Revisions of bumblebee-status

buildservice-autocommit accepted request 852659 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 32)
baserev update by copy to link target
John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) accepted request 852658 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 31)
- Activate contrib module nvidia-prime
- Add zpool dependency on python-setuptools
- Add octoprint dependencies Pillow-tk and simplejson
- Remove unneeded dependency on python-regex
- Remove macro python_module in Requires and Supplements
- Remove dependencies not in Factory:
  nvidia-smi, pi-hole, twmn and zfs
- Fix dependency dbus -> dbus-1
- Fix broken installation, including adding import_fix.patch to
  restore layout used up until v1.10.4
- Activate test suite
- Restore and expand subpackages, due to many varied dependencies
- Add missing dependencies so installation is reliable
- Re-enable stock module, no longer using deprecated API
- Update to 2.0.5:
  * fixed "spamming" of mouse click events (#668)
  * fixed theme iconset handling (#666)
  * improved spotify (#667)
- Update to 2.0.4:
  New modules:
  * speedtest
  * spotify buttons (#663)
  * fixed CLI commands for sway (#628)
  * re-enabled brightness reading via ACPI
  * improved default location (see #664)
- Update to 2.0.3:
  * fixed #661 - collapsing modules via middle mouse was missing
  * fixed #662 - regression that broke the pulseaudio module
    when using non-english locales
- Obsolute/provide old submodules:
  * bumblebee-status-module-cmus
  * bumblebee-status-module-dnf
  * bumblebee-status-module-mocp
  * bumblebee-status-module-mpd
  * bumblebee-status-module-redshift
- Update to 2.0.2:
  * #660 - fix problems in nic when using wireguard tunnels
- Update to 2.0.1:
  * fixing #658 (regression in shell module)
- Update to 2.0.0:
  * The changes in this release are really too big to list
    it's a rewrite of bumblebee-status, with a focus on greater
	extensibility and better code testing coverage.
	The documentation is much nicer now.
  * This release probably contains numerous bugs and regressions.
- Update to 1.10.4:
  * libvirtvms - thanks to @rriggs-pk / @maxpivo
  * bluetooth2 - thanks to @martindoublem
  * smartstatus - thanks to @martindoublem
  * watson - thanks to @bendardenne
  * added nord-powerline - thanks to @jsy1001
  * i3 output refactoring - thanks to @somospocos
  * added experimental pango support - thanks to @somospocos
  * new tool bumblebee-ctl to trigger mouse events via CLI
  * add option to align scrolling left/right/center
  * cpu2 theme colors - thanks to @somospocos
  * better docker_ps output - thanks to @martindoublem
  * improvements to sun module - thanks to @soykan
  * improvements to sensors2 - thanks to @martindoublem
  * misc small improvements - thanks to @soykan
  * pulseaudio: only start daemon if it's not running already
  * pomodoro: refresh bugfix - thanks to @RomainGehrig
- Update to 1.10.3:
  * Bugfix release to make PIP/PyPI packaging work correctly.
- Changes from 1.10.0:
  New modules:
  * pomodoro (thanks to @martindoublem and @karthink )
  * deezer (thanks to @wwmoraes )
  * battery-upower (thanks to @martindoublem )
  * shell (thanks to @rrhuffy )
  * hddtemp (thanks to @somospocos)
  * layout-xkbswitch (thanks to @somospocos)
  * cpu2 (thanks to @somospocos)
  * braille support (thanks to @somospocos)
  * horizontal/vertical chart support (thanks to @somospocos)
  New themes:
  * dracula-powerline (thanks to @xsteadfastx )
  New features:
  * docker support (thanks to @brianlechthaler )
  * spotify is now scrollable (thanks to @joshbarrass )
  * pip module! (thanks to @tony )
  Bugfixes and improvements:
  * deadbeef improvements (thanks to @joshbarrass )
  * zfs improvements (thanks to @Ninpo )
  * vpn improvements (thanks to Stijn van Campenhout)
  * timezone handling improvements (thanks to @cphyc )
  * cpu improvements (thanks to Ivan Chinenov)
  * bluetooth improvements (thanks to @piyueh )
  * mpd improvements (thanks to @somospocos)
  * weather improvements (thanks to @CPrompt )
  * battery improvements (@hoamer )
  * apt improvements (thanks to Piotr Piorkowski)
  * pacman module improvements
- Remove subpackages: there are too many modules in bumblebee-status
  adding each as a subpackage will become a chore and the package will
  never get updated by anybody
- Ensure summaries are noun phrases
- Update to 1.6.1
  * traffic: Hide down interfaces
  * nic: Add output format parameter
  * new theme "greyish-powerline"
  * new module "taskwarrior"
  * fix: brightness: Return format fix
  * fix: theme engine: Remove unneeded YAML dependency
  * fix: general: Removed typos
  * fix: battery: Better error handling
  * fix: getcrypto: Handle downtime of crypto service
  * fix: datetime: Fallback to en_US formatting
  * fix: memory: Fixes to percentage calculation
- package some modules separately (more can be done, this is a
- cleanup with spec-cleaner
- Update to 1.6.0
  * redshift module now updates in the background and no longer
    blocks the bar
  * Awesome fonts in the theme can now be referenced by name
    (using ${})
  * Add generic mechanism for slow updates, and apply it to
    various modules
  * Update stock widget only every hour
- remove broken stock integration with deprecated Yahoo API
- Do not ship pacman module, as it's only relevant on Arch linux
- update use-python-3.patch
  * fix warning about /usr/bin/env breaking dependency detection
    for python 3
- update to 1.5.1
  * it was always logging messages to stderr (even when -d was
    not specified), which end up in ~/.xsession-errors and consume
    a lot of disk very quickly.
  * Introduces two "special" log file names, stdout and stderr.
- includes 1.5.0 (Theme support extension release)
  * Add support for pywal in themes: Add a "colors" instruction
    and then simply use names for your pywal colors (see the
    wal-powerline.json themes for examples)
  * Themes can now be stored outside the repository structure
    (i.e. in ~/.config/bumblebee-status/themes/). Themes will be
    merged, so it is also possible to partially overwrite theme
    instructions by placing partial JSON files in this directory,
    with the same name as the main theme (for example, anything
    you write into ~/.config/bumblebee-status/themes/powerline.json
    will overwrite the default powerline theme settings).
  * 4 new modules
    - rotation: Cycle through display orientations
    - hipchat: Show number of unread hipchat messages
    - uptime: Show current uptime
    - zpool: Show zpool (ZFS) information
  * new theme: "sac_red"
- remove remove-invalid-shebang.patch
  * merged in 9c52624ecb12adf6b3bcc3021feb7a0747ea179e
- Ensure neutrality of description.
- introduce package at 1.4.4 
- 2 patches:
  * remove-invalid-shebang.patch: removes shebang from non-executable
    library code
  * use-python-3.patch: force this package to use python 3, as python
    2 is still the default for openSUSE.
John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) accepted request 852451 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 30)
- Remove dependencies not in Factory:
  nvidia-smi, pi-hole, twmn, xkb-switch and zfs
John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) accepted request 822109 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 29)
- Fix dependency dbus -> dbus-1
John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) accepted request 821632 from John Vandenberg's avatar John Vandenberg (jayvdb) (revision 28)
- Fix broken installation, including adding import_fix.patch to
  restore layout used up until v1.10.4
- Activate test suite
- Restore and expand subpackages, due to many varied dependencies
- Add missing dependencies so installation is reliable
- Re-enable stock module, no longer using deprecated API
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 817901 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 27)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 26)
- Update to 2.0.5:
  * fixed "spamming" of mouse click events (#668)
  * fixed theme iconset handling (#666)
  * improved spotify (#667)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 817610 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 25)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 24)
- Update to 2.0.4:
  New modules:
  * speedtest
  * spotify buttons (#663)
  * fixed CLI commands for sway (#628)
  * re-enabled brightness reading via ACPI
  * improved default location (see #664)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 816965 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 23)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 22)
- Update to 2.0.3:
  * fixed #661 - collapsing modules via middle mouse was missing
  * fixed #662 - regression that broke the pulseaudio module
    when using non-english locales
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 816535 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 21)
baserev update by copy to link target
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 20)
- Obsolute/provide old submodules:
  * bumblebee-status-module-cmus
  * bumblebee-status-module-dnf
  * bumblebee-status-module-mocp
  * bumblebee-status-module-mpd
  * bumblebee-status-module-redshift

- Update to 2.0.2:
  * #660 - fix problems in nic when using wireguard tunnels
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) committed (revision 19)
- Update to 2.0.1:
  * fixing #658 (regression in shell module)

- Update to 2.0.0:
  * The changes in this release are really too big to list
    it's a rewrite of bumblebee-status, with a focus on greater
	extensibility and better code testing coverage.
	The documentation is much nicer now.
  * This release probably contains numerous bugs and regressions.
Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) accepted request 808142 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 18)
- Update to 1.10.4:
  * libvirtvms - thanks to @rriggs-pk / @maxpivo
  * bluetooth2 - thanks to @martindoublem
  * smartstatus - thanks to @martindoublem
  * watson - thanks to @bendardenne
  * added nord-powerline - thanks to @jsy1001
  * i3 output refactoring - thanks to @somospocos
  * added experimental pango support - thanks to @somospocos
  * new tool bumblebee-ctl to trigger mouse events via CLI
  * add option to align scrolling left/right/center
  * cpu2 theme colors - thanks to @somospocos
  * better docker_ps output - thanks to @martindoublem
  * improvements to sun module - thanks to @soykan
  * improvements to sensors2 - thanks to @martindoublem
  * misc small improvements - thanks to @soykan
  * pulseaudio: only start daemon if it's not running already
  * pomodoro: refresh bugfix - thanks to @RomainGehrig
Ondřej Súkup's avatar Ondřej Súkup (mimi_vx) accepted request 790092 from Michael Vetter's avatar Michael Vetter (jubalh) (revision 17)
- Update to 1.10.3:
  * Bugfix release to make PIP/PyPI packaging work correctly.
- Changes from 1.10.0:
  New modules:
  * pomodoro (thanks to @martindoublem and @karthink )
  * deezer (thanks to @wwmoraes )
  * battery-upower (thanks to @martindoublem )
  * shell (thanks to @rrhuffy )
  * hddtemp (thanks to @somospocos)
  * layout-xkbswitch (thanks to @somospocos)
  * cpu2 (thanks to @somospocos)
  * braille support (thanks to @somospocos)
  * horizontal/vertical chart support (thanks to @somospocos)
  New themes:
  * dracula-powerline (thanks to @xsteadfastx )
  New features:
  * docker support (thanks to @brianlechthaler )
  * spotify is now scrollable (thanks to @joshbarrass )
  * pip module! (thanks to @tony )
  Bugfixes and improvements:
  * deadbeef improvements (thanks to @joshbarrass )
  * zfs improvements (thanks to @Ninpo )
  * vpn improvements (thanks to Stijn van Campenhout)
  * timezone handling improvements (thanks to @cphyc )
  * cpu improvements (thanks to Ivan Chinenov)
  * bluetooth improvements (thanks to @piyueh )
  * mpd improvements (thanks to @somospocos)
  * weather improvements (thanks to @CPrompt )
  * battery improvements (@hoamer )
  * apt improvements (thanks to Piotr Piorkowski)
buildservice-autocommit accepted request 597602 from Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) (revision 16)
baserev update by copy to link target
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) committed (revision 15)
Fix requires for mpc
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) accepted request 597454 from Jan Engelhardt's avatar Jan Engelhardt (jengelh) (revision 14)
- Ensure summaries are noun phrases
Avindra Goolcharan's avatar Avindra Goolcharan (avindra) committed (revision 13)
fix summaries (copy pasta laziness)
Displaying revisions 21 - 40 of 52
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