
Hover the job time field to see the start time.

openSUSE Build Service reports 1074 running jobs.

Project Package Repository - Build Arch Job Time Build Host Host Arch
home:vizhestkov:salt-bundle-next saltbundlepy-pycurl SLE_15 - s390x 1715384577 less than a minute s390zp29:3 s390x
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-516 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384576 less than a minute i01-armsrv3:19 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-509 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384576 less than a minute i02-armsrv2:27 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-504 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384576 less than a minute i02-armsrv3:29 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-500 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384576 less than a minute i03-armsrv1:21 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-514 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384576 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:31 aarch64
home:hpcoder1 scidavis openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384576 less than a minute obs-power8-02:13 ppc64le
home:hillwood:branches:X11:Deepin deepin-image-viewer openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384576 less than a minute obs-power9-06:11 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Business-ISSN standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute h02-ch1c:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Encode-JIS2K standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute h02-ch2a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N nginx-macros standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i02-ch1b:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sort-Versions standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i02-ch2c:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-autovivification standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i02-ch2d:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Data-Dump standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i03-ch1d:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Class-Accessor standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i03-ch2a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Encode-HanExtra standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i03-ch2c:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Regexp-Common standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i04-ch2c:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Encode-EUCJPASCII standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i04-ch4b:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N console-setup standard - i586 1715384575 less than a minute i04-ch4c:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-CSV standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute h02-ch2b:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-CSV_XS standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute h02-ch2d:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Mojo-DOM58 standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i01-ch2a:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Exporter-Tiny standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i01-ch2b:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Lingua-Translit standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i02-ch1c:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N FastCGI standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i02-ch1d:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Data-Uniqid standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i02-ch2b:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sort-Key standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i03-ch1a:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-Roman standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i03-ch1c:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libsigsegv standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i03-ch2b:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N yast2-trans-allpacks standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i03-ch2d:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Without-Module standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch1a:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Business-ISBN-Data standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch1b:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-List-MoreUtils-XS standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch1c:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-File standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch1d:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Date-Simple standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch2b:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-IPC-System-Simple standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch2d:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Tie-Cycle standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch4a:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XML-Writer-String standard - i586 1715384574 less than a minute i04-ch4d:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Number-Compare standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1a:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N efivar standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1a:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N filesystem standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1b:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Devel-StackTrace standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1c:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N glm standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1d:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Class-Tiny standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch1d:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Variable-Magic standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch2a:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Scope-Guard standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch2c:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-File-Slurp standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute h02-ch2d:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N psutils standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i01-ch2b:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Role-Tiny standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i01-ch2c:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-NoWarnings standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i01-ch2c:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-LeakTrace standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch1a:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-IO-String standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch1a:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N pesign-obs-integration standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch1b:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Algorithm-Diff standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch1d:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-MRO-Compat standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch2a:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N initviocons standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch2b:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sub-Exporter-Progressive standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch2c:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XString standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i02-ch2d:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-File-Which standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch1a:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N kexec-tools standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch1b:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XML-Writer standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch1b:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Digest-SHA1 standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch1c:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N pigz standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch2b:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sub-Install standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch2c:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N update-bootloader-rpm-macros standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i03-ch2d:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N systemd-default-settings standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch1a:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Class-Singleton standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch1b:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sub-Quote standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch1d:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-Glob standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch2a:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Class-Data-Inheritable standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch2c:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-File-chdir standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch2d:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-CPAN-Meta-Requirements standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch4a:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Sub-Identify standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch4b:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N cracklib standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch4c:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N llvm standard - i586 1715384573 less than a minute i04-ch4d:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libevdev standard - i586 1715384572 less than a minute h02-ch1b:7 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-498 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384572 less than a minute i01-armsrv3:1 aarch64
home:mschreiner:alternatives _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i01-ch2a:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libpaper standard - i586 1715384572 less than a minute i01-ch2d:12 x86_64
home:metan libgfxprim-curl-debian Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i01-ch2d:14 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-495 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384572 less than a minute i02-armsrv1:3 aarch64
home:Tobi_Peter:libgnomesu libgnomesu openSUSE_ARM - armv7l 1715384572 less than a minute i02-armsrv3:23 aarch64
home:metan termini-debian Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i02-ch2a:4 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-496 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384572 less than a minute i03-armsrv1:38 aarch64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-14 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i03-ch1c:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N tslib standard - i586 1715384572 less than a minute i03-ch1d:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N mtdev standard - i586 1715384572 less than a minute i03-ch2a:21 x86_64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-15 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i03-ch2a:25 x86_64
home:metan elecalc-debian Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i03-ch2d:14 x86_64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - i586 1715384572 less than a minute i04-ch1b:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N yast2-trans standard - i586 1715384572 less than a minute i04-ch2b:11 x86_64
home:npreining:debian-ocaml-backports dh-ocaml Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i04-ch4c:18 x86_64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-15 openSUSE_Factory - x86_64 1715384572 less than a minute i04-ch4d:15 x86_64
home:hillwood:branches:X11:MATE:Next mate-utils openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384572 less than a minute obs-power9-13:1 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N patchutils standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute h02-ch1b:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XML-XPathEngine standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i01-ch2a:1 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ffmpeg-6:ffmpeg-6-mini standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i01-ch2b:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-IO-CaptureOutput standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i01-ch2c:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N gnome-patch-translation standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i02-ch1b:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Archive-Cpio standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i02-ch1c:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-Iconv standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i02-ch2b:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N gsl:serial standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i03-ch1c:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N translation-update-upstream standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i03-ch1d:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N apparmor:libapparmor standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i03-ch2c:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N byaccj standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i03-ch2d:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-Wrapper standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i04-ch1b:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N foma standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i04-ch1c:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Archive-Extract standard - i586 1715384569 less than a minute i04-ch4a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-X11-Protocol standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch1a:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libconfig standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch1a:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-File-ShareDir-Install standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch1c:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N debianutils standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch1d:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Class-Inspector standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2a:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lzip standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2a:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Pod-Parser standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2b:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lzo standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2b:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Pod standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2c:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libaio standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2d:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libpipeline standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute h02-ch2d:27 x86_64
home:mnhauke scummvm openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384568 less than a minute i01-armsrv2:7 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N apache-rpm-macros-control standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i01-ch2a:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N dialog standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i01-ch2b:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N bash-completion standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i01-ch2c:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N man-pages standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i01-ch2d:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N hwdata standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i01-ch2d:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N mpi-selector standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch1a:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-IPC-Run3 standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch1c:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N spirv-headers standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch1d:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N potrace standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch1d:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N aspell standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch2a:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Term-ReadKey standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch2b:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Devel-Symdump standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch2c:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N Imath standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch2d:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Term-Table standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i02-ch2d:9 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384568 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:22 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N pcre standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch1a:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Unicode-String standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch1a:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Text-CharWidth standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch1b:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libdeflate standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch1b:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lsscsi standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch1c:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N poppler-data standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch2a:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N system-user-mktex standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch2a:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libspiro standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i03-ch2b:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N t1utils standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch1a:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libEMF standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch1a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libx86emu standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch1c:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-MIME-Charset standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch1d:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ttf-converter standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2a:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XML-SAX-Base standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2a:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lmdb standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2b:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libart_lgpl standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2b:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-YAML-Tiny standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2c:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N DirectX-Headers standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2d:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N zip standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch2d:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-File-Path standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch4a:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lksctp-tools standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch4b:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-XML-NamespaceSupport standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch4c:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N apparmor-rpm-macros standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch4c:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N grep standard - i586 1715384568 less than a minute i04-ch4d:6 x86_64
home:krop:frameworks-6.2.0 kf6-kcompletion openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384568 less than a minute obs-power8-03:1 ppc64le
home:huakim:matrix gnome-shell-theme-flat-remix openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384568 less than a minute obs-power9-12:5 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N abseil-cpp standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute h02-ch1c:26 x86_64
home:ailin_nemui:branches:GNOME:Apps _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute h02-ch2b:27 x86_64
home:ailin_nemui:branches:GNOME:Apps _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute h02-ch2c:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N double-conversion standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute h02-ch2c:5 x86_64
home:StefanBruens:branches:multimedia:libs gstreamer-plugins-bad openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384567 less than a minute i01-armsrv2:20 aarch64
home:brassh:branches:openSUSE:Factory _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i01-ch2a:22 x86_64
home:brassh:branches:openSUSE:Factory _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i02-ch1c:17 x86_64
home:mnhauke mcds openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715384567 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:10 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N hunspell standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i03-ch2b:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N hicolor-icon-theme standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i03-ch2c:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N giflib standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i03-ch2d:17 x86_64
home:mschreiner:alternatives _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory+GNOME_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i04-ch1c:5 x86_64
home:mschreiner:alternatives _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i04-ch2a:19 x86_64
home:npreining:debian-ubuntu-onedrive onedrive Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384567 less than a minute i04-ch4c:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libsigc++2 standard - i586 1715384567 less than a minute i04-ch4d:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N fribidi standard - i586 1715384566 less than a minute h02-ch2a:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libpciaccess standard - i586 1715384566 less than a minute h02-ch2b:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N valgrind:client-headers standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute h02-ch1d:1 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:release network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384563 less than a minute h02-ch2a:6 x86_64
home:huakim:rust rust-escape8259 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - armv6l 1715384563 less than a minute i01-armsrv2:2 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N patchelf standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute i02-ch1b:15 x86_64
home:mnhauke ntpsec openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384563 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:17 aarch64
home:huakim:rust rust-wit-parser openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384563 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:26 aarch64
home:huakim:rust rust-yansi openSUSE_Tumbleweed - armv7l 1715384563 less than a minute i03-armsrv2:33 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Mock-Config standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute i03-ch1c:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-B-COW standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute i03-ch1d:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N datefudge standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute i04-ch1b:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N python-pyparsing:primary standard - i586 1715384563 less than a minute i04-ch4b:24 x86_64
home:krop:frameworks5-5.116.0 kiconthemes openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384563 less than a minute obs-power9-07:8 ppc64le
home:krop:frameworks5-5.116.0 ktextwidgets openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384563 less than a minute obs-power9-13:7 ppc64le
home:huakim:matrix expected Fedora_Rawhide - ppc64le 1715384563 less than a minute obs-power9-15:3 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-ExtUtils-Config standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute h02-ch1a:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-ExtUtils-Helpers standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute h02-ch1b:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-libintl-perl standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute h02-ch1c:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Capture-Tiny standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute h02-ch2b:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N hiredis standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i01-ch2a:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Needs standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i01-ch2c:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Archive-Zip standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i01-ch2d:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ibmswtpm2 standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch1a:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N chrpath standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch1a:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N opensp standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch1c:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N font-util standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch1d:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ruby-bundled-gems-rpmhelper standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch2a:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Deep standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch2a:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ell standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i02-ch2c:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N uchardet standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i03-ch1d:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N net-tools standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i03-ch2a:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N gccmakedep standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch1d:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N xmlcharent standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch2b:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Requires standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch2c:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-RequiresInternet standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch2c:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libatomic_ops standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch4a:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Test-Warnings standard - i586 1715384562 less than a minute i04-ch4d:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libmd standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute h02-ch1b:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N tcsh standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute h02-ch2c:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Module-Build standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute i02-ch2b:20 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N groff standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute i02-ch2d:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N less standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute i03-ch2c:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N sha1collisiondetection standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute i04-ch1c:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N c-ares standard - i586 1715384561 less than a minute i04-ch2a:12 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N duktape standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch1b:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Encode-Locale standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch1d:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N jitterentropy standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch2a:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N update-desktop-files standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch2a:3 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-Try-Tiny standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch2c:16 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N boost-defaults standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch2d:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libogg standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute h02-ch2d:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libnettle standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i01-ch2a:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N llvm18 standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i01-ch2b:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N rust standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i01-ch2b:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libksba standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i01-ch2b:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N opus standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i01-ch2c:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libmnl standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i02-ch1b:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libtasn1 standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i02-ch1d:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libevent standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i02-ch2a:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libsodium standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i02-ch2c:21 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-HTML-Tagset standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch1a:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N npth standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch1b:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libbpf standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch1b:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-TimeDate standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch1c:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N doxygen standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch1d:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N keyutils standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch2b:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libjansson standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i03-ch2d:1 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N unixODBC standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch1a:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N perl-IO-HTML standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch1b:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N ruby-common standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch1c:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N fontpackages standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch1d:26 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libassuan standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch2c:28 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N pixman standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch2d:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N llvm17 standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch2d:23 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libnl3 standard - i586 1715384560 1 minute i04-ch4c:21 x86_64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - i586 1715384559 1 minute h02-ch1d:12 x86_64
GNOME:Factory libcanberra openSUSE_ARM - armv7l 1715384559 1 minute i03-armsrv1:26 aarch64
Java:packages apache-commons-dbcp1 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715384559 1 minute i03-armsrv2:23 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM preinstallimage-libqt5 standard - armv7l 1715384559 1 minute i03-armsrv2:6 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM microos-docserv-image containerfile - aarch64 1715384557 1 minute i02-armsrv1:17 aarch64
KDE:Qt:PyQt python-PyQt6-NetworkAuth openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384557 1 minute i02-armsrv2:32 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-48 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384557 1 minute i02-armsrv3:15 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:SelfInstall images - aarch64 1715384557 1 minute i02-armsrv3:26 aarch64
devel:languages:haskell ghc-safe-exceptions openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384557 1 minute i03-armsrv1:4 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N python310:base standard - i586 1715384557 1 minute i03-ch2a:14 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libpsl:psl-make-dafsa standard - i586 1715384557 1 minute i04-ch1d:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N python312:base standard - i586 1715384557 1 minute i04-ch4b:25 x86_64
network:pidgin pidgin-otr openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384557 1 minute obs-power8-03:23 ppc64le
home:mlin7442:branches:server:mail exim openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715384557 1 minute s390zp22:1 s390x
devel:languages:go fileb0x SLE_15_SP5 - s390x 1715384557 1 minute s390zp23:3 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libxml2 standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute h02-ch1a:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N rpm-config-SUSE standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute h02-ch1a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N brotli standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute h02-ch1d:19 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N lz4 standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute h02-ch2c:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libunistring standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute h02-ch2d:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N pthread-stubs standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i01-ch2d:5 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-57 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384556 1 minute i02-armsrv1:38 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N systemtap:systemtap-dtrace standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i02-ch1b:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libpng16 standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i02-ch1b:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N sed standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i02-ch2c:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N json-c standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i02-ch2d:4 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N xcb-proto standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch1a:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N gperf standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch1c:5 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libverto standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch1d:17 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N jbigkit standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch2a:10 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N unzip standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch2c:24 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N dos2unix standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i03-ch2d:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N nasm standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch1a:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N xbitmaps standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch1c:25 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N cunit standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch2b:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libyaml standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch2c:15 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N suse-module-tools standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch4a:11 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N xorgproto standard - i586 1715384556 1 minute i04-ch4b:9 x86_64
home:favogt:lessgdm pulseaudio openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384554 1 minute obs-power8-03:7 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-62 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384553 1 minute i02-armsrv3:31 aarch64
windows:mingw:win64 mingw64-sgml-skel openSUSE_Tumbleweed_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384553 1 minute obs-power9-12:2 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-59 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384551 1 minute i01-armsrv2:11 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-60 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384551 1 minute i01-armsrv3:16 aarch64
X11:Deepin:Factory deepin-anything openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384551 1 minute obs-power8-05:3 ppc64le
server:proxy sarg openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384551 1 minute obs-power9-07:4 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-488 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384549 1 minute i02-armsrv1:39 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:GNOME:NetworkManager-openconnect:PR-58 network-manager-openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384549 1 minute i02-armsrv2:15 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-494 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384547 1 minute i02-armsrv3:33 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX gnutls standard - x86_64 1715384545 1 minute h02-ch1a:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX libmwaw standard - x86_64 1715384545 1 minute i01-ch2c:14 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-492 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384545 1 minute i02-armsrv2:40 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX dirac standard - x86_64 1715384545 1 minute i03-ch2c:3 x86_64
devel:languages:python python-xkbgroup 15.6 - aarch64 1715384543 1 minute i02-armsrv2:8 aarch64
GNOME:Apps _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384543 1 minute obs-power8-03:21 ppc64le
hardware:nvdimm pmemkv-python openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384543 1 minute obs-power8-05:13 ppc64le
home:mschreiner:alternatives _deltas-1 openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384543 1 minute obs-power9-13:10 ppc64le
OBS:PreinstallImages preinstallimage-minimal Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715384543 1 minute s390zp21:2 s390x
home:mnhauke:mobile Gtkeddit openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384541 1 minute i02-armsrv2:21 aarch64
GNOME:Factory pangomm1_4 openSUSE_ARM - aarch64 1715384541 1 minute i02-armsrv3:11 aarch64
Java:packages openrtf SLE_15_SP2 - aarch64 1715384541 1 minute i03-armsrv1:34 aarch64
home:guoyunhe mozillavpn openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384541 1 minute obs-power9-12:20 ppc64le
devel:languages:ruby:extensions rubygem-codemirror-rails openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384539 1 minute i02-armsrv1:24 aarch64
home:gkenion:branches:devel:libraries:c_c++ uriparser.devel_libraries_c_c++ devel_libraries_c_c++_openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384538 1 minute obs-power9-11:14 ppc64le
devel:languages:python:backports python-azure-mgmt-securityinsight 15.4 - aarch64 1715384536 1 minute i02-armsrv1:18 aarch64
devel:languages:haskell ghc-unordered-containers openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384533 1 minute i02-armsrv1:31 aarch64
devel:languages:python:backports python-azure-mgmt-iotfirmwaredefense 15.5 - aarch64 1715384533 1 minute i03-armsrv2:35 aarch64
Java:packages javamail openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384529 1 minute i03-armsrv2:16 aarch64
home:npreining:debian-ubuntu-onedrive onedrive Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715384526 1 minute i02-armsrv1:15 aarch64
home:geopm geopm-service openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384526 1 minute obs-power9-13:29 ppc64le
science jaxodraw 15.6 - aarch64 1715384524 1 minute i02-armsrv3:2 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-75 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384524 1 minute i02-ch2a:17 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:release openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384524 1 minute i03-ch2b:18 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-74 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384524 1 minute i04-ch2d:14 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-69 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384523 1 minute i04-ch1c:4 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-57 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384523 1 minute i04-ch2a:21 x86_64
security:forensics libagdb openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384522 1 minute i01-armsrv1:19 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-71 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384522 1 minute i03-ch1a:23 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-70 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384522 1 minute i04-ch4c:3 x86_64
home:garloff:storage device-mapper openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC_standard - ppc64le 1715384522 1 minute obs-power8-03:17 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-43 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384520 1 minute h02-ch2b:22 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-98 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384520 1 minute i01-ch2c:18 x86_64
devel:kubic kubelogin openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384520 1 minute i02-armsrv1:14 aarch64
security:forensics libuna openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384520 1 minute i02-armsrv2:37 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-54 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384520 1 minute i02-ch1c:24 x86_64
home:paul4us klassy Debian_Unstable - i586 1715384520 1 minute i04-ch1b:23 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:vpnc-scripts:PR-56 vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384520 1 minute i04-ch2c:8 x86_64
home:gbelinassi:branches:Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384520 1 minute obs-power9-06:7 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-522 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384517 1 minute i02-ch1d:8 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-516 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384517 1 minute i03-ch1a:27 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-509 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384517 1 minute i03-ch1b:2 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-521 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384517 1 minute i03-ch1c:23 x86_64
home:paul4us klassy Debian_Testing - i586 1715384517 1 minute i04-ch1c:23 x86_64
home:gbelinassi:branches:home:Andreas_Schwab:Factory glibc:testsuite p - ppc64le 1715384517 1 minute obs-power8-02:4 ppc64le
home:gansm libfinal openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384517 1 minute obs-power9-07:2 ppc64le
Base:System rpm-repos-openSUSE openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715384517 1 minute s390zp21:6 s390x
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-504 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384514 1 minute h02-ch1b:18 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-500 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384514 1 minute h02-ch2b:19 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-498 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384514 1 minute i01-ch2b:21 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-499 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384514 1 minute i02-ch1a:25 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-496 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384514 1 minute i02-ch2c:12 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-494 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384512 1 minute i02-ch1c:7 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-495 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384512 1 minute i02-ch2a:8 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-488 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384512 1 minute i03-ch1b:12 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-492 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384512 1 minute i03-ch2a:24 x86_64
utilities presenterm openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384510 1 minute i03-armsrv2:12 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-474 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384510 1 minute i03-ch2d:24 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-464 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384510 1 minute i04-ch2d:26 x86_64
home:deltachat dovecot Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715384508 1 minute i01-armsrv1:16 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-464 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384508 1 minute i02-armsrv1:32 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-456 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384508 1 minute i04-ch2b:27 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-461 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384508 1 minute i04-ch4a:13 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-448 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384508 1 minute i04-ch4b:2 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-462 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384508 1 minute i04-ch4b:22 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-474 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384506 1 minute i02-armsrv1:28 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-432 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384506 1 minute i02-ch1d:1 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-425 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384506 1 minute i02-ch2c:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N libclc standard - x86_64 1715384506 1 minute i03-ch1d:8 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-396 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384504 1 minute i01-ch2d:27 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-394 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384504 1 minute i02-ch1b:19 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-482 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384504 1 minute i03-armsrv1:7 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-406 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384504 1 minute i04-ch2a:11 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-397 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384504 1 minute i04-ch4c:23 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-383 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384502 1 minute i02-ch2a:7 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-387 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384502 1 minute i03-ch1b:16 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-346 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384501 1 minute h02-ch2b:18 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-354 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384501 1 minute i01-ch2a:18 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX libstorage-ng standard - x86_64 1715384499 2 minutes h02-ch2c:4 x86_64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-448 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384499 2 minutes i02-armsrv3:30 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-200 openconnect Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715384499 2 minutes i04-ch1b:9 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX glibmm2_4 standard - x86_64 1715384499 2 minutes i04-ch2c:22 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX vala standard - x86_64 1715384499 2 minutes i04-ch2d:20 x86_64
multimedia:apps guvcview openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384497 2 minutes i02-armsrv3:34 aarch64
home:bluca:openconnect:ci:openconnect:openconnect:PR-425 openconnect openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384497 2 minutes i03-armsrv1:2 aarch64
KDE:Frameworks5 kwallet openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384497 2 minutes obs-power8-05:24 ppc64le
Kernel:tools qemu openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384495 2 minutes obs-power9-11:12 ppc64le
M17N fcitx-ui-light openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715384494 2 minutes s390zp28:1 s390x
home:fbonazzi:branches:server:mail_git neomutt openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384492 2 minutes obs-power8-03:8 ppc64le
home:Ximi1970:Dkms dkms openSUSE_Leap_15.4_ARM - armv7l 1715384491 2 minutes armbuild25:2 aarch64
home:npreining:debian-ocaml-backports ocaml Debian_Unstable - i586 1715384491 2 minutes h02-ch1a:3 x86_64
devel:kubic kubeseal openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384488 2 minutes i03-armsrv1:10 aarch64
GNOME:Next NetworkManager openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384488 2 minutes obs-power9-15:8 ppc64le
network dpdk openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384484 2 minutes obs-power9-13:5 ppc64le
home:favogt:branches:multimedia:libs lv2 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384484 2 minutes obs-power9-15:1 ppc64le
graphics libgexiv2 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384482 2 minutes obs-power9-16:1 ppc64le
home:cloud-hypervisor cloud-hypervisor Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384480 2 minutes i01-ch2b:5 x86_64
hardware libzbc openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715384480 2 minutes obs-power9-15:16 ppc64le
KDE:Frameworks5 kxmlgui openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384480 2 minutes obs-power9-15:18 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect openconnect Debian_Testing - aarch64 1715384478 2 minutes i03-armsrv2:1 aarch64
home:pgajdos libdnf openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384478 2 minutes obs-power9-16:6 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect vpnc-scripts Debian_Testing - ppc64le 1715384476 2 minutes obs-power9-11:7 ppc64le
home:bluca:openconnect openconnect Debian_Testing - ppc64le 1715384476 2 minutes obs-power9-16:10 ppc64le
home:baconpaul:surge surge-xt-release openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384472 2 minutes i02-armsrv2:19 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM preinstallimage-gtk3-devel standard - armv7l 1715384472 2 minutes i02-armsrv3:9 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM:Rings:1-MinimalX libnice standard - aarch64 1715384470 2 minutes i02-armsrv3:32 aarch64
home:emilianolangella:branches:devel:microos podman openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384465 2 minutes obs-power9-15:11 ppc64le
home:pgajdos xca openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384463 2 minutes i03-armsrv1:28 aarch64
home:Ximi1970:Servers:Domoticz:Development openzwave openSUSE_Leap_15.4_ARM - armv7l 1715384462 2 minutes armbuild25:1 aarch64
home:krop:applications-24.04.80 zanshin KDE_Frameworks5_openSUSE_Leap_15.5 - aarch64 1715384459 2 minutes i02-armsrv2:5 aarch64
filesystems testdisk openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384459 2 minutes obs-power8-03:5 ppc64le
editors emacs-with-editor openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715384459 2 minutes obs-power8-05:32 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC snd standard - ppc64le 1715384459 2 minutes obs-power9-11:16 ppc64le
home:ojkastl_buildservice:Branch_devel_languages_python python-responses 15.6 - s390x 1715384454 2 minutes s390zl27:1 s390x
home:stroeder:iam msktutil openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384452 2 minutes obs-power8-05:2 ppc64le
home:cabelo:innovators kwayland openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384450 2 minutes i02-armsrv3:7 aarch64
home:krop:applications-24.04.80 kgeography KDE_Frameworks5_openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715384450 2 minutes i03-armsrv2:15 aarch64
home:krop:frameworks-6.2.0 kf6-kdbusaddons openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384450 2 minutes obs-power9-13:25 ppc64le
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-zfcpdump openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715384450 2 minutes s390zl22:4 s390x
home:alarrosa:branches:openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6:AppStream gnome-software pool - s390x 1715384450 2 minutes s390zp25:6 s390x
home:rjain:branches:gnome:Factory apache2:test_prefork openSUSE_PPC - ppc64le 1715384448 2 minutes obs-power9-07:1 ppc64le
home:huakim:matrix expected Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715384445 2 minutes s390zl24:5 s390x
home:balta3:branches:network:telephony belle-sip 15.6 - aarch64 1715384440 3 minutes i03-armsrv2:39 aarch64
X11:Deepin deepin-api openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384438 3 minutes obs-power9-13:12 ppc64le
hardware:sdr osmosdr 15.6 - s390x 1715384438 3 minutes s390zp21:7 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:ARM:Rings:1-MinimalX texlive-specs-g standard - aarch64 1715384435 3 minutes i02-armsrv3:39 aarch64
windows:mingw:win32 mingw32-lapack openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715384435 3 minutes i03-armsrv1:8 aarch64
home:dmdiss:vim_plugins_cscope vim-plugins openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715384435 3 minutes obs-power9-12:4 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX suitesparse standard - x86_64 1715384431 3 minutes i01-ch2a:11 x86_64
KDE:Qt5 gnuplot openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384429 3 minutes i02-armsrv2:14 aarch64
X11:MATE:Next mate-themes openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384429 3 minutes obs-power8-05:29 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N rust1.76 standard - x86_64 1715384427 3 minutes i01-ch1d:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N rust1.77 standard - x86_64 1715384427 3 minutes i04-ch3a:5 x86_64
devel:tools:building icecream 15.6 - s390x 1715384427 3 minutes s390zl27:3 s390x
X11:Utilities simplescreenrecorder openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384424 3 minutes i03-armsrv1:1 aarch64
home:dmdiss:autofs_519 autofs openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384419 3 minutes obs-power8-05:11 ppc64le
devel:languages:R:released R-nloptr openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384415 3 minutes i02-armsrv2:3 aarch64
devel:languages:R:released R-minqa openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384415 3 minutes i03-armsrv2:7 aarch64
devel:languages:R:released R-nloptr openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384413 3 minutes i03-armsrv2:2 aarch64
devel:languages:python:pytest python-pytest-mypy-testing openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384410 3 minutes obs-power8-02:11 ppc64le
X11:Utilities xlockmore 15.5 - s390x 1715384408 3 minutes s390zp25:5 s390x
windows:mingw:win32 mingw32-kicad-packages3D openSUSE_Tumbleweed_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384406 3 minutes obs-power9-06:10 ppc64le
X11:Deepin:Factory dtkdeclarative openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384402 3 minutes obs-power8-02:5 ppc64le
KDE:Frameworks kf6-kjobwidgets openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384398 3 minutes obs-power8-05:8 ppc64le
security passwordsafe openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384395 3 minutes i02-armsrv2:9 aarch64
home:npreining:debian-various rssguard Debian_Unstable - i586 1715384393 3 minutes h02-ch1c:20 x86_64
devel:tools cppcheck openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384393 3 minutes obs-power8-05:7 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:N postgresql16 standard - x86_64 1715384391 3 minutes h02-ch1a:23 x86_64
home:npreining:debian-various rssguard Debian_Testing - i586 1715384391 3 minutes i02-ch2b:6 x86_64
home:dirkmueller:branches:Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384391 3 minutes obs-power9-06:6 ppc64le
KDE:Qt5 libqt5-qtquickcontrols openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715384386 3 minutes i03-armsrv1:17 aarch64
Archiving pigz 15.6 - s390x 1715384383 3 minutes s390zp23:6 s390x
KDE:Extra kuserfeedback KDE_Applications_openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715384381 3 minutes i01-armsrv1:8 aarch64
home:dfaggioli:microos-desktop podman openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384381 3 minutes obs-power9-11:13 ppc64le
X11:MATE:Current mate-control-center openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384373 4 minutes obs-power8-05:30 ppc64le
home:dfaggioli:devel:Virtualization qemu openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384372 4 minutes obs-power8-03:9 ppc64le
home:dfaggioli:devel:Virtualization qemu:qemu-linux-user openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384372 4 minutes obs-power9-15:2 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX python312:base standard - i586 1715384371 4 minutes i02-ch2d:23 x86_64
multimedia:libs pipewire openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384368 4 minutes i03-armsrv1:32 aarch64
Virtualization:containers kubetui openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384368 4 minutes obs-power9-16:17 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX gettext-runtime standard - x86_64 1715384362 4 minutes i04-ch1b:28 x86_64
Virtualization:containers buildah openSUSE_Tumbleweed_and_d_l_g - ppc64le 1715384362 4 minutes obs-power8-03:19 ppc64le
home:derselbst:anmp obs-service-tar_scm:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384361 4 minutes obs-power9-07:5 ppc64le
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-rx-gcc13 openSUSE_Leap_15.3 - aarch64 1715384358 4 minutes i01-armsrv2:14 aarch64
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-bpf-gcc13 openSUSE_Leap_15.4 - aarch64 1715384358 4 minutes i01-armsrv2:5 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC rpmlint-mini standard - ppc64le 1715384357 4 minutes obs-power9-13:23 ppc64le
devel:tools:compiler llvm15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384355 4 minutes i02-armsrv2:18 aarch64
home:cabelo:intel kernel-source:kernel-default openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384352 4 minutes i02-armsrv3:22 aarch64
home:krop:maintained libqxmpp:qt5 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384352 4 minutes obs-power9-07:3 ppc64le
home:badshah400:branches:science scalapack:gnu-mpich-hpc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384350 4 minutes obs-power9-12:16 ppc64le
X11:Utilities polybar 15.6 - s390x 1715384350 4 minutes s390zp2a:3 s390x
home:bluca:dpdk dpdk-22.11 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384347 4 minutes i01-ch2a:9 x86_64
home:bluca:dpdk dpdk openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384347 4 minutes i02-ch2d:2 x86_64
home:bluca:dpdk dpdk-21.11 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384347 4 minutes i04-ch1b:4 x86_64
home:mnhauke:sdr-devel sdrangel openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384345 4 minutes i03-armsrv2:32 aarch64
home:michael-chang:obs_scm-webhook:CI grub2-4552b61159fc70ebbcd7016f2f01e0e92c1837aa openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384345 4 minutes obs-power9-07:10 ppc64le
shells rash openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384343 4 minutes obs-power9-06:4 ppc64le
home:michael-chang:grub:devel:CI grub2-e9c32f6192c5414e9c5886068a85146d3d515437 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384340 4 minutes obs-power8-05:4 ppc64le
server:database:postgresql postgresql-ip4r:postgresql16 15.5 - s390x 1715384340 4 minutes s390zp28:2 s390x
home:bespokesynth bespokesynth openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384338 4 minutes h02-ch1b:5 x86_64
home:bespokesynth bespokesynth-nightly openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384338 4 minutes h02-ch1d:6 x86_64
home:bjoern_beutel ffmpeg-4 openSUSE_Slowroll - x86_64 1715384332 4 minutes i02-ch2b:17 x86_64
home:bjoern_beutel ffmpeg-6 openSUSE_Slowroll - x86_64 1715384332 4 minutes i03-ch1a:6 x86_64
home:adrianSuSE:branches:science python-hypothesis:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384332 4 minutes obs-power8-05:26 ppc64le
home:ojkastl_buildservice:Branch_devel_languages_python python-isort:test openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715384332 4 minutes s390zl26:1 s390x
home:alarrosa:branches:server:database:postgresql pgadmin4 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384329 4 minutes obs-power8-02:12 ppc64le
home:MartinVonReichenberg:qBittorrent libtorrent-rasterbar-deb Debian_Testing - s390x 1715384320 5 minutes s390zp23:5 s390x
home:alarrosa:branches:openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6:AppStream-1.0 strawberry standard - aarch64 1715384318 5 minutes i03-armsrv1:16 aarch64
home:cloud-hypervisor cloud-hypervisor Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715384316 5 minutes i03-armsrv1:13 aarch64
home:cloud-hypervisor kernel-cloud-hypervisor-guest Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715384316 5 minutes i04-ch1b:3 x86_64
devel:kubic:libcontainers:testing:cri-o:1.18 cri-o Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715384313 5 minutes i02-armsrv3:19 aarch64
home:vliaskovitis:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source:kernel-docs PPC - ppc64le 1715384313 5 minutes obs-power9-07:9 ppc64le
home:alarrosa:branches:KDE:Qt:PyQt python-qt5 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384313 5 minutes obs-power9-13:22 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384311 5 minutes i01-armsrv1:10 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:OpenStack-Cloud images - aarch64 1715384311 5 minutes i03-armsrv2:13 aarch64
home:Guillaume_G:JeOS JeOS:E20-efi.aarch64 images - aarch64 1715384311 5 minutes i03-armsrv2:3 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC seamonkey standard - ppc64le 1715384311 5 minutes obs-power9-16:14 ppc64le
Publishing dvgt openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384306 5 minutes obs-power9-07:11 ppc64le
M17N libime openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384304 5 minutes obs-power8-02:16 ppc64le
home:danishprakash:branches:devel:microos buildah openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384304 5 minutes obs-power9-11:18 ppc64le
home:cabelo:intel dtb-aarch64:kernel-docs openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384302 5 minutes i02-armsrv2:38 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM:Rings:1-MinimalX texlive-specs-f standard - aarch64 1715384302 5 minutes i02-armsrv3:28 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-sinovoipbpim2zero images - armv7l 1715384302 5 minutes i03-armsrv1:22 aarch64
home:danishprakash:branches:devel:microos podman openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384302 5 minutes obs-power9-16:9 ppc64le
server:mail ripmime 15.5 - s390x 1715384300 5 minutes s390zl29:3 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source-longterm:kernel-longterm standard - x86_64 1715384298 5 minutes i01-ch1b:7 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i03-ch1d:13 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source:kernel-vanilla standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i04-ch3a:2 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source:kernel-kvmsmall standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i04-ch3a:6 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source:kernel-default standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i04-ch3a:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source:kernel-debug standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i04-ch3b:1 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source-longterm standard - x86_64 1715384297 5 minutes i04-ch4a:14 x86_64
devel:ARM:Factory:Contrib:HEAD JeOS-efi.aarch64:KDE-raspberrypi.aarch64 images - aarch64 1715384295 5 minutes i02-armsrv1:5 aarch64
home:dancermak:branches:devel:microos podman openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384295 5 minutes obs-power8-02:14 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX curl standard - x86_64 1715384293 5 minutes i04-ch1c:24 x86_64
home:czanik:syslog-ng-githead syslog-ng openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384293 5 minutes obs-power9-16:13 ppc64le
devel:languages:python:Factory python38:doc openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384291 5 minutes i02-armsrv1:13 aarch64
home:belphegor_belbel:KDE3 kdelibs3 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384291 5 minutes i04-ch4c:9 x86_64
devel:kubic:libcontainers:unstable podman Debian_Testing - s390x 1715384289 5 minutes s390zp26:4 s390x
devel:languages:haxe ocaml-coq openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384288 5 minutes i01-armsrv1:1 aarch64
Java:packages objenesis SLE_15_SP2 - s390x 1715384283 5 minutes s390zl24:4 s390x
devel:BCI:SLE-15-SP6 blackbox_exporter-image containerfile - s390x 1715384280 5 minutes s390zp21:3 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:RaspberryPi images - aarch64 1715384278 5 minutes i03-armsrv2:28 aarch64
home:marv7000:asahi JeOS:JeOS-rockpro64 images - aarch64 1715384274 5 minutes i01-armsrv2:9 aarch64
home:baconpaul:surge surge-xt-nightly openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715384272 5 minutes i03-armsrv1:24 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-wega images - armv7l 1715384272 5 minutes i03-armsrv1:6 aarch64
server:mail claws-mail openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384272 5 minutes obs-power9-06:2 ppc64le
home:crameleon:mailman python-mailman:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384264 5 minutes obs-power9-11:15 ppc64le
KDE:Qt6 gpgme:qt openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384262 5 minutes obs-power8-05:25 ppc64le
home:computersalat:devel:security fwbuilder openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384261 5 minutes obs-power9-07:12 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-socfpgade0nanosoc images - armv7l 1715384259 6 minutes i02-armsrv3:25 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-tinker images - armv7l 1715384259 6 minutes i03-armsrv1:30 aarch64
utilities procs openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384252 6 minutes i03-armsrv2:21 aarch64
multimedia:libs rav1e openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384252 6 minutes obs-power9-12:19 ppc64le
KDE:Extra okteta openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715384246 6 minutes i02-armsrv3:10 aarch64
multimedia:libs gstreamer-plugins-bad openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384243 6 minutes i02-armsrv2:10 aarch64
home:michael-chang:grub:devel:CI grub2-1beccd1f394e7eda8f19473956a2df81ff8d27a2 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384236 6 minutes i02-armsrv2:2 aarch64
windows:mingw:win32 mingw32-wxWidgets-3_0 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715384236 6 minutes i03-armsrv1:11 aarch64
home:cabelo:innovators clblast openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384233 6 minutes i03-armsrv1:20 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:ContainerHost-Vagrant images - aarch64 1715384223 6 minutes i03-armsrv1:39 aarch64
network:utilities net-snmp openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384211 6 minutes obs-power9-12:11 ppc64le
home:simotek:base ardour openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384209 6 minutes obs-power9-15:4 ppc64le
home:yfjiang:test:gnome45rc glibmm2_4 SLE_15_SP6 - s390x 1715384205 6 minutes s390zp23:1 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX postgresql16 standard - x86_64 1715384200 7 minutes i04-ch4d:2 x86_64
home:badshah400:branches:Application:Geo insighttoolkit openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384193 7 minutes obs-power9-11:9 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:MS-HyperV images - aarch64 1715384185 7 minutes i01-armsrv1:6 aarch64
home:bertronika:branches:hardware:sdr sdrpp 15.6 - ppc64le 1715384169 7 minutes obs-power9-15:5 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-urllib3_1:test standard - ppc64le 1715384167 7 minutes obs-power8-03:11 ppc64le
home:michals cmake:gui openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384161 7 minutes obs-power9-15:19 ppc64le
home:qzhao:branches:multimedia:libs ffmpeg-6 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384158 7 minutes i02-armsrv1:8 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC renderdoc standard - ppc64le 1715384149 7 minutes obs-power8-03:12 ppc64le
science:HPC:Legacy openmpi3:testsuite openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384147 7 minutes i03-armsrv2:37 aarch64
devel:microos podman-tui openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384130 8 minutes obs-power8-03:13 ppc64le
home:beyerle:IAC Magics openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384126 8 minutes i02-ch1b:10 x86_64
security scap-security-guide openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384121 8 minutes i02-armsrv2:30 aarch64
X11:Deepin deepin-pw-check openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384119 8 minutes obs-power8-05:21 ppc64le
utilities atuin openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384117 8 minutes i02-armsrv3:4 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-udooneo images - armv7l 1715384114 8 minutes i02-armsrv2:36 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM JeOS:JeOS-raspberrypi2 images - armv7l 1715384114 8 minutes i03-armsrv2:8 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM openSUSE-MicroOS:ContainerHost-SelfInstall images - aarch64 1715384112 8 minutes i02-armsrv3:17 aarch64
home:exng:ARM:Factory:Contrib:Quartz64B JeOS-Quartz64B:E20-cuboxi images - armv7l 1715384110 8 minutes i02-armsrv3:3 aarch64
home:duwe:Teres-I kernel-source:kernel-debug 15.5 - aarch64 1715384104 8 minutes i02-armsrv2:22 aarch64
network:cryptocurrencies trezord openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - s390x 1715384103 8 minutes s390zp23:4 s390x
home:avicenzi:branches:openSUSE:Factory:RISCV JeOS:JeOS-beagle images - armv7l 1715384101 8 minutes i01-armsrv1:15 aarch64
home:Guillaume_G:JeOS JeOS:JeOS-arndale images - armv7l 1715384101 8 minutes i01-armsrv3:11 aarch64
home:marv7000:asahi JeOS:JeOS-radxazero images - aarch64 1715384101 8 minutes i03-armsrv2:5 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX ruby3.3:testsuite standard - x86_64 1715384099 8 minutes i03-ch2c:11 x86_64
home:michael-chang:grub:devel:CI grub2-83732dae38b5976ed10d8f9ecfcc0bfe87517b45 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384099 8 minutes obs-power8-03:29 ppc64le
home:cabelo:python python-hypothesis:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384099 8 minutes obs-power9-13:2 ppc64le
home:adrianSuSE:branches:Virtualization qemu:qemu-linux-user openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384099 8 minutes obs-power9-15:9 ppc64le
home:mnhauke:sdr-devel satdump openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384096 8 minutes i02-armsrv3:37 aarch64
home:alarrosa:branches:KDE:Qt:PyQt python-qt5:nonring-extras openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384096 8 minutes obs-power9-15:13 ppc64le
home:alarrosa:branches:Virtualization qemu:qemu-linux-user openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384094 8 minutes obs-power9-13:9 ppc64le
home:alarrosa:branches:Virtualization qemu openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384093 8 minutes obs-power9-11:10 ppc64le
Base:System libtool:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715384089 8 minutes s390zp24:1 s390x
home:aeneas_jaissle:branches:network:ldap 389-ds openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384084 8 minutes obs-power9-11:1 ppc64le
home:aeneas_jaissle:branches:KDE:Applications libkolabxml-kolab-qt5 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384082 8 minutes obs-power8-05:17 ppc64le
home:afeijoo:branches:openSUSE:Factory systemd Base_System - ppc64le 1715384076 9 minutes obs-power9-11:20 ppc64le
home:Maddie wine-tkg-git openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715384070 9 minutes i04-ch2a:4 x86_64
home:adrianSuSE:branches:Virtualization qemu openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715384070 9 minutes obs-power8-01:16 ppc64le
Publishing MultiMarkdown-6 openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715384066 9 minutes obs-power8-05:20 ppc64le
devel:languages:python:mailman python-postorius openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384057 9 minutes obs-power9-11:2 ppc64le
devel:languages:python:Factory python312:doc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384054 9 minutes obs-power8-03:6 ppc64le
devel:tools:building cmake:gui openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384044 9 minutes obs-power9-12:10 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-riscv64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384042 9 minutes i01-armsrv3:4 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-bpf-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384037 9 minutes obs-power8-01:3 ppc64le
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384032 9 minutes i03-armsrv2:40 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-sherpa standard - ppc64le 1715384032 9 minutes obs-power9-15:14 ppc64le
science python3-pyside2:sle15_python_module 15.6 - aarch64 1715384028 9 minutes i02-armsrv2:31 aarch64
Emulators opensimh openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384021 9 minutes i02-armsrv1:36 aarch64
windows:mingw:win32 mingw32-gcc:mingw32-cross-gcc-bootstrap openSUSE_Tumbleweed_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715384021 9 minutes obs-power9-06:1 ppc64le
home:stroeder:network dovecot23 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384019 10 minutes i03-armsrv2:20 aarch64
home:mgorse:branches:GNOME:Factory gtk3 openSUSE_ARM - armv7l 1715384017 10 minutes i01-armsrv1:2 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-bpf-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715384015 10 minutes i01-armsrv2:6 aarch64
Java:bootstrap java-1_7_0-openjdk SLE_15_SP6 - aarch64 1715384008 10 minutes i01-armsrv3:2 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715384006 10 minutes i02-armsrv1:26 aarch64
Virtualization qemu:qemu-linux-user openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715383999 10 minutes obs-power9-15:12 ppc64le
security clamav openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383995 10 minutes obs-power8-02:7 ppc64le
GNOME:Next mozjs115 openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715383994 10 minutes obs-power9-06:5 ppc64le
home:defolos:BCI:CR:SLE-15-SP6 rmt-nginx-image containerfile - s390x 1715383986 10 minutes s390zl26:2 s390x
home:StefanBruens:branches:science apache-arrow openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383984 10 minutes obs-power8-01:8 ppc64le
home:michals arm-trusted-firmware:a3700 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383982 10 minutes i03-armsrv1:25 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-numba:test-py311 standard - ppc64le 1715383982 10 minutes obs-power8-01:18 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-rx-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383982 10 minutes obs-power8-02:18 ppc64le
KDE:Qt:PyQt python-qt5 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383982 10 minutes obs-power9-12:1 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-hppa-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383980 10 minutes i01-armsrv1:7 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-numba:test-py312 standard - ppc64le 1715383978 10 minutes obs-power9-11:6 ppc64le
home:tomdevries:branches:devel:gcc-gdb-gdb-14-1-update gdb openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715383978 10 minutes obs-power9-12:6 ppc64le
home:jayvdb:branches:devel:languages:python:numeric python-wxPython:python312 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383975 10 minutes obs-power9-06:12 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX kernel-source standard - i586 1715383970 10 minutes i04-ch2b:12 x86_64
network python-grpcio-tools openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383967 10 minutes i02-armsrv1:19 aarch64
home:rinojohnsen:branches:openSUSE:Factory kernel-source:kernel-docs PPC - ppc64le 1715383967 10 minutes obs-power9-06:3 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-hppa-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383962 10 minutes i01-armsrv3:6 aarch64
home:cpaelzer:branches:home:bluca:dpdk dpdk-19.11 Debian_Next - aarch64 1715383960 11 minutes i02-armsrv2:29 aarch64
home:jayvdb:branches:devel:languages:python:numeric python-wxPython:python311 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383958 11 minutes obs-power8-03:4 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-numba:test-py310 standard - ppc64le 1715383946 11 minutes obs-power9-15:7 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-riscv64-elf-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383944 11 minutes i02-armsrv3:36 aarch64
Virtualization:containers crun 15.5 - s390x 1715383943 11 minutes s390zp24:7 s390x
home:cloud-hypervisor kernel-cloud-hypervisor-guest Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715383942 11 minutes i03-armsrv1:12 aarch64
home:ItaniumHunter:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source-aarch64-amdgpu:kernel-docs PPC - ppc64le 1715383940 11 minutes obs-power9-12:17 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-riscv64-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383925 11 minutes obs-power9-16:2 ppc64le
home:Guillaume_G:PAC_BTI qemu openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383913 11 minutes obs-power9-11:11 ppc64le
home:Guillaume_G:PAC_BTI qemu:qemu-linux-user openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383913 11 minutes obs-power9-12:3 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383900 12 minutes i01-armsrv1:17 aarch64
openSUSE:Leap:15.4:Images JeOS:KDE-raspberrypi.aarch64 images - aarch64 1715383900 12 minutes i02-armsrv1:25 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-sparc-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383899 12 minutes obs-power9-12:7 ppc64le
home:simotek:rabbitmq-test elixir openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383895 12 minutes obs-power9-12:13 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next gcc15:gcc15-testresults openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383893 12 minutes h02-ch1c:22 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-s390x-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383893 12 minutes h02-ch2a:15 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-pru-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383893 12 minutes i02-ch1c:13 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-rx-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383893 12 minutes i04-ch1a:13 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383892 12 minutes i01-ch1b:1 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-riscv64-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383892 12 minutes i01-ch1b:4 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:gcc15-testresults openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383892 12 minutes i01-ch1c:4 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-rx-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383892 12 minutes i01-ch1d:6 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-sparc-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i01-ch2d:6 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-hppa-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i02-ch1a:15 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i02-ch1d:28 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i02-ch2b:14 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i03-ch1a:18 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i03-ch1c:22 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-bpf-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i03-ch2c:17 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64le-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i03-ch2d:10 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-m68k-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch1d:9 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch2a:27 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-sparc64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch2b:5 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-s390x-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch2c:9 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-hppa-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch4b:18 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-x86_64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383892 12 minutes i04-ch4d:25 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-s390x-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes h02-ch1a:27 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-rx-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes h02-ch1b:13 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes h02-ch1d:23 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes h02-ch2c:12 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-riscv64-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes h02-ch2d:21 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383891 12 minutes i01-ch1a:7 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383891 12 minutes i01-ch1c:2 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-amdgcn-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383891 12 minutes i01-ch1d:7 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-aarch64-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes i02-ch1a:26 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-arm-none-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes i02-ch1d:21 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-aarch64-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes i03-ch2a:11 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes i03-ch2b:4 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64le-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch1c:27 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch1d:7 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-mips-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch2d:11 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-avr-gcc15-bootstrap openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch3b:7 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-aarch64-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch4a:3 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64le-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383891 12 minutes i04-ch4b:26 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-pru-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383890 12 minutes i02-armsrv1:34 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:gcc15-testresults openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383890 12 minutes i02-armsrv3:14 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:gcc15-testresults openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383890 12 minutes i04-ch2b:1 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383890 12 minutes i04-ch3b:4 x86_64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-ppc64le-gcc15 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383889 12 minutes i01-armsrv2:19 aarch64
devel:gcc:next gcc15:cross-rx-gcc15 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383889 12 minutes i01-ch2d:10 x86_64
multimedia:apps audacity 15.6 - aarch64 1715383887 12 minutes i02-armsrv3:8 aarch64
security:forensics wireshark openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383884 12 minutes obs-power9-12:12 ppc64le
utilities biodiff openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383881 12 minutes obs-power8-03:28 ppc64le
server:monitoring kmon openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC_standard - ppc64le 1715383881 12 minutes obs-power8-05:28 ppc64le
GNOME:Factory gtk2 openSUSE_PPC - ppc64le 1715383879 12 minutes obs-power9-16:3 ppc64le
home:avicenzi:branches:openSUSE:Factory:RISCV JeOS:XFCE-pinebookpro images - aarch64 1715383873 12 minutes i02-armsrv2:12 aarch64
home:sp1rit:notekit obs-service-tar_scm:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383868 12 minutes obs-power9-12:8 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-limnoria standard - ppc64le 1715383866 12 minutes obs-power9-16:18 ppc64le
home:defolos:BCI:Staging:SLE-15-SP5:sle15-sp5-ZPjbA golang-oldstable-openssl-image containerfile - s390x 1715383862 12 minutes s390zp2a:2 s390x
home:cabelo:python python-hypothesis:test openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383859 12 minutes i02-armsrv2:39 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-openTSNE standard - ppc64le 1715383857 12 minutes obs-power9-13:8 ppc64le
home:mnhauke:osmocom:nightly osmo-gsm-manuals-devel openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383856 12 minutes obs-power9-07:7 ppc64le
home:Vogtinator:pl527lp155maint plasma-nm5.openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5_Update openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5_Update - s390x 1715383856 12 minutes s390zl21:4 s390x
home:behrisch sumo_nightly Debian_Unstable - x86_64 1715383842 12 minutes i03-ch1c:17 x86_64
home:behrisch sumo_nightly Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715383842 12 minutes i04-ch4d:14 x86_64
devel:gcc:next:testing inkscape devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383840 13 minutes i03-ch2b:14 x86_64
devel:gcc:next:testing libreoffice devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715383840 13 minutes i04-ch4a:2 x86_64
home:ojkastl_buildservice:Branch_devel_kubic coreos-installer openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383840 13 minutes obs-power8-05:22 ppc64le
home:jfkw:branches:devel:languages:go d2 15.5 - s390x 1715383837 13 minutes s390zl23:7 s390x
home:jfkw:branches:devel:languages:go openqa-mon 15.6 - s390x 1715383837 13 minutes s390zp26:3 s390x
home:avicenzi:branches:openSUSE:Factory:RISCV JeOS:X11-pinebookpro images - aarch64 1715383830 13 minutes i01-armsrv3:12 aarch64
KDE:Frameworks kf6-kio openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715383830 13 minutes i02-armsrv1:16 aarch64
devel:ARM:Factory:Contrib:HEAD JeOS-efi.aarch64:KDE-pinebookpro images - aarch64 1715383824 13 minutes i03-armsrv1:18 aarch64
GNOME:Next Fragments openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715383793 13 minutes i02-armsrv1:7 aarch64
Java:packages jisp2 SLE_15_SP4 - s390x 1715383779 14 minutes s390zl25:4 s390x
home:bnavigator:branches:KDE:Qt:PyQt python3-pyside6:pyside6 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383774 14 minutes i01-armsrv1:13 aarch64
OBS:PreinstallImages preinstallimage-libX11-devel Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715383774 14 minutes s390zp22:5 s390x
home:alarrosa:branches:openSUSE:Backports:SLE-15-SP6:AppStream-1.0 parole standard - s390x 1715383749 14 minutes s390zp27:3 s390x
home:cabelo:python python-Sphinx:test openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383745 14 minutes i02-armsrv2:17 aarch64
home:Ximi1970:Servers:Domoticz:Staging domoticz 15.6_ARM - armv7l 1715383740 14 minutes armbuild26-2:2 aarch64
home:Maddie wine-tkg-git:tkg openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383723 14 minutes h02-ch1c:7 x86_64
home:tomdevries:branches:devel:gcc-gdb-gdb-14-1-update gdb:testsuite openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715383718 15 minutes obs-power8-01:14 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python3-pyside6:pyside6 standard - ppc64le 1715383704 15 minutes obs-power9-06:8 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC python-av standard - ppc64le 1715383681 15 minutes obs-power8-05:6 ppc64le
devel:tools:compiler llvm16 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383677 15 minutes i03-armsrv2:18 aarch64
home:bnavigator:branches:KDE:Qt:PyQt python-PyQt6 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383674 15 minutes obs-power8-01:6 ppc64le
Publishing:TeXLive texlive-specs-m openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715383670 15 minutes obs-power8-01:7 ppc64le
Base:System grub2 openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715383670 15 minutes obs-power8-05:18 ppc64le
KDE:Qt5 opencv openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383670 15 minutes obs-power9-12:14 ppc64le
home:balta3:branches:KDE:Extra digikam KDE_Applications_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383665 15 minutes i01-ch2a:4 x86_64
KDE:Qt5 libqt5-qt3d openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383647 16 minutes i02-armsrv1:22 aarch64
Base:System systemd openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715383647 16 minutes obs-power8-02:15 ppc64le
KDE:Qt:PyQt python-PyQt6 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383642 16 minutes obs-power8-03:14 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX guile standard - i586 1715383630 16 minutes i03-ch1b:27 x86_64
home:dspinella:cpio-update gettext-runtime:gettext-csharp openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383618 16 minutes i02-armsrv1:4 aarch64
home:marec2000:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-rx-gcc13-bootstrap openSUSE_Leap_15.4 - s390x 1715383612 16 minutes s390zl28:2 s390x
OBS:Server:Unstable obs-server openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715383583 17 minutes obs-power9-12:9 ppc64le
home:ftake:branches:M17N mozc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383572 17 minutes obs-power9-11:4 ppc64le
home:PunisherHD:Trinity:r14.0.x tdelibs openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383568 17 minutes i03-armsrv1:3 aarch64
home:badshah400:custom root6 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383560 17 minutes i02-ch2c:11 x86_64
home:rmax:branches:security clamav openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383558 17 minutes obs-power9-16:19 ppc64le
server:database xtrabackup openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383525 18 minutes obs-power9-16:7 ppc64le
home:pmonrealgonzalez:branches:science apache-arrow openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383518 18 minutes obs-power8-01:13 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX ruby3.3 standard - i586 1715383511 18 minutes i03-ch2a:7 x86_64
home:pmonrealgonzalez:branches:LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383503 18 minutes obs-power8-01:2 ppc64le
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-epiphany-gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383498 18 minutes i02-armsrv2:11 aarch64
home:cabelo:python python-hypothesis:test openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383492 18 minutes i02-armsrv1:27 aarch64
home:dgarcia:branches:devel:languages:python:Factory python-Sphinx:test openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383487 18 minutes obs-power9-13:16 ppc64le
Virtualization qemu openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715383487 18 minutes obs-power9-16:4 ppc64le
home:stroeder:network dovecot23 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715383485 18 minutes i03-armsrv1:40 aarch64
OBS:Server:Unstable OBS-WorkerOnly-pxe:bios images_ppc - ppc64le 1715383479 19 minutes obs-power8-01:12 ppc64le
LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383477 19 minutes obs-power9-13:30 ppc64le
home:badshah400:branches:Application:Geo insighttoolkit openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715383474 19 minutes i02-ch1b:7 x86_64
Virtualization:Appliances:Images:Testing_s390:rawhide test-image-disk:Physical images - s390x 1715383472 19 minutes s390zl21:1 s390x
home:cabelo:intel kernel-source openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383469 19 minutes i03-armsrv2:4 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX llvm16 standard - i586 1715383464 19 minutes i02-ch2b:8 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX llvm17 standard - i586 1715383455 19 minutes i02-ch2a:27 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:Rings:1-MinimalX llvm18 standard - i586 1715383454 19 minutes i02-ch1c:10 x86_64
home:PunisherHD:Trinity:r14.0.x tdelibs openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383437 19 minutes i03-armsrv2:24 aarch64
home:Ximi1970:Servers:Domoticz:Development:Staging domoticz-buienradar-plugin 15.6_ARM - armv7l 1715383434 19 minutes armbuild26-2:1 aarch64
home:ftake:branches:M17N mozc:fcitx5 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383434 19 minutes obs-power9-13:13 ppc64le
benchmark xts 15.6 - s390x 1715383418 20 minutes s390zl21:5 s390x
Java:Factory java-22-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383411 20 minutes i02-armsrv1:12 aarch64
home:ItaniumHunter:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source-aarch64-amdgpu:kernel-64kb ARM - aarch64 1715383381 20 minutes i01-armsrv3:7 aarch64
home:tiwai:kernel:stable-kasan kernel-source:kernel-debug ARM - aarch64 1715383345 21 minutes i03-armsrv1:19 aarch64
science:HPC openmpi4:testsuite openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383315 21 minutes i03-armsrv2:30 aarch64
windows:mingw:win64 mingw64-wxWidgets-3_0 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715383306 21 minutes i02-armsrv2:1 aarch64
home:aevseev:devel rustc RHEL9 - x86_64 1715383299 22 minutes i02-ch2a:22 x86_64
home:aevseev:devel clang RHEL9 - x86_64 1715383299 22 minutes i02-ch2c:27 x86_64
network:retroshare retroshare-gui-0.6.6 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383285 22 minutes obs-power8-02:6 ppc64le
network dpdk openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383276 22 minutes i02-armsrv2:35 aarch64
devel:kubic:libcontainers:stable cri-o-runc Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715383274 22 minutes s390zl22:5 s390x
KDE:Qt6 qt6-declarative openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383273 22 minutes obs-power9-07:6 ppc64le
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-syzkaller:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383264 22 minutes i01-armsrv3:3 aarch64
server:database:postgresql postgresql13 openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715383228 23 minutes s390zp21:1 s390x
hardware:sdr wsjtx 15.5 - s390x 1715383205 23 minutes s390zp21:4 s390x
server:database influxdb2 15.6 - s390x 1715383200 23 minutes s390zp29:2 s390x
home:Fisiu:branches:network qbittorrent openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383197 23 minutes obs-power9-13:15 ppc64le
devel:tools:building cmake:gui openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383186 23 minutes i03-armsrv1:36 aarch64
Virtualization:Appliances:SelfContained:universal box:System images - s390x 1715383186 23 minutes s390zl28:4 s390x
Application:Geo python-pyproj openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383166 24 minutes obs-power8-05:23 ppc64le
KDE:Applications neochat KDE_Frameworks5_openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715383158 24 minutes i03-armsrv2:25 aarch64
home:cabelo:kernel dtb-aarch64:kernel-kvmsmall openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715383136 24 minutes i03-armsrv2:29 aarch64
home:utsweetyfish:Debian:Next pygobject Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715383128 24 minutes s390zl21:8 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC mathgl standard - ppc64le 1715383075 25 minutes obs-power8-02:2 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC mame standard - ppc64le 1715383075 25 minutes obs-power9-16:16 ppc64le
devel:tools sourcetrail openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715383053 26 minutes i02-armsrv2:25 aarch64
home:manfred999 nco openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715383013 26 minutes obs-power8-05:27 ppc64le
home:avicenzi:calanguinho kernel-wrt:kernel-kvmsmall openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715382987 27 minutes i02-armsrv3:16 aarch64
home:avnyu cosmic-epoch-git Arch - x86_64 1715382959 27 minutes i01-ch1a:6 x86_64
science:HPC:Legacy openmpi3:gnu-hpc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382951 27 minutes obs-power8-03:24 ppc64le
GNOME:Next webkit2gtk3:gtk4 openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715382942 27 minutes i01-armsrv1:5 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC godot standard - ppc64le 1715382937 28 minutes obs-power9-12:15 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:PowerPC halloy standard - ppc64le 1715382934 28 minutes obs-power8-03:2 ppc64le
home:avicenzi:calanguinho kernel-wrt:kernel-default openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382877 29 minutes h02-ch2a:10 x86_64
home:avicenzi:calanguinho kernel-wrt:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382877 29 minutes i02-ch1b:13 x86_64
home:avicenzi:calanguinho kernel-wrt:kernel-debug openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382877 29 minutes i03-ch1d:12 x86_64
home:vliaskovitis:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source:kernel-lpae ARM - armv7l 1715382875 29 minutes i01-armsrv1:4 aarch64
home:ateixeira:sensor:sp3 velociraptor:client openSUSE_Tumbleweed - s390x 1715382856 29 minutes s390zp27:1 s390x
GNOME:Next glycin-loaders openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715382854 29 minutes i03-armsrv1:31 aarch64
home:ateixeira:branches:security:sensor velociraptor:client openSUSE_Tumbleweed - s390x 1715382841 29 minutes s390zp22:3 s390x
Base:System coreutils:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - armv7l 1715382805 30 minutes i02-armsrv1:1 aarch64
Base:System coreutils:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - x86_64 1715382805 30 minutes i03-ch2a:27 x86_64
Base:System coreutils:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - riscv64 1715382805 30 minutes i04-ch4d:18 x86_64
Base:System coreutils:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715382805 30 minutes obs-power9-15:17 ppc64le
devel:tools:scm:svn subversion:testsuite openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382780 30 minutes obs-power9-16:12 ppc64le
home:defolos:BCI:Staging:SLE-15-SP5:sle15-sp5-VwNCD golang-oldstable-image containerfile - s390x 1715382779 30 minutes s390zl24:3 s390x
home:bnavigator:pyqt:dependers vtk:openmpi4 15.6 - aarch64 1715382769 30 minutes i03-armsrv1:23 aarch64
home:dmair:branches:Kernel:kdump:crash-1190434 crash SUSE_SLE-15-SP6_GA - s390x 1715382766 30 minutes s390zl22:6 s390x
home:mcalabkova:branches:devel:languages:python python-wxPython:python310 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382738 31 minutes obs-power8-01:10 ppc64le
mozilla:Factory mozjs78 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382737 31 minutes obs-power8-01:1 ppc64le
science:HPC hpx openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715382712 31 minutes i02-armsrv3:13 aarch64
KDE:Qt5 libqt5-qtdeclarative openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382712 31 minutes obs-power9-13:18 ppc64le
home:aschnell:parted parted 15.6 - s390x 1715382701 31 minutes s390zp22:6 s390x
home:ateixeira:interview mariadb openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382689 32 minutes i02-ch1a:8 x86_64
home:david.anes:review mariadb openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382686 32 minutes i03-ch2b:21 x86_64
home:gcomes.obs scummvm openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382656 32 minutes obs-power8-03:16 ppc64le
Java:Factory java-1_8_0-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715382653 32 minutes s390zp25:2 s390x
home:cabelo:innovators sfcgal openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715382647 32 minutes i02-armsrv3:6 aarch64
home:dirkmueller:branches:Kernel:HEAD kernel-64kb ARM - aarch64 1715382635 33 minutes i01-armsrv1:3 aarch64
home:vliaskovitis:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source:kernel-64kb ARM - aarch64 1715382633 33 minutes i03-armsrv1:9 aarch64
Java:Factory java-1_8_0-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382618 33 minutes obs-power9-15:6 ppc64le
home:bnavigator:branches:KDE:Qt:PyQt python3-pyside6:pyside6 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382602 33 minutes obs-power8-03:15 ppc64le
GNOME:Next webkit2gtk3:gtk3 openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715382593 33 minutes i01-armsrv2:1 aarch64
devel:tools:compiler llvm10 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715382593 33 minutes i02-armsrv1:6 aarch64
graphics inkscape openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715382588 33 minutes i03-armsrv2:9 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:LegacyX86 000product:openSUSE-ftp-ftp-i586 images - local 1715382584 33 minutes i04-ch3c:4 local
home:cgrobertson:branches:OBS:Flatpak:Firefox MozillaFirefox openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382580 34 minutes obs-power8-01:17 ppc64le
home:alarrosa:branches:OBS:Flatpak:Firefox MozillaFirefox openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382575 34 minutes obs-power9-13:4 ppc64le
devel:tools:building automake:testsuite openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382553 34 minutes obs-power8-02:20 ppc64le
devel:languages:rust rust1.74 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382497 35 minutes obs-power9-13:19 ppc64le
home:dmair:branches:Kernel:kdump:crash-update-gcore crash SUSE_SLE-15-SP6_GA - s390x 1715382497 35 minutes s390zl29:2 s390x
home:rinojohnsen:branches:openSUSE:Factory kernel-source:kernel-docs ARM - aarch64 1715382471 35 minutes i02-armsrv3:40 aarch64
home:duwe:branches:science trilinos:gnu-mpich-hpc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382464 35 minutes obs-power9-13:26 ppc64le
GNOME:Next webkit2gtk3:gtk3-soup2 openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715382458 36 minutes i01-armsrv2:8 aarch64
Publishing tesseract-ocr openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715382448 36 minutes obs-power8-05:10 ppc64le
security passwordsafe openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715382431 36 minutes s390zp22:2 s390x
home:marec2000:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-rx-gcc13 openSUSE_Leap_15.4 - aarch64 1715382417 36 minutes i01-armsrv2:17 aarch64
devel:languages:rust rust1.72:test openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715382377 37 minutes i01-armsrv3:14 aarch64
home:guoqing_jiang kernel-default:kernel-vanilla standard - s390x 1715382377 37 minutes s390zl21:6 s390x
Java:bootstrap java-14-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715382329 38 minutes i02-armsrv3:24 aarch64
server:database:postgresql postgresql13 15.6 - ppc64le 1715382316 38 minutes obs-power8-05:15 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:Gcc7 openssl-3 standard - x86_64 1715382313 38 minutes h02-ch1d:2 x86_64
home:gbelinassi:branches:home:Andreas_Schwab:Factory glibc:utils s - s390x 1715382290 38 minutes s390zp25:1 s390x
home:xanders:branches:openSUSE:Factory-vfio kernel-lpae:kernel-vanilla ARM - aarch64 1715382281 38 minutes i02-armsrv1:10 aarch64
home:paul4us klassy Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715382267 39 minutes s390zl22:1 s390x
Virtualization:Appliances:Images:Testing_s390:rawhide test-image-disk:Virtual images - s390x 1715382238 39 minutes s390zl23:1 s390x
home:uncomfyhalomacro crystal1.8 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715382222 39 minutes i01-armsrv2:13 aarch64
home:Guillaume_G:branches:devel:tools:compiler python-numba:test-py311 openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715382219 40 minutes i02-armsrv3:38 aarch64
home:t-paul OpenSCAD Debian_Testing - aarch64 1715382190 40 minutes i01-armsrv3:15 aarch64
home:t-paul OpenSCAD Debian_Testing - i586 1715382175 40 minutes i02-ch2b:16 x86_64
home:cabelo:innovators bazel openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382160 41 minutes obs-power8-05:14 ppc64le
home:cabelo:innovators sfcgal openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382159 41 minutes obs-power9-06:9 ppc64le
home:mcalabkova:branches:devel:languages:python python-wxPython:python312 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382157 41 minutes obs-power8-03:22 ppc64le
home:ohollmann:branches:security:tls qpdf openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382154 41 minutes obs-power8-05:1 ppc64le
devel:gcc gcc13:cross-arm-none-gcc13-bootstrap openSUSE_Leap_15.4 - s390x 1715382149 41 minutes s390zl2a:1 s390x
devel:languages:rust rust1.77:test openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715382135 41 minutes i01-armsrv1:12 aarch64
home:mimi_vx:ghc-bootstrap ghc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715382132 41 minutes obs-power8-02:3 ppc64le
science ncbi-blast+ 15.6 - aarch64 1715382078 42 minutes i03-armsrv1:35 aarch64
Java:packages fastutil openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715382077 42 minutes i02-armsrv2:20 aarch64
home:anoncvs firefox-esr52-gtk2 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715382034 43 minutes i01-ch2c:25 x86_64
home:anoncvs firefox-esr52-gtk2 openSUSE_Slowroll - x86_64 1715382031 43 minutes h02-ch1c:25 x86_64
home:anoncvs ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Leap_15.5 - x86_64 1715382026 43 minutes h02-ch1c:8 x86_64
home:utsweetyfish:Debian:Next gtk+3.0 Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715382018 43 minutes s390zl27:2 s390x
home:1Antoine1 gnulib openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381974 44 minutes obs-power8-03:20 ppc64le
home:pj:branches:devel:languages:rust rust1.74 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381951 44 minutes obs-power9-15:15 ppc64le
KDE:Applications avogadrolibs openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381938 44 minutes obs-power8-05:5 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next:testing libreoffice devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715381824 about 1 hour i04-ch1a:21 x86_64
home:pgajdos gtk2 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715381798 about 1 hour obs-power8-05:9 ppc64le
security:zeek zeek-rc Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715381795 about 1 hour h02-ch2c:6 x86_64
security:zeek zeek Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715381795 about 1 hour h02-ch2d:14 x86_64
security:zeek zeek-6.0 Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715381795 about 1 hour i01-ch2b:1 x86_64
security:zeek zeek-nightly Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715381795 about 1 hour i02-ch2d:25 x86_64
security:zeek zeek-lts Debian_Testing - x86_64 1715381794 about 1 hour i01-ch2b:22 x86_64
devel:kubic:libcontainers:unstable buildah Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715381732 about 1 hour s390zp23:2 s390x
KDE:Qt:PyQt python3-pyside6:pyside6 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715381717 about 1 hour i02-armsrv2:34 aarch64
hardware:sdr sdrangel openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715381710 about 1 hour i02-armsrv1:40 aarch64
home:t-paul OpenSCAD Debian_Unstable - aarch64 1715381682 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:27 aarch64
home:tiwai:kernel:stable-kasan kernel-default:kernel-default ARM - aarch64 1715381669 about 1 hour i02-armsrv1:33 aarch64
KDE:Qt5 libqt5-qtwebengine openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715381652 about 1 hour i03-armsrv1:15 aarch64
Virtualization:Appliances:SelfContained:universal box:Kernel images - s390x 1715381554 about 1 hour s390zl25:2 s390x
home:bnavigator:pyqt:dependers FreeCAD 15.6 - aarch64 1715381539 about 1 hour i01-armsrv2:3 aarch64
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-syms:kernel-lpae openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715381539 about 1 hour i03-armsrv1:14 aarch64
home:mia:espressobin dtb-aarch64:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715381425 about 1 hour i02-armsrv2:4 aarch64
home:cabelo:intel dtb-aarch64:kernel-default openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715381410 about 1 hour i01-armsrv3:5 aarch64
shells ksh openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715381368 about 1 hour obs-power8-05:12 ppc64le
mozilla:Factory MozillaFirefox openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381343 about 1 hour obs-power8-02:17 ppc64le
home:develop7:branches:devel:languages:rust rust1.77 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381301 about 1 hour obs-power9-13:21 ppc64le
home:iskunk:ungoogled-chromium-test debian-bookworm Debian_12 - x86_64 1715381241 about 1 hour h02-ch1b:26 x86_64
server:mail claws-mail openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715381237 about 1 hour s390zl24:6 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:Staging:H python-PyQt6 standard - x86_64 1715381208 about 1 hour i04-ch1d:10 x86_64
home:ocurero:ARM:Factory:Contrib:UdooQuad kernel-kvmsmall:kernel-default standard - armv7l 1715381167 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:5 aarch64
home:badshah400:branches:science python-ligo-segments openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381165 about 1 hour obs-power8-05:19 ppc64le
home:pmonrealgonzalez:branches:LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715381164 about 1 hour i03-armsrv2:27 aarch64
devel:languages:go go1.21 SLE_15_SP6 - s390x 1715381162 about 1 hour s390zl24:7 s390x
server:database rocksdb 15.5 - s390x 1715381135 about 1 hour s390zp25:4 s390x
KDE:Qt6 qt6-webengine openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715381113 about 1 hour i01-armsrv2:4 aarch64
network:samba:ADDC samba openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715381082 about 1 hour obs-power8-02:19 ppc64le
home:alix82:branches:Archiving zstd 15.6 - s390x 1715381065 about 1 hour s390zp24:4 s390x
home:rinojohnsen:branches:openSUSE:Factory kernel-source:kernel-lpae ARM - armv7l 1715381056 about 1 hour i02-armsrv2:23 aarch64
network:messaging:zeromq:ci:zeromq:libzmq:PR-4632 libzmq Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715381006 about 1 hour s390zp26:1 s390x
home:Pharaoh_Atem:Zypper_Fedora libzypp Fedora_Rawhide - s390x 1715380922 about 1 hour s390zp21:5 s390x
science:machinelearning tvm openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715380920 about 1 hour i02-armsrv1:30 aarch64
devel:languages:haskell ghc openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC_standard - ppc64le 1715380862 about 1 hour obs-power9-15:10 ppc64le
home:Dmitry_R:branches:science PrusaSlicer openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715380827 about 1 hour obs-power9-11:17 ppc64le
home:Guillaume_G:branches:Publishing typst openSUSE_Factory - ppc64le 1715380812 about 1 hour obs-power9-13:6 ppc64le
home:alveus:factory llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380761 about 1 hour i02-ch1c:23 x86_64
home:joaquinito2051:kisslinux kernel-source:kernel-debug Kiss_Linux - aarch64 1715380684 about 1 hour i02-armsrv1:35 aarch64
devel:gcc:next:testing webkit2gtk3:gtk3 devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380626 about 1 hour i02-ch1a:28 x86_64
devel:gcc:next:testing webkit2gtk3:gtk3-soup2 devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380626 about 1 hour i03-ch2b:12 x86_64
devel:gcc:next:testing webkit2gtk3:gtk4 devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380626 about 1 hour i04-ch1a:6 x86_64
home:gbelinassi:branches:Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715380559 about 1 hour s390zp22:4 s390x
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-avr-gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715380552 about 1 hour obs-power8-01:5 ppc64le
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-avr-gcc13-bootstrap openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715380550 about 1 hour obs-power8-02:8 ppc64le
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-arm-none-gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715380549 about 1 hour obs-power8-01:9 ppc64le
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:cross-rx-gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715380549 about 1 hour obs-power9-16:15 ppc64le
science libint openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715380498 about 1 hour obs-power9-13:3 ppc64le
home:cabelo:kernel dtb-aarch64:kernel-debug openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715380457 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:21 aarch64
Java:Factory java-22-openjdk SLE_15_SP6 - aarch64 1715380396 about 1 hour i02-armsrv2:24 aarch64
devel:gcc:next:testing mariadb devel_gcc_next_openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380384 about 1 hour h02-ch2d:28 x86_64
Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - riscv64 1715380233 about 1 hour h02-ch1b:23 x86_64
home:krop:Qt6:Extra python3-pyside6:pyside6 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715380227 about 1 hour i03-armsrv1:33 aarch64
editors emacs 15.6 - s390x 1715380198 about 1 hour s390zl25:3 s390x
home:alveus:depository llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380021 about 1 hour h02-ch2b:13 x86_64
home:alveus:KDE:Frameworks llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715380005 about 1 hour i02-ch2d:19 x86_64
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715379952 about 1 hour i01-armsrv1:18 aarch64
network:cryptocurrencies monero openSUSE_Leap_15.5 - s390x 1715379952 about 1 hour s390zp23:7 s390x
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715379923 about 1 hour i01-armsrv3:17 aarch64
home:alveus:factory llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715379875 about 1 hour i04-ch1d:25 x86_64
home:alveus:qt6:next qt6-webengine openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715379873 about 1 hour i01-ch2c:23 x86_64
home:ItaniumHunter:branches:Kernel:stable kernel-source-aarch64-amdgpu:kernel-default ARM - aarch64 1715379704 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:12 aarch64
network rclone openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715379702 about 1 hour i03-armsrv1:5 aarch64
network:messaging:xmpp:dino dino Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715379672 about 1 hour s390zl22:7 s390x
home:krop:Qt6:Extra qt-creator:qt6 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715379657 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:18 aarch64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 code openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715379634 about 1 hour i03-ch2d:5 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 bitwarden openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715379634 about 1 hour i04-ch2b:13 x86_64
home:alveus:depository nodejs-electron openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715379618 about 1 hour i01-ch1c:5 x86_64
home:rinojohnsen:branches:openSUSE:Factory kernel-source:kernel-64kb ARM - aarch64 1715379606 about 1 hour i02-armsrv3:20 aarch64
home:MartinVonReichenberg:qBittorrent libtorrent-rasterbar-deb Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715379601 about 1 hour s390zp26:5 s390x
devel:languages:python:numeric python-pymol openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715379432 about 1 hour s390zp24:3 s390x
home:alveus:depository llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715379367 about 1 hour i03-ch2c:1 x86_64
home:alveus:KDE:Frameworks llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715379319 about 1 hour i03-ch1a:22 x86_64
Java:Factory java-22-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715379102 about 2 hours i02-armsrv3:35 aarch64
home:bgstack15:mpv mpv Debian_Unstable - s390x 1715379014 about 2 hours s390zl23:4 s390x
home:MaxxedSUSE:Compiler-Tools llvm12 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715378740 about 2 hours i03-armsrv2:11 aarch64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_39 - aarch64 1715378691 about 2 hours i01-armsrv1:14 aarch64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_40 - aarch64 1715378689 about 2 hours i01-armsrv3:8 aarch64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_38 - x86_64 1715378684 about 2 hours i01-ch1c:7 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_39 - x86_64 1715378677 about 2 hours i01-ch1c:8 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_40 - x86_64 1715378674 about 2 hours i01-ch1a:8 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron Fedora_Rawhide - x86_64 1715378665 about 2 hours i01-ch1b:2 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715378665 about 2 hours i01-ch1b:3 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 nodejs-electron openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715378662 about 2 hours i01-armsrv2:15 aarch64
home:AndreasSchwab:emacs:master emacs r - riscv64 1715378449 about 2 hours i03-ch1b:28 x86_64
devel:gcc gcc13:cross-avr-gcc13-bootstrap SLE-12 - s390x 1715378300 about 2 hours s390zl24:1 s390x
Base:System coreutils:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715377931 about 2 hours s390zl27:4 s390x
KDE:Qt6 qt6-multimedia openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715377834 about 2 hours s390zl22:8 s390x
devel:gcc:next binutils openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715376974 about 2 hours h02-ch1c:6 x86_64
Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715376800 about 2 hours s390zp26:2 s390x
devel:gcc:next elfutils:elfutils-debuginfod openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715376671 about 2 hours i02-armsrv1:37 aarch64
devel:gcc:next elfutils:elfutils-debuginfod openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715376667 about 2 hours obs-power9-13:17 ppc64le
devel:gcc:next elfutils:elfutils-debuginfod openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715376665 about 2 hours i04-ch1a:7 x86_64
LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715376619 about 2 hours i03-armsrv1:29 aarch64
security:sensor llvm16 SLE_15_SP4 - s390x 1715376312 about 2 hours s390zp28:3 s390x
home:alveus:factory libreoffice openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715376252 about 2 hours i02-ch1d:7 x86_64
home:alveus:factory libreoffice openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715376250 about 2 hours h02-ch1d:24 x86_64
home:dziobian:gulgul-ultron:19 signal-desktop openSUSE_Tumbleweed - i586 1715376146 about 2 hours i04-ch4a:10 x86_64
security:zeek zeek-rc Debian_Testing - aarch64 1715376057 about 2 hours i02-armsrv1:20 aarch64
security:zeek zeek Debian_Testing - aarch64 1715376030 about 2 hours i03-armsrv2:34 aarch64
openSUSE:Leap:15.6 000product:Leap-ftp-ftp-x86_64_aarch64_ppc64le_s390x images - local 1715375960 about 2 hours i04-ch3d:5 local
home:tserong:branches:filesystems:ceph:pacific ceph openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715375812 about 2 hours i02-armsrv2:26 aarch64
science openfoam2112 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375775 about 2 hours obs-power9-16:8 ppc64le
science openfoam2206 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375770 about 2 hours obs-power9-11:3 ppc64le
science openfoam2212 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375751 about 2 hours obs-power8-02:10 ppc64le
science openfoam2306 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375742 about 2 hours obs-power8-02:1 ppc64le
home:ZhangHua:ungoogled-chromium-xdg ungoogled-chromium-xdg Arch - x86_64 1715375616 about 3 hours i04-ch3b:8 x86_64
devel:libraries:c_c++ libpqcrypto openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375613 about 3 hours obs-power9-16:20 ppc64le
home:alveus:redsafe nodejs-electron openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715375388 about 3 hours i04-ch3b:3 x86_64
mozilla:Factory MozillaThunderbird openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715375328 about 3 hours i02-armsrv2:6 aarch64
windows:mingw llvm13 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715375231 about 3 hours i02-armsrv1:29 aarch64
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-syms:kernel-default openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715375147 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:18 ppc64le
devel:tools:compiler llvm14 openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715374788 about 3 hours i02-armsrv2:13 aarch64
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-zfcpdump:kernel-debug openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715374728 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:26 ppc64le
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-vanilla:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715374664 about 3 hours obs-power8-05:31 ppc64le
home:cabelo:kernel dtb-armv6l:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715374663 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:10 ppc64le
editors helix 15.5 - s390x 1715374652 about 3 hours s390zp24:6 s390x
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-syzkaller:kernel-default openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715374646 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:27 ppc64le
Java:bootstrap java-1_5_0-gcj-compat openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715374481 about 3 hours i02-armsrv2:16 aarch64
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:gcc13-testresults openSUSE_Factory - i586 1715374324 about 3 hours i04-ch2a:1 x86_64
filesystems kubo openSUSE_Tumbleweed - armv7l 1715374315 about 3 hours i03-armsrv2:14 aarch64
home:cabelo:kernel dtb-aarch64:kernel-debug openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715374281 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:30 ppc64le
openSUSE:Factory:ARM vtk:openmpi4 standard - armv6l 1715374235 about 3 hours i02-armsrv3:1 aarch64
home:VaiTon:branches:network:chromium ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715374130 about 3 hours i01-armsrv3:10 aarch64
home:uncomfyhalomacro crystal1.8 Fedora_Rawhide - x86_64 1715374077 about 3 hours i01-ch1a:3 x86_64
home:crameleon:branches:server:mail spamassassin openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715374010 about 3 hours s390zp24:2 s390x
Java:bootstrap java-14-openjdk SLE_15_SP2 - s390x 1715373800 about 3 hours s390zp22:7 s390x
home:jeff_mahoney:branches:devel:gcc gcc13:gcc13-testresults openSUSE_Factory_LegacyX86 - i586 1715373753 about 3 hours i01-ch2d:28 x86_64
home:mgfritch:branches:filesystems:ceph:pacific ceph openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715373750 about 3 hours i03-armsrv1:37 aarch64
devel:tools:compiler llvm15 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715373750 about 3 hours obs-power8-01:4 ppc64le
network:utilities wireshark SLE_15_SP5 - s390x 1715373506 about 3 hours s390zl22:3 s390x
devel:tools:compiler llvm11 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715373439 about 3 hours obs-power9-13:24 ppc64le
home:urbic:branches:Java:packages fuzion openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715373357 about 3 hours i02-armsrv1:11 aarch64
science:HPC:Legacy openmpi1:gnu-hpc-testsuite openSUSE_Factory_zSystems_images - s390x 1715373137 about 3 hours s390zp26:6 s390x
devel:libraries:c_c++ ck openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715373120 about 3 hours obs-power9-12:18 ppc64le
KDE:Qt6 qt6-webengine openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - aarch64 1715372658 about 3 hours i01-armsrv2:12 aarch64
home:jfkw:branches:devel:languages:go telegraf 15.4 - s390x 1715372486 about 3 hours s390zl22:2 s390x
home:cabelo:kernel kernel-vanilla:kernel-debug openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715372238 about 3 hours obs-power8-03:3 ppc64le
devel:tools:compiler llvm12 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715372227 about 3 hours obs-power8-01:15 ppc64le
windows:mingw llvm14 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715371933 about 4 hours obs-power9-11:5 ppc64le
windows:mingw llvm13 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715371787 about 4 hours obs-power9-13:14 ppc64le
home:yfjiang:gnome:stable45:extradep python-pexpect SLE_15_SP6 - s390x 1715371740 about 4 hours s390zl24:2 s390x
home:dirkmueller:branches:Base:System glibc:testsuite openSUSE_Factory - s390x 1715371578 about 4 hours s390zp29:1 s390x
devel:tools:compiler llvm17 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715371494 about 4 hours obs-power9-11:8 ppc64le
home:marxin:branches:devel:gcc gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715371276 about 4 hours obs-power9-13:27 ppc64le
windows:mingw llvm14 openSUSE_Tumbleweed_ARM - aarch64 1715371159 about 4 hours i02-armsrv1:21 aarch64
devel:gcc gcc13:cross-avr-gcc13-bootstrap openSUSE_Leap_15.5 - s390x 1715371156 about 4 hours s390zl26:3 s390x
devel:tools:compiler llvm16 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715371148 about 4 hours obs-power9-16:5 ppc64le
home:joaquinito2051:kisslinux kernel-zfcpdump:kernel-vanilla Kiss_Linux - s390x 1715371014 about 4 hours s390zp25:7 s390x
science:HPC mvapich3:gnu-hpc-ucx openSUSE_Factory_zSystems_images - s390x 1715370990 about 4 hours s390zp25:3 s390x
home:alarrosa:branches:devel:gcc gcc10 openSUSE_Factory_PPC - ppc64le 1715370855 about 4 hours obs-power9-13:20 ppc64le
home:StefanBruens:branches:science libint openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715370411 about 4 hours obs-power9-13:11 ppc64le
home:MaxxedSUSE:Compiler-Tools llvm17 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715370180 about 4 hours i02-armsrv1:9 aarch64
home:VaiTon:branches:network:chromium ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - x86_64 1715370093 about 4 hours i04-ch4c:10 x86_64
LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715370085 about 4 hours i02-armsrv2:7 aarch64
home:alveus:kde:plasma chromium-beta openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715370057 about 4 hours i04-ch2c:1 x86_64
openSUSE:Factory:ARM gcc14:gcc14-testresults standard - aarch64 1715370001 about 4 hours i01-armsrv2:10 aarch64
home:hillwood:branches:network:chromium chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715369537 about 4 hours i01-armsrv2:16 aarch64
home:anoncvs ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Leap_15.6 - x86_64 1715369391 about 4 hours h02-ch2a:22 x86_64
Java:bootstrap java-1_5_0-gcj-compat openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715368886 about 4 hours obs-power9-16:11 ppc64le
OBS:Server:Unstable OBS-WorkerOnly-pxe:bios images_15.6 - s390x 1715368167 about 5 hours s390zl23:8 s390x
home:pmonrealgonzalez:branches:LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715367864 about 5 hours i02-armsrv2:28 aarch64
devel:tools:building bazel1.2 15.5 - s390x 1715367862 about 5 hours s390zl28:1 s390x
network:chromium chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - x86_64 1715366915 about 5 hours i04-ch4d:26 x86_64
devel:tools:compiler llvm14 openSUSE_Factory_PowerPC - ppc64le 1715366374 about 5 hours obs-power9-13:28 ppc64le
devel:languages:nodejs nodejs-electron openSUSE_Factory_ARM - aarch64 1715366264 about 5 hours i01-armsrv1:9 aarch64
network:chromium ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - x86_64 1715366179 about 5 hours i04-ch4d:11 x86_64
home:joeyli:branches:devel:tools:compiler llvm17 15.6 - s390x 1715365769 about 5 hours s390zp27:2 s390x
devel:tools:compiler llvm14 15.5 - s390x 1715365032 about 5 hours s390zl26:4 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:ARM gcc14:gcc14-testresults standard - armv6l 1715364691 about 6 hours i03-armsrv2:38 aarch64
Java:Factory java-11-openjdk SLE_15_SP6 - s390x 1715364176 about 6 hours s390zp27:4 s390x
security:sensor llvm16 openSUSE_Leap_15.4 - s390x 1715363581 about 6 hours s390zl29:1 s390x
Java:bootstrap java-14-openjdk SLE_15_SP4 - s390x 1715363575 about 6 hours s390zp24:5 s390x
home:crameleon:mailman python-mailman:test openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715363201 about 6 hours s390zl21:7 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:ARM nodejs-electron standard - aarch64 1715362355 about 6 hours i01-armsrv3:13 aarch64
Java:bootstrap java-1_5_0-gcj-compat openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv6l 1715362269 about 6 hours i03-armsrv2:36 aarch64
home:joeyli:branches:devel:tools:compiler llvm17 openSUSE_Factory - aarch64 1715361518 about 6 hours i02-armsrv2:33 aarch64
Java:bootstrap java-1_5_0-gcj-compat openSUSE_Factory_ARM - armv7l 1715361157 about 7 hours i02-armsrv1:23 aarch64
openSUSE:Factory:zSystems gcc14 standard - s390x 1715359439 about 7 hours s390zl21:2 s390x
home:alveus:games llvm18 openSUSE_Tumbleweed - aarch64 1715357063 about 8 hours i03-armsrv1:27 aarch64
home:jayvdb:branches:devel:languages:python:numeric python-rpcq openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715356670 about 8 hours s390zl28:3 s390x
network:chromium ungoogled-chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715355286 about 8 hours i01-armsrv2:18 aarch64
devel:gcc gcc13:gcc13-testresults ALP - s390x 1715353220 about 9 hours s390zl2a:3 s390x
home:Guillaume_G:PAC_BTI qemu openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715352041 about 9 hours s390zl23:2 s390x
security:sensor llvm16 SLE_15_SP5 - s390x 1715351534 about 9 hours s390zp28:4 s390x
network:chromium chromium openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715350332 about 10 hours i01-armsrv3:20 aarch64
home:joeyli:branches:devel:tools:compiler llvm17 15.5 - s390x 1715349468 about 10 hours s390zl2a:2 s390x
devel:gcc gcc13 ALP - s390x 1715347731 about 10 hours s390zl25:1 s390x
devel:gcc gcc13 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715347526 about 10 hours h02-ch2d:1 x86_64
devel:gcc gcc13:gcc13-testresults openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715347526 about 10 hours i02-ch2d:11 x86_64
Java:bootstrap java-16-openjdk SLE_15_SP6 - s390x 1715345473 about 11 hours s390zp26:7 s390x
home:aschnell:parted autoconf:testsuite openSUSE_Tumbleweed - s390x 1715345164 about 11 hours s390zl24:8 s390x
home:oertel:branches:network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5 - aarch64 1715344995 about 11 hours i01-armsrv1:20 aarch64
home:oertel:branches:network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5 - x86_64 1715344885 about 11 hours h02-ch2c:25 x86_64
home:oertel:branches:network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715344879 about 11 hours i01-ch2d:16 x86_64
home:oertel:branches:network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - x86_64 1715344879 about 11 hours i04-ch1d:21 x86_64
home:oertel:branches:network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715344818 about 11 hours i01-armsrv3:9 aarch64
network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - x86_64 1715344809 about 11 hours i03-ch1c:20 x86_64
network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5 - x86_64 1715344809 about 11 hours i03-ch1d:14 x86_64
network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP5 - aarch64 1715344808 about 11 hours i01-armsrv1:11 aarch64
network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Backports_SLE-15-SP6 - aarch64 1715344808 about 11 hours i01-armsrv3:18 aarch64
network:chromium chromium-beta openSUSE_Tumbleweed - x86_64 1715344808 about 11 hours i02-ch2b:19 x86_64
home:tiwai:kernel:sle15-sp6-kasan kernel-default pool - s390x 1715340977 about 12 hours s390zl23:5 s390x
openSUSE:Factory:RISCV gcc14 standard - riscv64 1715339535 about 13 hours i02-ch1c:9 x86_64
Kernel:ALP-current kernel-source:kernel-default standard - s390x 1715338671 about 13 hours s390zl23:6 s390x
home:joaquinito2051:JoaquinLinux:23.12 util-linux:systemd openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715335889 about 14 hours obs-power9-11:19 ppc64le
home:joaquinito2051:JoaquinLinux:23.12 util-linux openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1715335889 about 14 hours obs-power9-15:20 ppc64le
devel:languages:haskell ghc openSUSE_Factory_zSystems_standard - s390x 1715332915 about 14 hours s390zp2a:1 s390x
LibreOffice:Factory libreoffice openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715311414 about 20 hours i02-ch2c:15 x86_64
Java:Factory java-1_8_0-openjdk openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1715305160 about 22 hours i03-ch2c:13 x86_64
devel:tools:compiler llvm14 openSUSE_Factory_zSystems - s390x 1715305028 about 22 hours s390zl23:3 s390x
home:owinebar:Staging:llvm14 llvm14 standard - s390x 1715299703 about 24 hours s390zl21:3 s390x
home:Andreas_Schwab:riscv:chromium nodejs-electron standard - riscv64 1715276198 1 day i01-ch1d:4 x86_64
devel:languages:nodejs element-web Fedora_Rawhide - x86_64 1715177993 2 days i04-ch2a:14 x86_64
Cloud:OpenStack:Upstream:Master python-oslo.middleware 15.4_py39 - x86_64 1715175713 2 days i04-ch1a:1 x86_64
home:Andreas_Schwab:riscv:python python-networkx standard - riscv64 1714895147 6 days h02-ch2b:14 x86_64
home:joaquinito2051:JoaquinLinux:23.12 kernel-source-vanilla:kernel-vanilla openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1714111635 15 days obs-power8-01:11 ppc64le
home:ftake:branches:M17N mozc:fcitx5 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1713284982 24 days i03-ch2d:7 x86_64
home:ftake:branches:M17N mozc openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1713115163 26 days i04-ch2d:24 x86_64
M17N mozc openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1711224634 about 2 months i01-ch2c:5 x86_64
M17N mozc:fcitx5 openSUSE_Factory_RISCV - riscv64 1710547862 about 2 months i03-ch2b:7 x86_64
home:joaquinito2051:JoaquinLinux:23.12 util-linux:python openSUSE_Tumbleweed - ppc64le 1710486823 about 2 months obs-power8-05:16 ppc64le
Job Time Legend
about 1 hour
about 5 hours

Idle Hosts

608 of 1682 hosts idle.

Host Arch
h02-ch1a:1 x86_64
h02-ch1a:10 x86_64
h02-ch1a:12 x86_64
h02-ch1a:15 x86_64
h02-ch1a:16 x86_64
h02-ch1a:17 x86_64
h02-ch1a:18 x86_64
h02-ch1a:19 x86_64
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h02-ch1a:24 x86_64
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h02-ch1a:5 x86_64
h02-ch1b:1 x86_64
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h02-ch1b:12 x86_64
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h02-ch1b:15 x86_64
h02-ch1b:2 x86_64
h02-ch1b:22 x86_64
h02-ch1b:24 x86_64
h02-ch1b:25 x86_64
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h02-ch1b:28 x86_64
h02-ch1b:4 x86_64
h02-ch1b:6 x86_64
h02-ch1c:1 x86_64
h02-ch1c:10 x86_64
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h02-ch1c:14 x86_64
h02-ch1c:15 x86_64
h02-ch1c:16 x86_64
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h02-ch1c:23 x86_64
h02-ch1c:24 x86_64
h02-ch1c:27 x86_64
h02-ch1c:3 x86_64
h02-ch1c:4 x86_64
h02-ch1c:9 x86_64
h02-ch1d:10 x86_64
h02-ch1d:11 x86_64
h02-ch1d:13 x86_64
h02-ch1d:15 x86_64
h02-ch1d:17 x86_64
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h02-ch1d:28 x86_64
h02-ch1d:4 x86_64
h02-ch1d:5 x86_64
h02-ch1d:7 x86_64
h02-ch2a:1 x86_64
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h02-ch2a:16 x86_64
h02-ch2a:19 x86_64
h02-ch2a:21 x86_64
h02-ch2a:23 x86_64
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h02-ch2a:26 x86_64
h02-ch2a:27 x86_64
h02-ch2a:28 x86_64
h02-ch2a:4 x86_64
h02-ch2a:5 x86_64
h02-ch2a:7 x86_64
h02-ch2a:9 x86_64
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h02-ch2b:10 x86_64
h02-ch2b:12 x86_64
h02-ch2b:15 x86_64
h02-ch2b:17 x86_64
h02-ch2b:2 x86_64
h02-ch2b:20 x86_64
h02-ch2b:23 x86_64
h02-ch2b:24 x86_64
h02-ch2b:26 x86_64
h02-ch2b:28 x86_64
h02-ch2b:3 x86_64
h02-ch2b:5 x86_64
h02-ch2b:9 x86_64
h02-ch2c:10 x86_64
h02-ch2c:13 x86_64
h02-ch2c:14 x86_64
h02-ch2c:17 x86_64
h02-ch2c:18 x86_64
h02-ch2c:2 x86_64
h02-ch2c:20 x86_64
h02-ch2c:21 x86_64
h02-ch2c:22 x86_64
h02-ch2c:23 x86_64
h02-ch2c:24 x86_64
h02-ch2c:26 x86_64
h02-ch2c:7 x86_64
h02-ch2c:8 x86_64
h02-ch2d:12 x86_64
h02-ch2d:15 x86_64
h02-ch2d:16 x86_64
h02-ch2d:17 x86_64
h02-ch2d:19 x86_64
h02-ch2d:2 x86_64
h02-ch2d:20 x86_64
h02-ch2d:22 x86_64
h02-ch2d:24 x86_64
h02-ch2d:25 x86_64
h02-ch2d:26 x86_64
h02-ch2d:3 x86_64
h02-ch2d:6 x86_64
h02-ch2d:9 x86_64
i01-ch1a:1 x86_64
i01-ch1a:2 x86_64
i01-ch1a:4 x86_64
i01-ch1a:5 x86_64
i01-ch1b:5 x86_64
i01-ch1b:6 x86_64
i01-ch1b:8 x86_64
i01-ch1c:1 x86_64
i01-ch1c:3 x86_64
i01-ch1c:6 x86_64
i01-ch1d:1 x86_64
i01-ch1d:3 x86_64
i01-ch1d:5 x86_64
i01-ch1d:8 x86_64
i01-ch2a:10 x86_64
i01-ch2a:13 x86_64
i01-ch2a:14 x86_64
i01-ch2a:15 x86_64
i01-ch2a:16 x86_64
i01-ch2a:17 x86_64
i01-ch2a:19 x86_64
i01-ch2a:2 x86_64
i01-ch2a:20 x86_64
i01-ch2a:25 x86_64
i01-ch2a:26 x86_64
i01-ch2a:3 x86_64
i01-ch2a:6 x86_64
i01-ch2a:7 x86_64
i01-ch2a:8 x86_64
i01-ch2b:10 x86_64
i01-ch2b:11 x86_64
i01-ch2b:12 x86_64
i01-ch2b:15 x86_64
i01-ch2b:16 x86_64
i01-ch2b:2 x86_64
i01-ch2b:20 x86_64
i01-ch2b:23 x86_64
i01-ch2b:25 x86_64
i01-ch2b:26 x86_64
i01-ch2b:27 x86_64
i01-ch2b:28 x86_64
i01-ch2b:3 x86_64
i01-ch2b:8 x86_64
i01-ch2c:1 x86_64
i01-ch2c:11 x86_64
i01-ch2c:15 x86_64
i01-ch2c:17 x86_64
i01-ch2c:20 x86_64
i01-ch2c:21 x86_64
i01-ch2c:22 x86_64
i01-ch2c:26 x86_64
i01-ch2c:28 x86_64
i01-ch2c:3 x86_64
i01-ch2c:4 x86_64
i01-ch2c:6 x86_64
i01-ch2c:7 x86_64
i01-ch2c:8 x86_64
i01-ch2d:11 x86_64
i01-ch2d:13 x86_64
i01-ch2d:17 x86_64
i01-ch2d:18 x86_64
i01-ch2d:19 x86_64
i01-ch2d:20 x86_64
i01-ch2d:21 x86_64
i01-ch2d:22 x86_64
i01-ch2d:24 x86_64
i01-ch2d:25 x86_64
i01-ch2d:26 x86_64
i01-ch2d:3 x86_64
i01-ch2d:4 x86_64
i01-ch2d:7 x86_64
i01-ch2d:9 x86_64
i02-ch1a:11 x86_64
i02-ch1a:13 x86_64
i02-ch1a:14 x86_64
i02-ch1a:16 x86_64
i02-ch1a:18 x86_64
i02-ch1a:19 x86_64
i02-ch1a:2 x86_64
i02-ch1a:20 x86_64
i02-ch1a:21 x86_64
i02-ch1a:22 x86_64
i02-ch1a:23 x86_64
i02-ch1a:24 x86_64
i02-ch1a:27 x86_64
i02-ch1a:6 x86_64
i02-ch1b:12 x86_64
i02-ch1b:14 x86_64
i02-ch1b:16 x86_64
i02-ch1b:20 x86_64
i02-ch1b:21 x86_64
i02-ch1b:23 x86_64
i02-ch1b:24 x86_64
i02-ch1b:26 x86_64
i02-ch1b:27 x86_64
i02-ch1b:28 x86_64
i02-ch1b:5 x86_64
i02-ch1b:6 x86_64
i02-ch1b:8 x86_64
i02-ch1b:9 x86_64
i02-ch1c:1 x86_64
i02-ch1c:11 x86_64
i02-ch1c:14 x86_64
i02-ch1c:15 x86_64
i02-ch1c:16 x86_64
i02-ch1c:18 x86_64
i02-ch1c:19 x86_64
i02-ch1c:2 x86_64
i02-ch1c:22 x86_64
i02-ch1c:25 x86_64
i02-ch1c:26 x86_64
i02-ch1c:27 x86_64
i02-ch1c:28 x86_64
i02-ch1c:3 x86_64
i02-ch1c:5 x86_64
i02-ch1d:10 x86_64
i02-ch1d:11 x86_64
i02-ch1d:14 x86_64
i02-ch1d:15 x86_64
i02-ch1d:17 x86_64
i02-ch1d:18 x86_64
i02-ch1d:19 x86_64
i02-ch1d:2 x86_64
i02-ch1d:20 x86_64
i02-ch1d:22 x86_64
i02-ch1d:24 x86_64
i02-ch1d:25 x86_64
i02-ch1d:5 x86_64
i02-ch1d:6 x86_64
i02-ch2a:1 x86_64
i02-ch2a:12 x86_64
i02-ch2a:14 x86_64
i02-ch2a:15 x86_64
i02-ch2a:16 x86_64
i02-ch2a:18 x86_64
i02-ch2a:19 x86_64
i02-ch2a:2 x86_64
i02-ch2a:21 x86_64
i02-ch2a:23 x86_64
i02-ch2a:24 x86_64
i02-ch2a:5 x86_64
i02-ch2a:6 x86_64
i02-ch2a:9 x86_64
i02-ch2b:10 x86_64
i02-ch2b:11 x86_64
i02-ch2b:12 x86_64
i02-ch2b:13 x86_64
i02-ch2b:18 x86_64
i02-ch2b:2 x86_64
i02-ch2b:21 x86_64
i02-ch2b:22 x86_64
i02-ch2b:24 x86_64
i02-ch2b:25 x86_64
i02-ch2b:27 x86_64
i02-ch2b:28 x86_64
i02-ch2b:7 x86_64
i02-ch2b:9 x86_64
i02-ch2c:1 x86_64
i02-ch2c:10 x86_64
i02-ch2c:13 x86_64
i02-ch2c:14 x86_64
i02-ch2c:19 x86_64
i02-ch2c:20 x86_64
i02-ch2c:23 x86_64
i02-ch2c:26 x86_64
i02-ch2c:28 x86_64
i02-ch2c:3 x86_64
i02-ch2c:4 x86_64
i02-ch2c:5 x86_64
i02-ch2c:8 x86_64
i02-ch2c:9 x86_64
i02-ch2d:1 x86_64
i02-ch2d:15 x86_64
i02-ch2d:17 x86_64
i02-ch2d:18 x86_64
i02-ch2d:20 x86_64
i02-ch2d:21 x86_64
i02-ch2d:22 x86_64
i02-ch2d:26 x86_64
i02-ch2d:28 x86_64
i02-ch2d:3 x86_64
i02-ch2d:5 x86_64
i02-ch2d:6 x86_64
i02-ch2d:7 x86_64
i02-ch2d:8 x86_64
i03-ch1a:1 x86_64
i03-ch1a:15 x86_64
i03-ch1a:16 x86_64
i03-ch1a:19 x86_64
i03-ch1a:20 x86_64
i03-ch1a:21 x86_64
i03-ch1a:25 x86_64
i03-ch1a:26 x86_64
i03-ch1a:28 x86_64
i03-ch1a:3 x86_64
i03-ch1a:4 x86_64
i03-ch1a:5 x86_64
i03-ch1a:8 x86_64
i03-ch1a:9 x86_64
i03-ch1b:1 x86_64
i03-ch1b:11 x86_64
i03-ch1b:14 x86_64
i03-ch1b:18 x86_64
i03-ch1b:20 x86_64
i03-ch1b:22 x86_64
i03-ch1b:23 x86_64
i03-ch1b:25 x86_64
i03-ch1b:26 x86_64
i03-ch1b:3 x86_64
i03-ch1b:4 x86_64
i03-ch1b:7 x86_64
i03-ch1b:8 x86_64
i03-ch1b:9 x86_64
i03-ch1c:1 x86_64
i03-ch1c:12 x86_64
i03-ch1c:13 x86_64
i03-ch1c:16 x86_64
i03-ch1c:19 x86_64
i03-ch1c:2 x86_64
i03-ch1c:21 x86_64
i03-ch1c:24 x86_64
i03-ch1c:26 x86_64
i03-ch1c:27 x86_64
i03-ch1c:28 x86_64
i03-ch1c:3 x86_64
i03-ch1c:7 x86_64
i03-ch1c:8 x86_64
i03-ch1d:1 x86_64
i03-ch1d:15 x86_64
i03-ch1d:16 x86_64
i03-ch1d:18 x86_64
i03-ch1d:19 x86_64
i03-ch1d:20 x86_64
i03-ch1d:21 x86_64
i03-ch1d:22 x86_64
i03-ch1d:25 x86_64
i03-ch1d:27 x86_64
i03-ch1d:28 x86_64
i03-ch1d:3 x86_64
i03-ch1d:5 x86_64
i03-ch1d:7 x86_64
i03-ch2a:1 x86_64
i03-ch2a:12 x86_64
i03-ch2a:13 x86_64
i03-ch2a:16 x86_64
i03-ch2a:17 x86_64
i03-ch2a:18 x86_64
i03-ch2a:19 x86_64
i03-ch2a:2 x86_64
i03-ch2a:22 x86_64
i03-ch2a:28 x86_64
i03-ch2a:4 x86_64
i03-ch2a:5 x86_64
i03-ch2a:6 x86_64
i03-ch2a:9 x86_64
i03-ch2b:1 x86_64
i03-ch2b:11 x86_64
i03-ch2b:13 x86_64
i03-ch2b:15 x86_64
i03-ch2b:16 x86_64
i03-ch2b:17 x86_64
i03-ch2b:19 x86_64
i03-ch2b:2 x86_64
i03-ch2b:20 x86_64
i03-ch2b:23 x86_64
i03-ch2b:25 x86_64
i03-ch2b:26 x86_64
i03-ch2b:27 x86_64
i03-ch2b:8 x86_64
i03-ch2c:10 x86_64
i03-ch2c:12 x86_64
i03-ch2c:16 x86_64
i03-ch2c:18 x86_64
i03-ch2c:19 x86_64
i03-ch2c:2 x86_64
i03-ch2c:21 x86_64
i03-ch2c:22 x86_64
i03-ch2c:25 x86_64
i03-ch2c:26 x86_64
i03-ch2c:28 x86_64
i03-ch2c:4 x86_64
i03-ch2c:7 x86_64
i03-ch2c:8 x86_64
i03-ch2c:9 x86_64
i03-ch2d:13 x86_64
i03-ch2d:15 x86_64
i03-ch2d:16 x86_64
i03-ch2d:18 x86_64
i03-ch2d:2 x86_64
i03-ch2d:20 x86_64
i03-ch2d:21 x86_64
i03-ch2d:23 x86_64
i03-ch2d:25 x86_64
i03-ch2d:26 x86_64
i03-ch2d:3 x86_64
i03-ch2d:4 x86_64
i03-ch2d:6 x86_64
i03-ch2d:8 x86_64
i04-ch1a:14 x86_64
i04-ch1a:16 x86_64
i04-ch1a:17 x86_64
i04-ch1a:18 x86_64
i04-ch1a:2 x86_64
i04-ch1a:20 x86_64
i04-ch1a:22 x86_64
i04-ch1a:24 x86_64
i04-ch1a:25 x86_64
i04-ch1a:26 x86_64
i04-ch1a:27 x86_64
i04-ch1a:3 x86_64
i04-ch1a:4 x86_64
i04-ch1a:5 x86_64
i04-ch1a:9 x86_64
i04-ch1b:1 x86_64
i04-ch1b:11 x86_64
i04-ch1b:12 x86_64
i04-ch1b:14 x86_64
i04-ch1b:15 x86_64
i04-ch1b:17 x86_64
i04-ch1b:18 x86_64
i04-ch1b:19 x86_64
i04-ch1b:20 x86_64
i04-ch1b:24 x86_64
i04-ch1b:25 x86_64
i04-ch1b:27 x86_64
i04-ch1b:5 x86_64
i04-ch1b:8 x86_64
i04-ch1c:1 x86_64
i04-ch1c:10 x86_64
i04-ch1c:12 x86_64
i04-ch1c:15 x86_64
i04-ch1c:16 x86_64
i04-ch1c:19 x86_64
i04-ch1c:2 x86_64
i04-ch1c:20 x86_64
i04-ch1c:21 x86_64
i04-ch1c:22 x86_64
i04-ch1c:26 x86_64
i04-ch1c:3 x86_64
i04-ch1c:8 x86_64
i04-ch1c:9 x86_64
i04-ch1d:11 x86_64
i04-ch1d:12 x86_64
i04-ch1d:13 x86_64
i04-ch1d:15 x86_64
i04-ch1d:16 x86_64
i04-ch1d:17 x86_64
i04-ch1d:20 x86_64
i04-ch1d:22 x86_64
i04-ch1d:23 x86_64
i04-ch1d:27 x86_64
i04-ch1d:28 x86_64
i04-ch1d:3 x86_64
i04-ch1d:4 x86_64
i04-ch1d:8 x86_64
i04-ch2a:15 x86_64
i04-ch2a:17 x86_64
i04-ch2a:18 x86_64
i04-ch2a:20 x86_64
i04-ch2a:23 x86_64
i04-ch2a:25 x86_64
i04-ch2a:26 x86_64
i04-ch2a:28 x86_64
i04-ch2a:3 x86_64
i04-ch2a:5 x86_64
i04-ch2a:6 x86_64
i04-ch2a:7 x86_64
i04-ch2a:8 x86_64
i04-ch2a:9 x86_64
i04-ch2b:10 x86_64
i04-ch2b:14 x86_64
i04-ch2b:15 x86_64
i04-ch2b:16 x86_64
i04-ch2b:17 x86_64
i04-ch2b:18 x86_64
i04-ch2b:2 x86_64
i04-ch2b:22 x86_64
i04-ch2b:23 x86_64
i04-ch2b:24 x86_64
i04-ch2b:4 x86_64
i04-ch2b:6 x86_64
i04-ch2b:8 x86_64
i04-ch2b:9 x86_64
i04-ch2c:10 x86_64
i04-ch2c:11 x86_64
i04-ch2c:12 x86_64
i04-ch2c:13 x86_64
i04-ch2c:14 x86_64
i04-ch2c:16 x86_64
i04-ch2c:18 x86_64
i04-ch2c:20 x86_64
i04-ch2c:23 x86_64
i04-ch2c:24 x86_64
i04-ch2c:26 x86_64
i04-ch2c:3 x86_64
i04-ch2c:4 x86_64
i04-ch2c:6 x86_64
i04-ch2d:1 x86_64
i04-ch2d:12 x86_64
i04-ch2d:17 x86_64
i04-ch2d:18 x86_64
i04-ch2d:19 x86_64
i04-ch2d:21 x86_64
i04-ch2d:25 x86_64
i04-ch2d:27 x86_64
i04-ch2d:3 x86_64
i04-ch2d:5 x86_64
i04-ch2d:6 x86_64
i04-ch2d:7 x86_64
i04-ch2d:8 x86_64
i04-ch2d:9 x86_64
i04-ch3a:1 x86_64
i04-ch3a:3 x86_64
i04-ch3a:4 x86_64
i04-ch3a:7 x86_64
i04-ch3b:2 x86_64
i04-ch3b:5 x86_64
i04-ch3b:6 x86_64
i04-ch3c:1 local
i04-ch3c:10 local
i04-ch3c:2 local
i04-ch3c:3 local
i04-ch3c:5 local
i04-ch3c:6 local
i04-ch3c:7 local
i04-ch3c:8 local
i04-ch3c:9 local
i04-ch3d:1 local
i04-ch3d:10 local
i04-ch3d:2 local
i04-ch3d:3 local
i04-ch3d:4 local
i04-ch3d:6 local
i04-ch3d:7 local
i04-ch3d:8 local
i04-ch3d:9 local
i04-ch4a:1 x86_64
i04-ch4a:12 x86_64
i04-ch4a:15 x86_64
i04-ch4a:17 x86_64
i04-ch4a:18 x86_64
i04-ch4a:20 x86_64
i04-ch4a:21 x86_64
i04-ch4a:23 x86_64
i04-ch4a:25 x86_64
i04-ch4a:28 x86_64
i04-ch4a:4 x86_64
i04-ch4a:6 x86_64
i04-ch4a:7 x86_64
i04-ch4a:9 x86_64
i04-ch4b:1 x86_64
i04-ch4b:11 x86_64
i04-ch4b:12 x86_64
i04-ch4b:13 x86_64
i04-ch4b:14 x86_64
i04-ch4b:19 x86_64
i04-ch4b:20 x86_64
i04-ch4b:21 x86_64
i04-ch4b:23 x86_64
i04-ch4b:28 x86_64
i04-ch4b:3 x86_64
i04-ch4b:5 x86_64
i04-ch4b:6 x86_64
i04-ch4b:7 x86_64
i04-ch4b:8 x86_64
i04-ch4c:1 x86_64
i04-ch4c:11 x86_64
i04-ch4c:12 x86_64
i04-ch4c:15 x86_64
i04-ch4c:16 x86_64
i04-ch4c:17 x86_64
i04-ch4c:19 x86_64
i04-ch4c:2 x86_64
i04-ch4c:24 x86_64
i04-ch4c:26 x86_64
i04-ch4c:28 x86_64
i04-ch4c:5 x86_64
i04-ch4c:6 x86_64
i04-ch4c:7 x86_64
i04-ch4c:8 x86_64
i04-ch4d:1 x86_64
i04-ch4d:10 x86_64
i04-ch4d:13 x86_64
i04-ch4d:16 x86_64
i04-ch4d:19 x86_64
i04-ch4d:20 x86_64
i04-ch4d:21 x86_64
i04-ch4d:27 x86_64
i04-ch4d:28 x86_64
i04-ch4d:3 x86_64
i04-ch4d:4 x86_64
i04-ch4d:5 x86_64
i04-ch4d:7 x86_64
i04-ch4d:8 x86_64
i04-ch4d:9 x86_64
Host Arch Packages in waiting queue Packages in blocked queue Average Job time
aarch64 11715 16777 about 8 hours
aarch64_ilp32 0 0 20 minutes
armv6l 1015 2270 about 4 hours
armv7l 4884 7084 about 5 hours
i586 116 4537 11 minutes
local 0 11 13 minutes
ppc 0 1 21 minutes
ppc64 0 3 22 minutes
ppc64le 2477 7112 33 minutes
riscv64 550 21507 about 4 hours
s390x 4467 24671 about 11 hours
x86_64 1 8918 6 minutes
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