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Fridrich Strba


Involved Projects and Packages
Maintainer Bugowner


Maintainer Bugowner



Java top level namespace. This projects is for defining the Java namespace maintainers only. It does not build packages.


Project for repackaged Java binaries

Maintainer Bugowner

The packages here are used for publishing to openSUSE:Factory.
They are also used for curious user to test latest and greatest features available in the OpenJDK world.

Maintainer Bugowner

This is the Java:packages project. Its main purpose is to serve as development
project for packages around the topic of Java in the openSUSE:Factory

This project also provides *unofficial* backports of newest packages to
current latest openSUSE release. The packages are *not* tested and might
randomly break

An extremely fast implementation of Aho Corasick algorithm based on Double Array Trie.


Akka is a toolkit and run-time for building highly concurrent,
distributed, and fault tolerant event-driven applications on
the JVM.

The Antlr Plugin has two goals:
- antlr:generate Generates file(s) to a target directory based on grammar
- antlr:html Generates Antlr report for grammar file(s).


Java run-time support for ANTLR-generated parsers

Maintainer Bugowner

An implementation of standard interfaces and abstract classes for
javax.servlet.jsp.el which is part of the JSP 2.0 specification.

Apache Commons Imaging (previously Sanselan) is a pure-Java image library.

An archive which contains templates for generating the necessary license files
and notices for all Apache releases.


Apache SSHD is a 100% pure java library to support the SSH protocols on both
the client and server side.

A set of strongly-typed assertions to use for unit testing
(either with JUnit or TestNG).


The Auto sub-projects are a collection of code generators
that automate those types of tasks.

This package contains Bean Validation (JSR-349) API.


Berkeleylm is a library for estimating storing large n-gram language models in
memory and accessing them efficiently. It is described in

This mojo is designed to get a unique build number for each time you build
your project. So while your version may remain constant at 1.0-SNAPSHOT
for many iterations until release, you will have a build number that can
uniquely identify each build during that time. The build number is obtained
from scm, and in particular, at this time, from svn. You can then place that
build number in metadata, which can be accessed from your app, if desired.

The mojo also has a couple of extra functions to ensure you get the proper
build number. First, your local repository is checked to make sure it is
up to date. Second, your local repository is automatically updated, so that
you get the latest build number. Both these functions can be suppressed,
if desired.

Optionally, you can configure this mojo to produce a revision based on a
timestamp, or on a sequence, without requiring any interaction with an
SCM system. Note that currently, the only supported SCM is subversion.

A Catalan part-of-speech (POS) dictionary as a Morfologik binary

This package contains the parent pom file for codehaus projects.

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