
Request 919729 superseded

- Update to 4.14.7
* smbd panic on force-close share during offload write; (bso#14769);
* smbd should support copy_file_range() for FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK;
* Fix returned attributes on fake quota file handle and avoid hitting
the VFS; (bso#14731);
* vfs_shadow_copy2 fix inodes not correctly updating inode numbers;
* Fix build on Solaris; (bso#14774);
* Make dos attributes available for unreadable files; (bso#14654);
* Work around special SMB2 READ response behavior of NetApp Ontap
7.3.7; (bso#14607);
* Start the SMB encryption as soon as possible; (bso#14793);

Request History
Samuel Cabrero's avatar

scabrero created request

- Update to 4.14.7
* smbd panic on force-close share during offload write; (bso#14769);
* smbd should support copy_file_range() for FSCTL_SRV_COPYCHUNK;
* Fix returned attributes on fake quota file handle and avoid hitting
the VFS; (bso#14731);
* vfs_shadow_copy2 fix inodes not correctly updating inode numbers;
* Fix build on Solaris; (bso#14774);
* Make dos attributes available for unreadable files; (bso#14654);
* Work around special SMB2 READ response behavior of NetApp Ontap
7.3.7; (bso#14607);
* Start the SMB encryption as soon as possible; (bso#14793);

Samuel Cabrero's avatar

scabrero superseded request

Superseded by 4.15 release

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