Bernhard Wiedemann's avatar

Bernhard Wiedemann


Software developer

Member of the groups
Involved Projects and Packages

WebMock allows stubbing HTTP requests and setting expectations on HTTP requests.


This project serves as a repository for openQA installations

See also


Distributed compiler with a central scheduler to share build load.

With this plugin it is possible to dynamically add workers
to an existing Jenkins-CI instance


Txt2tags is a document generator. It reads a text file with minimal markup such as **bold** and //italic// and converts it to the multiple formats.


disorderfs is an overlay FUSE filesystem that introduces non-determinism into filesystem metadata. For example, it can randomize the order in which directory entries are read. This is useful for detecting non-determinism in the build process.


for software that I regularly found useful but always had to recompile from source

CPAN (comprehensive perl archive network) hosts a great number of valuable perl modules. Often enough you come across perl modules that require modules which are not shipped by your distribution.
RPM::Specfile provides a way to create RPM packages from CPAN modules, being the equivalent of Debians dh-make-perl for RPM-based distributions like openSUSE, fedora, mandriva.


smart socks proxy with added Socks4a support (e.g. for tor)

This project was created for package uClibc via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package python-oslo.messaging via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package xmobar via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package python-Sphinx via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package python-ddt via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package libdb-4_8 via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package doxygen via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package jenkins via attribute OBS:Maintained

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