
Request 997987 superseded

- Suggest texlive-latexmk


Peter Simons's avatar

I'm not sure why suggesting texlive-latexmk would be a good idea. Wouldn't that mean that we are effectively suggesting most of texlive? That seems like a massive installation which many people won't need because they're using pandoc to generate HTML or man pages.

John Vandenberg's avatar

"Suggest" doesn't do anything with zypper usage, except indicate to the user another package which is a useful addition, in this case one of those options is necessary to produce PDFs. Especially zypper with -y will ignore it. Only if the user is at a tty will it be shown.

https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/blob/e5fed51529120067672b840ba80084281761649e/src/Text/Pandoc/PDF.hs#L120 shows the list of latex engines that are supported, and latexmk is the best choice for openSUSE - most of the others do not exist in Factory AFAIK, and latexmk is definitely a good choice engine, as one of the oldest and best supported engines.

Note that PDF is at the https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/tree/e5fed51529120067672b840ba80084281761649e/src/Text/Pandoc level. Not at the next level, "Writer", https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/tree/e5fed51529120067672b840ba80084281761649e/src/Text/Pandoc/Writers . because PDF is used by several of the writers, iirc docx and others.

Anyway, I will send through another request with a more explicitly reason, and I am happy if you want to reject it also because you feel it leads the user down the wrong path. I do get it isnt needed for some use cases of pandoc, and suggesting it could cause the user to download a truckload of unneeded deps.

Request History
John Vandenberg's avatar

jayvdb created request

- Suggest texlive-latexmk

Peter Simons's avatar

psimons declined request

Please explain the motivation for this change in more detail.

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