Paolo Perego's avatar

Paolo Perego


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Maintainer Bugowner

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

NOTE: Automatically created during Factory devel project migration by admin.

Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer
Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer
Maintainer Bugowner

This script allows to generate RPM spec or DEB dsc files from Python modules.
It allows to list Python modules or search for them on the Python Package Index
(PyPI). Conveniently, it can fetch tarballs and changelogs making it an
universal tool to package Python modules.

Maintainer Bugowner Reviewer

Rpmlint is a tool to check common errors on rpm packages. Binary and
source packages can be checked.


American fuzzy lop is a security-oriented fuzzer that employs a novel type of compile-time instrumentation and genetic algorithms to automatically discover clean, interesting test cases that trigger new internal states in the targeted binary. This substantially improves the functional coverage for the fuzzed code. The compact synthesized corpora produced by the tool are also useful for seeding other, more labor- or resource-intensive testing regimes down the road.

Compared to other instrumented fuzzers, afl-fuzz is designed to be practical: it has modest performance overhead, uses a variety of highly effective fuzzing strategies and effort minimization tricks, requires essentially no configuration, and seamlessly handles complex, real-world use cases - say, common image parsing or file compression libraries.


This project was created for package vsftpd via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package vsftpd via attribute OBS:Maintained

This project was created for package keepassx via attribute OBS:Maintained

Maintainer Bugowner

Various security tools that don't need their own subproject.

Please have a look at the Subprojects, listed at the 'Subprojects' tab for more tools.


The “Java Decompiler project” aims to develop tools in order to decompile and analyze Java 5 “byte code” and the later versions.

JD-GUI is a standalone graphical utility that displays Java source codes of “.class” files. You can browse the reconstructed source code with the JD-GUI for instant access to methods and fields.

JD-Eclipse is a plug-in for the Eclipse platform. It allows you to display all the Java sources during your debugging process, even if you do not have them all.

JD-Core is a library that reconstructs Java source code from one or more “.class” files. JD-Core may be used to recover lost source code and explore the source of Java runtime libraries. New features of Java 5, such as annotations, generics or type “enum”, are supported. JD-GUI and JD-Eclipse include JD-Core library.

JD-Core, JD-GUI & JD-Eclipse are open source projects released under the GPLv3 License.

Maintainer Bugowner

Provides library functionality and command-line tools to
communicate with a FIDO device over USB, and to verify attestation and assertion signatures.

Supports the FIDO U2F (CTAP 1) and FIDO 2.0 (CTAP 2) protocols.

Maintainer Bugowner

Libu2f-host provide a C library and command-line tool that implements
the host-side of the U2F protocol. There are APIs to talk to a U2F
device and perform the U2F Register and U2F Authenticate operations.


This is a C library that implements the server-side of the U2F protocol. More precisely, it provides an API for generating the JSON blobs required by U2F devices to perform the U2F Registration and U2F Authentication operations, and functionality for verifying the cryptographic operations.

Maintainer Bugowner

Lynis is a security and system auditing tool. It scans a system on the most interesting parts useful for audits, like:
- Security enhancements
- Logging and auditing options
- Banner identification
- Software availability

Lynis is released as a GPL licensed project and free for everyone to use.

See for a full description and documentation.


The Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP) is an easy to use integrated penetration testing tool for finding vulnerabilities in web applications.


The PAM U2F module provides an easy way to integrate the Yubikey (or other U2F-compliant authenticators) into your existing user authentication infrastructure. PAM is used by GNU/Linux, Solaris and Mac OS X for user authentication.


Control physical access to a linux computer by locking all of its virtual
terminals / consoles.

physlock is an alternative to vlock, it is equivalent to `vlock -an'. It is
written because vlock blocks some linux kernel mechanisms like hibernate and
suspend and can therefore only be used with some limitations. physlock is
designed to be more lightweight, it does not have a plugin interface and it is
not started using a shell script wrapper.

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