
Request 231882 superseded

- make /var/run and /var/lock just ghost entries and create them
if they do not exist at all and rely on dracut hooks to
actually replace directories with symlinks there (bnc#874748)

- add vscan user to ignore home list

- change /sys to mode 0555 (bnc#871640)

- make /var/lock a symlink to /run/lock (bnc#867873)

- use lazy umount

- use os.execute("umount ...") instead of posix.umount("...")

- change pre to pretrans for directory/symlink conversion

- drop /var/lib/pam_devperm (bnc#866234)

- replace /var/run by symlink to /run
- try to handle case where /var/run is a bind-mount
- extend lua script in preinstall to handle this transition
- bnc#865893

Request History
Dr. Werner Fink's avatar

WernerFink created request

- make /var/run and /var/lock just ghost entries and create them
if they do not exist at all and rely on dracut hooks to
actually replace directories with symlinks there (bnc#874748)

- add vscan user to ignore home list

- change /sys to mode 0555 (bnc#871640)

- make /var/lock a symlink to /run/lock (bnc#867873)

- use lazy umount

- use os.execute("umount ...") instead of posix.umount("...")

- change pre to pretrans for directory/symlink conversion

- drop /var/lib/pam_devperm (bnc#866234)

- replace /var/run by symlink to /run
- try to handle case where /var/run is a bind-mount
- extend lua script in preinstall to handle this transition
- bnc#865893

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

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Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto accepted review

Check script succeeded

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Pick Staging Project

Factory Auto's avatar

factory-auto added a reviewer

Please review build success

Saul Goodman's avatar

licensedigger accepted review

{"approve": "license and version number unchanged: MACRO"}

Stephan Kulow's avatar

coolo declined request

we're still not there yet - lnussel is adopting rpmlint to error on http://lists.opensuse.org/opensuse-packaging/2014-04/msg00046.html

but till these are fixed, we can't switch off /var/run ;(

Ludwig Nussel's avatar

lnussel superseded request

superseded by 246790

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