Modern web browser

Edit Package falkon

Falkon is a web browser designed to well integrate with all
common Linux desktops like GNOME and KDE Plasma.
It supports current web standards and comes with many features,
such as an integrated ad blocker.

It was previously known as QupZilla.

Source Files (show merged sources derived from linked package)
Filename Size Changed
applications.keyring 0000005710 5.58 KB
falkon-24.12.2.tar.xz 0002654508 2.53 MB
falkon-24.12.2.tar.xz.sig 0000000833 833 Bytes
falkon.changes 0000023658 23.1 KB
falkon.spec 0000004703 4.59 KB
Comments 2

Bruno Pitrus's avatar

Please fix the requirements to make falkon-kde coinstallable with plasma-nm6 from Vogtinator's repo

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