there. What am I to do?

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

dplater doesn't want it there. What am I to do?

Well, neither mlt 7 or shotcut SRs will be accepted in openSUSE:Factory if that breaks other packages.

kdenlive 21.08 will eventually support mlt 7. Is dplater really willing to wait until then?

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

shotcut and kdenlive are the only users of libmlt, so there is no further breakage.

Will ask dplater about it.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

I don't quite understand why we would need this in KDE:Applications.
Could it be that kdenlive won't build with mlt7? (But then it should also be possible to retain libmlt6 in Factory for now, especially as both can apparently coexist? Ok, that's actually what cgiboudeaux wrote already, I agree with him )

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

PS: if kdenlive doesn't build with mlt7, we'd need to fix that for Factory/Tumbleweed anyway, either by patching kdenlive or keeping mlt6 (in Factory) in some way...

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

And for the record: there's work on kdenlive to support mlt7 here: https://invent.kde.org/multimedia/kdenlive/-/merge_requests/207

On a quick look, this won't support mlt6 anymore then though... :-/

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

Not stable nor complete, yet.

Look, mlt7 is necessary to the latest shotcut. So it's either patches or legacy library.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

Could you be a bit clearer please?

Ok, so the latest shotcut apparently would need mlt7, right?.
But do you mean to submit mlt7 to Factory and replace mlt6?

As already mentioned, it won't help in any way I can imagine to have a libmlt6 here, unless we should maintain it for Factory (which we don't really want to do, I think...).

"dplater doesn't want it there. What am I to do?"
Well, we probably should discuss it with him then.

Wolfgang Bauer's avatar

"dplater doesn't want it there. What am I to do?" Well, we probably should discuss it with him then.

I just found the relevant discussion, sorry but you could have pointed to it.
But now that I read it I'm out, I let the other people decide....

Request History
Luigi Baldoni's avatar

alois created request

kdenlive will need this after mlt will be updated to 7.0.0

Christophe Giboudeaux's avatar

cgiboudeaux declined request

Wrong repo for this. mlt7 shall be created in multimedia:libs instead.

Luigi Baldoni's avatar

alois revoked request

The source project 'home:alois:branches:KDE:Applications' has been removed

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